Chapter 1684 Life and death pill workshop and sacred forge workshop 3

“Kill, you can’t let them escape, chase and kill!”

The disciples of the two major forces fled madly into the distance. In the rear, Queen Huoyun and the clan elders shouted with excitement.


In the sky, the fire skylark flew, and the fire rain fell towards the position below.

“You two forces still want to escape?”

Wang Xian looked at the two half-step longevity strong men who turned around and wanted to escape, as well as the owners of the two major forces, with a cold expression on his face.

“Ten thousand li dragon body!”

“Shenlong wagging its tail!”

The last two forms of strengthening the body are directly displayed.

In an instant, Wang Xian’s size reached the terrifying point of fifteen kilometers in radius.

A radius of fifteen kilometers, that is, fifteen kilometers.

The highest mountain on the earth is less than nine kilometers away. If Wangxian returns to the earth, he can easily hit Mount Everest by relying only on his body.

It’s such a horror!


The huge body was horizontal, giving everyone around him a shocked look.

Fifteen thousand meters, what kind of monster is this fucking? What Dharma?

However, what horrified everyone in the two major forces was that these 5,000-meter-long terrifying creatures suddenly appeared ten kilometers in front of them.

The huge dragon head, the cold and majestic dragon eyes stared at them all.

The hearts of all the strong and disciples of the two major forces were chilled.

“What? Teleportation, this… how is this possible? Isn’t he a half-step longevity strong?”

“Movement, this creature can move instantaneously, it’s terrifying!”

“Don’t be afraid, everyone, he only has the strength of a half-step longevity. To kill, everyone uses all their power to kill!”

Wang Xian’s teleportation, a frightening body of 15,000 meters appeared in front of the disciples of the two major forces, making all of them look shocked.

Immediately following, a group of half-step Wanshou and the elders of the two major forces gritted their teeth and shouted at everyone.

The eyes of the remaining 100,000 people showed a desperate look.


“Kill out!”

Everyone roared, and nearly 100,000 magical powers leaned towards Wang Xian.

That terrifying energy directly and completely drowned.

“No, kill, kill, support the Prince!”

All the strong people of the Fire Skylark clan in the rear roared loudly.

Attacks one after another immediately moved towards the two major forces fleeing.

“Try the strongest defense, the yin-yang and five-element bowl that has never been used!”

Wang Xian watched all the attacks coming, without the slightest panic.

His figure shook, and the yin and yang tai chi pattern appeared in front of him, which was different from the yin and yang pattern.

The positions of the black and white dots are replaced by the Dark Dragon and the Light Dragon.

Around the picture, the Five Elements Dragon is entrenched.

The strongest defense, Yin Yang and Five Elements Bowl appeared around Wang Xian, completely blocking it.

“Boom boom boom!”

The dense attacks fell on Wang Xian, and the sea of ​​energy directly covered it.

Feeling the fluctuation of the Yin and Yang Five Elements Bowl, Wang Xian smiled.

“Prince Prince!”

Behind, there was a worried figure from the Fire Skylark clan.


Wang Xian raised his head, and a screaming dragon screamed, directly dissipating the surrounding energy.

The intact body appeared in front of everyone.


“How can this be?”

“Is he a strong man at the Wanshou level?”

Seeing that there was no trace of wounds on Wang Xian’s body, the faces of the disciples of the two major forces showed extremely embarrassed expressions.


At this moment, Wang Xian swayed his huge tail and swept toward the front of nearly 100,000 people.

“Dodge, avoid!”

There was a panicking voice, and the disciples of the two major forces quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

“Kill, the prince stopped them, let’s kill!”

But at this moment, all the strong men of the Fire Skylark clan had already pursued them.

A series of attacks fell on them, and in an instant, 100,000 people completely dispersed.

Among them, one-third of the people fell directly under the attack of the fire skylark and other strong men.

On the ground, the corpse fell down like dumplings.

With a sneer on Wang Xian’s face, he hunted and killed a half-step longevity strongman.

“Puff, I’m not reconciled, I am the master of the hallowed sacred forge, the hall master is not reconciled, the devil, you rebellious villain, I curse you not to die!”

At this moment, a miserable sound covered all the sounds.

Everyone was slightly surprised, and quickly looked into the sky.

“Jiejie, you are a dead person, curse me not to die well, I’m really scared!”

Mosha’s mocking laughter sounded.

“Puff puff!”

The voice of vomiting blood came again, but this time it was the pale medicine owner.

He instantly took out a crystal that seemed to have a world from his mouth, and the crystal exuded a faint accumulation of energy.

He put it directly in his mouth.

“Space, teleport!”

He roared, his face flushed extremely, tearing open the suppression of each domain, and disappearing directly.

“Huh? Let the medicine owner escape?”

Mosha’s dissatisfaction sounded.

At the same time, in the sky, a corpse fell towards the position below.

“That is…”

“The corpse, yes… yes…”

The trembling voice came from the mouths of the disciples of the two major forces, especially the disciples of the Sacred Artifact Forge.

They looked at the familiar figure, and at this moment they fell lifelessly from a height of tens of thousands of meters toward the bottom, each with a shocked expression.

Falling down, there is a longevity-level strong man who has fallen.

This is the top powerhouse on the continent, and is called a demigod existence.

A terrifying powerhouse with a lifespan of ten thousand years!

Now, it has fallen!


The corpse fell heavily on the ground, hitting everyone’s hearts.

Everyone in the Relic Forging Workshop trembled violently.

It’s over, it’s over!

Their Relic Forge is completely finished this time.

The owner of the device is killed, and what awaits them is perish.

All the strong men and disciples of the Relic Forge were desperate.


The eyes of all the disciples in the Pill of Life and Death Medicine Workshop were blood red, burning all their strength and even their lives, scattered and fleeing towards the surroundings.


The two major forces second only to the empire level completely collapsed.

“The master is dead, run away!”

All the people in the Relic Forge ran away in despair.

But there are a few who can escape!

“Haha, we won, we won!”

“The ancestors are mighty, the princes are mighty, hurry up, don’t let them go, don’t let them all run away!”

The death of the device owner was a great excitement for everyone in the Fire Skylark clan.

Once a longevity man dies, it means that they won the war.

This is full of smiles and joy on the faces of all the people of Fire Skylark who have been suppressed for more than a year!

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