Dang, dang, dang - the mighty bell sounded like the sound of heaven, resounding throughout the Tongtian Sword Sect, sweeping millions of miles away.

Thirty-six sword cities and seventy-two sword sects all heard it.

When the millions of monks under the jurisdiction of the Tongtian Sword Sect heard the shocking bell, they all turned their attention to one direction in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory.

This direction is exactly the direction of the Lingxu Sword Tomb, one of the ten most forbidden places in the Southern Wilderness.

After they heard the six bells ringing, some old people's expressions changed and their pupils shrank, as if they thought of something in the past that they should not recall.

But when they thought of Tongtian Sword Sect, they quickly regained their composure.

Tongtian Sword Sect is the holy land of swordsmanship and the number one force within millions of miles. The Tongtian Sword Sect is here and will protect them.

In Thirty-six Sword City and Fengyun Sword City.

Ye Lingzhan stood on the main wall of the city and said quietly:"A hundred years have passed. Will the demons from the Lingxu Sword Tomb come out to cause trouble again? I don't know what happened to Hao'er in the Tongtian Sword Sect. He has been gone for so long. No reply to the letter either"....

When Ye Hao was flying towards Tongtian Peak, he seemed to sense something and stopped in mid-air, looking back unexpectedly.

"Father should have broken through to the Sword Emperor."Ye Hao said quietly, then accelerated and flew forward.

On the way, many core disciples greeted him and became familiar with him.

Soon, Ye Hao arrived at Tongtian Peak.

There were already hundreds of meters of core disciples here When they arrived, they stood outside the meeting hall.

Ye Hao flashed and landed on Tongtian Peak Square. After a quick glance, he came to Qin Yao. The only person he could be considered acquainted with was Qin Yao..

Qin Yao saw Ye Hao coming and said,"Junior brother, here we are.

Ye Hao nodded slightly, and then asked:"What happened to senior sister? Why did the Tongtian bell ring six times?""

Qin Yao said:"It's because of the Lingxu Sword Tomb."

Ye Hao happened to have seen the forbidden area of the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory. He thought about it and finally understood the reason.

A demon disaster will break out in the Lingxu Sword Tomb within a hundred years, and the core disciples in the sect will go out to suppress the demons. Eradicating evil spirits is one of the tasks that the core disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect must do.

"Oh okay, I know."Ye Hao looked at the meeting hall of the Tongtian Sword Sect. The entire meeting hall exuded the sword intent of the sky. Above the meeting hall, there was a sword light that shot straight into the sky and reached the sky. The whole hall was colorful and auspicious. Layers upon layers, it looked sacred and inviolable.


The door of the meeting hall opened

, followed by the elders of the major swordsmen, who stood in front of the door and looked around the room.

He glanced at it and said,"The core disciples who have not arrived today will be transferred to the Thirty-six Sword City and the Seventy-two Sword Sect as law enforcement elders.

As for the core disciples who are performing tasks outside, they will put down their tasks from now on and go directly to Lingxu Sword Tomb Town.

If you have not killed ten thousand demons, you will never be allowed to return to the sect.


With one sentence, the core disciples who were not present were directly released.

The domineering power of the sect leader was fully revealed.

The voice of a sword master can be heard for millions of miles.

The core disciples who are training outside the Tongtian Sword Sect heard the sect leader's voice. After hearing the voice, he immediately put down his tasks and headed to the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

From this moment on, the core disciples who were not present became the outside law enforcement elders, almost equivalent to the abandoned sons of Tongtian Sword Sect. The training resources of the Seventy-Two Sword Sect are not comparable to those of the Holy Land of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Without sufficient training resources, it can be said that some new disciples who have started in a hundred years have not expected that the sect leader is so decisive. I thought about continuing to retreat. If I didn't come, I would be expelled from the Tongtian Sword Sect. Fortunately, I heard the words of the old core disciple and escaped.

The powerful voice of the sect leader sounded:"The hundred years have come, Lingxu. A chaos of demons will break out in the Sword Tomb. All disciples of my Tongtian Sword Sect whose cultivation level is lower than that of the Sword Sect must go to the Lingxu Sword Tomb to suppress the demons. Points can be obtained by slaying demons of different levels, and the points can be exchanged for sect contribution points. , and the contribution points are doubled"

"Long live the lord!"

"The master is wise and powerful!"

"Sect Master, we will fulfill our mission!"

"Suppressing demons is our ambition"

"Demons and evil spirits must be found and punished by everyone!"

"For the sake of the sect master, for the contribution points..."

After hearing the sect leader's words, the core disciples present cheered and jumped.

Kill monsters to gain contribution points, and your contribution points will be doubled.

How could they be unhappy!

Contribution points are of great use in Tongtian Sword Sect and are closely related to practice.

Contribution points can be exchanged for elixirs to improve cultivation, swords, sword skills, and exercises.

In short, the sect's contribution points are omnipotent in Tongtian Sword Sect.

The sect master looked at the disciples below, showed a gratified smile, and thought to himself,"The core disciples of this year are sensible, and they are not as difficult to lead as the core disciples of the previous two groups."

After a knowing smile, the sect master said,"Surely, I still I have something to talk about."

For a moment, everyone became quiet.

Ye Hao waited for what the leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect would say.

The sect master said,"Before you go to the Lingxu Sword Tomb, there is another bad person who has disappeared to tell you that the demon riot in the Lingxu Sword Tomb this time is extremely serious, the kind that only happens once in a thousand years. This time, it is not just your core disciples who are going to do it." Go, the inner disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect who are above the Sword King level will all go to work with you to suppress the demons.

And this time, in addition to our Tongtian Sword Sect going to the Lingxu Sword Tomb to suppress the demons, the Tai Chi of the Southern Wilderness Sword Region will also go there. Holy Land, Qiankun Holy Land will also go there.

You are members of Tongtian Sword Sect, and you must give Tongtian Sword Sect a voice. You must not be worse than them when it comes to suppressing demons. Do you understand?"

"Disciple understands!"

"Our Tongtian Sword Sect will never lose to others!"

"For the sake of the Tongtian Sword Sect, for the sake of the sect master, I will kill the demons!"

This time we not only have to kill the demons, but also the three holy land disciples are competing against each other.

The Tongtian Sword Sect is the first swordsman holy land in the Southern Wilderness Sword Region, and is the head of a sect with two sects, three sects and four aristocratic families.

The disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect are: They are proud of their status as disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

They must not lose to the other two holy places in this event.

Seeing their excitement and enthusiasm, the sect leader said with a smile:"Very good." , You are worthy of being a disciple of my Tongtian Sword Sect, and this sect master will be waiting for your triumphant return at Tongtian Peak to celebrate your victory!"

"Sect Master, don’t worry, I, Jiang Chen, will fulfill my mission!"

"Sect Master, don’t worry, I, Zhong Chen, will definitely embarrass the Jian Sect."

"Sect Master, don’t worry, I, Lin Tian...."

One by one, the core disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect issued military orders to express their determination.

Ye Hao also hurriedly shouted a few words.

Now he has integrated into the atmosphere of Tongtian Sword Sect and has the idea of becoming the saint son of Tongtian Sword Sect.

"Activate the Tongtian Warship, and invite me, a disciple of the Tongtian Sword Sect, to board the ship."The sect leader shouted loudly, and saw more than a dozen huge warships emerging from the void.

Many core disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect boarded the ship one after another, followed closely by Ye Hao.

When he was about to board the ship, the sect leader suddenly Jian stopped him:"Ye Hao, come here, this sect master has something to tell you."

Ye Hao walked over, cupped his hands and said,"I have met the sect master, but I don't know what the sect master wants from me."

The sect master said:"Ye Hao, you are the number one genius since the founding of our Tongtian Sword Sect.

If it were not for the great righteousness, this sect master really does not want you to go to Lingxu Sword Tomb, but you are the future of our Tongtian Sword Sect.

Holy Son, as a Holy Son, you should set the example of the Holy Son.

Even the elders of the major swordsmen in the sect told me not to let you go, but it’s not possible.

The disciples of the sect are throwing their heads and blood outside.

But I am alone in the Holy Land enjoying the peace of mind.

This matter is not in line with the will of my Tongtian Sword Sect.

Moreover, I am still the Holy Son and will be the leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect in the future.

How can I be in charge of the Tongtian Sword Sect without going through hardships.

So I reluctantly part ways with you and can only let you go. As for your life safety, don’t worry about it. I will ask the sword master from Jiange to light the soul lamp for you. If the fire of your soul lamp flickers, the sword master will split the void with one sword. , to rescue you from danger.

This is the treatment you receive from your holy son, and it is also your privilege. You cannot make any mistakes."

Ye Hao listened to the sect master's words and said,"Even if the sect master doesn't let me go to the Lingxu Sword Tomb, I will go. Moreover, I, Ye Hao, are valued by the sect master and all the seniors. How can I let go at this time? There is also the sect master. , there is no need to light the soul lamp for me, and there is no need for Jian Lao to escort me. In this battle, my Tongtian Sword Sect will be victorious!"

The sect leader patted Ye Hao on the shoulder and said with a smile,"This sect leader really did not misjudge the person, hahaha."

Ye Hao saw that almost all the core disciples had boarded the ship and said,"Sect Master, it's time for me to leave."

The sect leader suddenly pressed Ye Hao's shoulders and said in his ear:"In addition to telling you this matter, I also have one more thing to tell you. You must not tell anyone else about this matter."

��Feeling that the sect master's words were different, Ye Hao said seriously;"Don't worry, sect master, Ye Hao will never reveal even a single word of what you say next. Sect master, please say it."

The sect master said in a deep tone;"As a member of the Tongtian Sword Sect, you The Holy Son, in addition to the Holy Son Order, also has a sword that symbolizes the Holy Son's identity, called the Tongtian Sword, which has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Three hundred years ago, a candidate Holy Son from our Tongtian Sword Sect went to Lingxu Sword Zhong Liren was killed by the demons. When I found him, Tongtian Sword had disappeared.

However, we did not announce it to the public. This is also the reason why Tongtian Sword Sect has not chosen the Holy Son for three hundred years. The family scandal must not be made public. Ah.

So this time, in addition to killing the demons, you also have a mission, which is to retrieve the Heavenly Sword. Of course, if you see the swords from the Lingxu Sword Tomb, bring them all back and double them for recycling in the Holy Land."

Listen to the Sect Master's words. Finally, Ye Hao had a picture in his mind.

It’s what Uncle Da said: Equipment is recovered in seconds, and ingots are received in seconds.

Although the scene that flashed through his mind was funny, Ye Hao still responded seriously:"Disciple understands."

The sect leader turned over his hand and took out a sword sharpening stone and said,"This sword sharpening stone was used to sharpen the Tongtian Sword in the past. The sword contains the sword energy of the Tongtian Sword. It may be useful if you carry it with you."

Ye Hao took the sword sharpening stone and said goodbye to the sect leader, then boarded the Tongtian Warship in a flash.

After everyone got on the warship, the elders of the Tongtian Sword Sect also boarded the ship. They personally led the team and sent the disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect to the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

The sect leader glanced around and shouted,"Open the teleportation array!"

There was a bang!

I saw one Tongtian warship blooming with light. As the light floated, a golden space channel was successfully constructed. All Tongtian warships sailed into the space channel. In an instant, all Tongtian warships disappeared from Tongtian Sword Sect......

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