Chapter 1686 Longevity Level Power (1)

“Walk away and pass the news to our family immediately!”

“Quickly, pass the news here to the emperor!”

“The Fire Skylark clan actually wiped out more than 2,000 people from the Holy Fire clan, this…”

“This time the holy fire clan completely wants to stay out of the matter and don’t want to help the fire skylark clan. It is not unexpected that the fire skylark will destroy it. We will go back immediately!”

In the sky around the Huoyun Mountain Range, the scouts hidden in the surroundings saw Wang Xian and the fire skylark clan powerhouse flying in the direction of the two major forces, and said immediately.

The Pill of Life and Death and the Sacred Forge are now defeated, and the owner of the device has directly fallen, and the Sacred Forge can be determined to be completely finished.

For a force that has been destroyed, their family and sect can also get some benefits from it.

For example, the shops of the sacred forging workshops, at this time they can completely swallow them without hesitation.

“Prince Prince, where shall we go first?”

Feng Yun and the Dongxu strongman of the Huoyunque clan followed behind him and asked him.

“I’ll take the magic brake to the Heavenly Medicine Valley. If you want, go to the Qifeng of the Relic Forge, we will gather at the Life and Death Medicine Garden!”

Wang Xian said towards Feng Yun.

“Okay, let’s go to Qifeng first!”

Feng Yun nodded.

“Devil Scales, you follow everyone in the Fire Skylark clan!”

Mosha commanded to the devil scale.

“It’s the devil!”

Devil Scale nodded.

“let’s go!”

Wang Xian looked at the magic brake and said directly.

“Good demon boss, I will take you to teleport!”

Mocha smiled and nodded, with an aura, leading Wang Xian to teleport directly to a place one hundred and fifty kilometers away.

A strong man in the realm of longevity, how large the area covered by the domain, can teleport directly within his domain.

If you use teleport to hurry, you need to transfer domain perception, and you can achieve an instant in ten seconds.

Of course, if you are in a fixed area, you can move instantaneously without restriction.

However, there will be domain suppression in the confrontation between longevity and strong. In this domain, it is difficult for the weak to move instantaneously.

With the magic brake, their speed is very terrifying, and the distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers can be reached in less than half an hour.

“Boss Demon, the front convenience is Tianyao Valley, Tsk Tsk, I heard that there are densely packed spirit grasses in it!”

“Now their formation is open, if you want to break it, it will take some time!”

When he came to the side of the Heavenly Medicine Valley, the magic brake stared at the valley surrounded by ten peaks with some shining eyes.

The surroundings of the valley were already surrounded by formations. If he wanted to defeat the Wanshou-level formations, it would take at least several hours.

“Break the formation!”

Wang Xian said directly to the magic brake.

The formation in the Heavenly Medicine Valley is in an attacking formation, as long as it is close, it will be attacked.

He cannot enter directly inside.

“Jiejie, good, boss demon, leave it to me!”

With a cry, the Demon Shaguai moved directly to the sky above the Heavenly Medicine Valley.


A devilish energy covering the sky and sun covered the entire Heavenly Medicine Valley.

“what’s going on?”

“No, someone is attacking our valley outside!”

In the Tianyao Valley, a half-step longevity expert and five Dongxu ninth orders inside felt the shock of the formation outside, and their faces showed shocked expressions.

They raised their heads and looked up to the sky, looking at the devilish magic brake, with a look of horror on their faces.

“Wangshou strong, there is a Wanshou strong attacking our Heavenly Medicine Valley!”

“Quickly, contact the medicine owner immediately, the formation is enough to support the arrival of our medicine owner!”

Inside the Tianyao Valley, the people inside said with embarrassment.

“Jiejie, don’t think that the medicine owner is here, now he can’t even protect himself, you inside, immediately open the formation, I can bypass you!”

“If you don’t open it, wait for me to go in, I will make you unhappy!”

At this moment, the voice of the magic brake came from the position above.

His words changed the expressions of everyone in the Heavenly Medicine Valley.

“He is lying to us, we can’t open the formation!”

“Yes, he must be lying to us!”

The people in Tianyao Valley didn’t believe that this was one of the two most important medicine gardens in their Life and Death Pills.

They were able to stay here, and they were also diehard loyalists of the Life and Death Pill Workshop, and it was impossible to open the formation just because of a word from the magic brake.

They immediately reported the situation here to the owner.

However, what frightened them was that more than an hour had passed since the information was transmitted without the slightest sound.

Mosha didn’t continue to say anything. With his strength, he could open it in five or six hours.

Wang Xian stood by and watched quietly, looking at the entire Tianyao Valley, his eyes filled with blazing heat.

His current dragon energy and the resources in the Heavenly Medicine Valley are enough for him to ascend to the sixth rank of the hole.

In addition, at least sixty to seventy percent of the dragon energy can be accumulated for the seventh step of Dongxu.

If the Medicinal Garden of Life and Death was also captured, Wang Xian guessed that he should be able to ascend to the eighth rank of Dongxu.

At the eighth rank of the hole, he will possess the strength of the third rank of Wanshou.

It’s definitely a wave of fat!

Time slowly passed, and everyone in the Heavenly Medicine Valley was filled with cold sweat and panic on their foreheads.

They anxiously await the rescue of the medicine owner.

It is a pity that nowadays the drug owner cannot protect himself.


More than five hours passed, and the longevity-level formation was shattered.

“Jie Jie Jie, a lot of spirit grass, Jie Jie!”

An excited voice came from Mocha’s mouth. He stared at the powerhouses in the Life and Death Medicine Workshop and waved his arm.


The terrifying Black Flame directly beheaded everyone directly.

“Longevity level spirit tree, tusk, tusk!”

Mosha scanned the entire medicine garden with some excitement, his eyes gleaming, his eyes full of greed.

“The demon boss, the formation is open!”

However, greed did not make Mosha lose his mind.

He is now a younger brother.

Wang Xian moved his body and put the corpse inside into the space ring. Following closely, Wang Xian flew towards the attribute medicine garden one by one.

“You are guarding outside!”

Wang Xian said toward the magic brake, and began to harvest spiritual grasses quickly.

The magic brake can only stand in the sky with greedy eyes.

If these spirit grasses were given to him, he would also be able to break through to the second rank of Wanshou.

“I have improved my strength first, and when I reach the realm of longevity, I can be regarded as embarking on the path of being the strongest on the Transcendent Continent!”

With a wave of Wang Xian’s arm, he swallowed the spirit grass directly into his abdomen.

There is a magic brake guarding him, he has no scruples at all.

Dragon Qi is increasing at a terrifying speed.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for the breakthrough in level, because you have realized that the yin and yang polarities are the strongest way of light and darkness, and the yin and yang polarities are further strengthened and dragon claws are strengthened!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, the yin and yang poles strengthen the dragon claw, and the dragon kingdom in the palm is strengthened!”

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