A golden passage shimmered, surrounded by haze and chaos. On this road, more than a dozen warships rumbled past, shattering the space and rushing straight forward.

Ye Hao stood on the warship, watching the bow of the ship glow. An elder pressed one hand on a shining stone. The ancient patterns were carved on the stone, which was very mysterious.

The magical power of space is indeed mysterious. Ye Hao is very interested in space passages. He walked up to the elder and said:"Elder, how is this space passage constructed?"

The elder smiled and said:"You need to understand the laws of space to successfully construct it. , there are detailed records in the Jiange, you can take a look when you have time."

Space law?"

Ye Hao knows the law, which is exclusive to the strong ones above the Sword Sect.

Breaking through the Sword Sect can condense one's own laws, and every move is a law, which is different from the field of Sword Emperor's cultivation.

The power of the law is terrifying and indescribable. Only those who experience the law will know how powerful the law is.

Ye Hao was watching from the sidelines and stopped talking.

Soon, this mysterious space passage was coming to an end. The void in front of it broke open, and a huge portal appeared, shining with light.


Tongtian Sword Sect's warships parked on the ground one after another, and Tongtian Sword Sect's disciples jumped off the warships one after another. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling that they would feel safe if they were down to earth.

In the Excalibur Continent, countless people die every year due to the collapse of the space channel.

Because after the space collapses, you will be in a chaotic space. If you want to get out, you can only wander in the chaotic space order. Unless there is a person with great ability, cut the space with a sword and escape from the void space. , otherwise those with low cultivation level will definitely die.

When Ye Hao stepped out of the battlefield, he looked ahead and saw that the terrain here was flat, with no towering mountains. There were only some hills less than tens of meters high. At the end of the horizon, there was a huge ancient The city wall was shrouded in black mist and it was so hazy that it was completely unclear what was inside.

Not only that, Ye Hao can also feel that the demonic energy here is very heavy, making it difficult to breathe. And rising in the black mist, there are wisps of terrifying sword energy, crushing the void and slashing everything. You can tell at a glance that this place is extremely dangerous

"Is this the forbidden area of the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory, the Lingxu Sword Tomb?"Ye Hao said to himself, already planning on what to do in this forbidden area.

This time he came to Lingxu Sword Tomb not only to improve the quality of the Great Luo Emperor Sword, but also to kill demons and find the Tongtian Sword Sect. The Tongtian Sword, which symbolizes the identity of the Holy Son.

In short, his task this time is arduous.

The third elder of the Tongtian Sword Sect, who was responsible for this task, was suspended in the air.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of space rings fell out of his hand.

Said:"Suppressing the demons of Lingxu Sword Tomb this time is an arduous task.

The sect has equipped you with elixirs to replenish your vitality and heal your wounds.

These things are all placed in the space ring.

This space ring also has another function.

, that is, after you occupy the mountain demon, dig out the demon's heart and put it into the space ring.

When the demon-slaying mission is over, you can bring it back to the holy land for inventory, and you can exchange it for a mission.


"Disciple understands!"

The core disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect put away the space rings suspended in front of them.

The third elder of the Tongtian Sword Sect said again,"You are the core disciples and the forerunners in slaying demons. Later, the inner disciples of the sect will also follow suit. Join, I hope you will not lose the face of the core disciples, do what the core disciples should do, and become the learning target of the inner disciples. Okay, let's go to Lingxu Ancient City first."

After speaking, the third elder led everyone to the Lingxu Ancient City at the end of the horizon.

On the way, Ye Hao asked the third elder why he didn't sail the warship into the Lingxu Ancient City.

The third elder sighed:"Ye Hao, sometimes the laws of space are not the same.

Any space can be passed through.

The space within a radius of thousands of miles from the Lingxu Sword Tomb is extremely chaotic.

We once tried to construct a space passage directly to the Lingxu Sword Tomb, but just after the construction was completed, the swords were directly rushed by the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

The energy was shattered.

We had built a space teleportation array, but the moment the array was formed, it collapsed.


After Ye Hao figured it out, he remained silent.

Then he followed the third elder and flew towards the ancient city ahead.

This was originally a land full of vitality. Countless swordsmiths once came here for pilgrimage, wanting to Worship the Lingxu Sword Tomb and learn the supreme sword-making technique.

It is a pity that this extremely glorious Lingxu Sword Sect, a holy land of swordsmanship that is famous all over the world, was destroyed by the sword struck from the sky and became a world-famous swordsman. The dust of the years has been wiped out in the long river of history.

Ye Hao looked ahead and sighed:"In a holy land of swordsmanship, the sect must have at least some strong swordsmen, and the Lingxu Sword Sect became famous for making swords, so the sect must have emperor soldiers.

Yes, but it was still no match for the sword that came that day.

A huge sect was completely destroyed.

However, the sword blade slashed from the sky still exists after thousands of years.

It is as if it is immortal and is not corroded by the years.

, I don’t know how strong the person who slashed that sword is.


In less than a while, the elders of the Tongtian Sword Sect and their core disciples arrived at the once glorious Lingxu Ancient City.

When everyone stepped into the Lingxu Ancient City, it was dilapidated and filled with an aura of decay..

And in the center of Lingxu Ancient City, many figures appeared.

After seeing the people from Tongtian Sword Sect, those people came forward one after another:"See you, elders, brothers."

These people are all core disciples who came from outside the Tongtian Sword Sect to perform tasks and rushed to the Lingxu Sword Tomb after hearing the sect leader's words. The third elder waved his hand and handed out the space ring.

One of the core disciples said;"Elder, what are we doing? Time to enter the Lingxu Sword Tomb?"

The third elder said:"Don't worry, wait until the people from Tai Chi Sword Sect and Qiankun Sword Sect arrive."

Now let the disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect take the lead and take the lead. The elders of the sect will never do this. The sect has already contacted the two swordsmen holy places and entered the Lingxu Sword Tomb together to kill the demons.

After hearing the three After the elder's words, everyone stopped asking questions and just stayed in place, waiting for the arrival of the two people from the Sword Dao Holy Land.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and they saw two teams appearing on the east and west sides of Lingxu Ancient City, some wearing trousers. Wearing white Tai Chi Taoist robes, some were wearing Bagua Taoist robes.

They were members of Tai Chi Sword Sect and Qiankun Sword Sect.

After they appeared, the third elder opened his eyes slightly and said with a smile:"Are we here?"

Ye Hao raised his head slightly and looked at the other two people from the Sword Dao Holy Land. These people's cultivation level is not lower than that of the Sword Emperor. Among them, there are peak Sword Emperors in two of the Holy Lands.

Those two people are very extraordinary. They may be the two Holy Lands. The Holy Son.

The two people were also looking at Ye Hao, their eyes flashing with strange colors.

After the elders of the three holy places met and talked, everyone returned to their respective sect disciples, and then led the sect disciples to Ling. On the other side of the Xu Ancient City, where is the place to enter the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

At this moment, Ye Hao and everyone stood in front of a huge city gate. The space in front of the city gate was distorted, shining with foggy light, and the door could not be seen clearly. What's behind it? Boom!


There was a loud roar behind the door, and roars were heard from time to time.

People in the three holy places looked at this door with solemn thoughts.

The gate was jointly established by the three holy places. It is the place leading to the Lingxu Sword Tomb. This gate is also a defensive gate. A hundred years ago, it was broken through by demons, resulting in the tragic death of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory and blood disaster. Tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles of territory were turned into purgatory.

It took nearly a hundred years for the three holy places to recover. But this time, the demons were even more terrifying.

, maybe the crisis that broke out this time was even more terrifying than the last time.

The third elder stood in front of everyone, exhaled heavily, and said solemnly:"After you enter, you will be transported to different places, so be careful. Stay calm and don't get distracted. If you meet a fellow sect, you can form a team to fight together. If the supplies in the space ring run out, you can directly return to Lingxu Ancient City to resupply. I am waiting for you here. Come in."

"Yes!" the disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect responded loudly.


A famous core disciple of Tongtian Sword Sect stepped towards this door and walked in. His figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then there was a loud rumbling sound behind the door..

The other two Holy Land disciples also began to enter the forbidden area of Lingxu Sword Tomb. Within a moment, nearly a thousand Sword King masters from the three Sword Dao Holy Lands stepped into the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

Before entering the Lingxu Sword Tomb, the third elder sent a message:"Ye Hao, we must come back alive."

Ye Hao nodded slightly, and then resolutely walked in.

The moment he stepped into the door, Ye Hao felt an extremely strong demonic aura, as well as messy sword auras. These sword auras will last for thousands of years and will never change forever. Grinding, as if it existed forever, thousands of pressures came from all directions.

The space in front of Ye Hao was distorted. The next moment, he was transported to a strange space, where sword energy was surging and lightning was intertwined. There are bursts of thunder, like the end of the world is coming

"Gee, what a delicious human race."

Dozens of humanoid monsters appeared. Their whole bodies were covered with red hair. Some of their faces were covered with black scales. They also had strange-shaped organs such as one horn, two horns, and three eyes on their heads. They looked very oozing. People.

Ye Hao's face condensed:"Monster!"

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