After Ye Hao finished speaking, the disciples of the Tongtian Sword Sect present fell silent.

The entire Tongtian Palace Square was completely silent.

The elders of the sect who were watching the excitement were also startled.

Ye Hao is causing trouble!

An elder stroked his beard and smiled and said,"Ye Hao, just let your peers compete with each other, why are you looking for the bones of our old man?""

"Holy Son, we will not interfere in the affairs between your peers. I am leaving first."

"Ye Hao, I have to ask the Supreme Elder for advice, so I’ll leave first."

In the blink of an eye, all the elders of Tongtian Sword Sect left, not a single one was left.

Ye Hao looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment and thought to himself,"Are these elders afraid of losing?"

What he thought was right, these elders are all giants of the sect.

If they were suppressed in the same realm, it would be really embarrassing if they lost to Ye Hao.

So they chose to leave, which not only reflects their generosity, but also He still cared about his own face, but Ye Hao didn't think about it that much. He just wanted to take the sword energy from them to improve the Great Luo Emperor Sword.

After the elder left, Ye Hao looked at the disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect and said with a smile;"Ahem, are there any fellow Taoists coming up to discuss swords?"


In an instant, everyone in the Tongtian Temple Square left.

Only Qin Yao was left in the same place.

Ye Hao looked at Qin Yao with a smile and said sincerely,"Sister, do you want us to compete? Fan?

Qin Yao spread her hands and said,"Junior brother, it's better to say goodbye. I'm no match for you.""


The last person present was not willing to compete with Qin Yao. Ye Hao sighed.

Qin Yao asked,"Junior brother, why are you sighing?"

"Invincible is lonely, life is really as lonely as snow."Ye Hao jumped off the sword training ground and walked back towards Tongtian Palace.

"Junior brother, why do you want to challenge your fellow disciples?"Qin Yao chased after Ye Hao with a small step. She wanted to find out what happened to Ye Hao.

"It's okay, I just want to compete with my fellow disciples."It is impossible for Ye Hao to say that upgrading my Great Luo Emperor Sword requires strong sword energy experience.

"It's not that simple."Qin Yao didn't believe what Ye Hao said.

Ye Hao smiled and said nothing, and then said,"It's up to you to believe it or not, senior sister, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Ye Hao flew towards the sword pavilion of the Tongtian Sword Sect.

He wanted to find the forbidden place in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory where the sword energy was particularly terrifying.

Qin Yao looked at Ye Hao's leaving figure with a feeling in her heart. What I was thinking.

Today, Ye Hao swept through the core disciples of Tongtian Sword Sect. This big news soon spread to Tongtian Sword Sect, and some spies from other sects who were stationed in Tongtian Sword Sect also reported Ye Hao’s achievements back to the sect. In less than a day, Ye Hao can be said to have become famous in the Tongtian Sword Sect.

There were still people who were dissatisfied with his identity as the future saint, but they all stopped today, especially Ye Hao. Finally, he made a statement to challenge the elders of the Sword Sect, causing the elders to find reasons to run away. It became the legend of the Tongtian Sword Sect in the future, and was also the subject of conversation after dinner.

Ye Hao came to the sword pavilion at this moment to find out about the Southern Wilderness Sword Domain. The restricted area of life within it.

The Southern Wilderness Sword Territory covers hundreds of millions of miles, which is wider than the 100,000 Eurasian continents in the previous life. As for how big it is, there is no specific description, not even the powerful people of the Divine Sword Continent. It has been measured in detail.

In such a vast territory, there are caves, secret realms naturally formed by heaven and earth, and there are naturally forbidden areas of life

, which are divided into innate and acquired.

It exists.

But the day after tomorrow is caused by man-made things, such as some ancient battlefields, or places where strong men have fought, where there is no grass, just like hell. What

Ye Hao is looking for is the latter.

He needs to find a forbidden place full of sword energy. , use the sword energy of that forbidden place to improve the level of the Great Luo Emperor Sword.

The collection of books in the Sword Pavilion of the Holy Land of Swordsman is really rich. Ye Hao found dozens of books about the forbidden place, and

Ye Hao opened the first book.

In this book, Ye Hao found three forbidden areas, which were all formed innately. No one knows when they existed. In these forbidden areas, there are also some ancient tribes that have existed since ancient times, and they are extremely dangerous.

"This is not what I want."

Ye Haoyou opened the second book.

This book records many forbidden places. One of them is the place where a sword emperor died in battle. The sword energy was everywhere in it, and many creatures formed by the condensed sword energy were born. It was a disaster for a million miles, but this forbidden area was bulldozed by the strong men of the human race.

Most of the records in this book are forbidden areas in the past tense.

"The Forbidden Land, one of the ancient battlefields of all races"

"Jiuyou Mountain, the ancient land of the ancient Jiuyou Clan"

"Secret land of mountains and seas...."

"immortal volcano...."

Ye Hao flipped through more than a dozen books and saw hundreds of forbidden places in life.

He has now locked down two forbidden areas.

They are the Lingxu Sword Tomb and the"Underworld Forbidden Land", the ruins of the Underworld Holy Land.

The formation of the Lingxu Sword Tomb was due to a sword falling from the sky.

That blade struck the"Lingxu Sword Sect", the former holy land of swordsmanship in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory.

Just such a sword directly caused a long line to appear in the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory.

There was a crack in the earth that was 100,000 miles long, and the Lingxu Sword Tomb that was hit by the sword was directly destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people from the sect all perished inside.

Before the Lingxu Sword Tomb was destroyed, it was the number one sword-making sect in the Southern Wilderness Sword Region. It was known to the outside world that it had hundreds of millions of swords and all the swords in the world were from Lingxu.

It was also because of that sword that countless swords were buried in Lingxu Sword Tomb.

Some orphans of the Lingxu Sword Sect who escaped the disaster were called Lingxu Sword Tombs in memory of the destroyed Lingxu Sword Sect.

In the Lingxu Sword Tomb, the sword energy surged like a storm.

Moreover, those dead disciples of the Lingxu Sword Sect, because of the demon clan and the demon clan's magic, turned into monsters that were neither human nor ghosts, and their whole bodies were covered with red hair.

One hundred years ago, the ancestors of the Ye family in Thirty-Six Sword City and Fengyun Sword City went to the Lingxu Sword Tomb to suppress demons because they received orders from the Tongtian Sword Sect and never returned.

As a result, in the Thirty-six Sword City, there has not been a strong Sword Emperor in the past hundred years.

The old people of Thirty-Six Swords City still remember the tragedy of Thirty-Six Swords City a hundred years ago.

Ye Hao also knew how the Lingxu Sword Tomb was formed because he read the origins of the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

As for why the Holy Land of Huangquan became a forbidden area.

That's because the Holy Land of Underworld is located on the edge of the Southern Wilderness Sword Territory, adjacent to the Demon Clan.

Five hundred years ago, the demon tribe launched ten powerful sword masters to carry out an operation to exterminate the Holy Land of Huangquan.

In that battle, all the disciples of the Underworld Holy Land died, and even the demon clan died. Where are the six sword masters?

In the forbidden area of the underworld, the sword aura is now filling the sky, the death aura is spreading for tens of thousands of miles, and the evil aura is overwhelming.

"The Lingxu Sword Tomb has the sword energy coming from the sky, and the Underworld Forbidden Area has the sword energy left by the Demon Saint."Ye Hao looked at these two forbidden areas and began to make a choice.

When Ye Hao chose Lingxu Sword Tomb and Huangquan Forbidden Area, they were in the center of the Holy Land of Tongtian Sword Sect.

The Lingshan Mountains here are towering, one after another, in the pale white The vitality of heaven and earth is intertwined here, and the mountainside of each spiritual mountain is covered with a thin layer of smoke, which is plain and hazy.

There are palaces on the mountain peaks, and there are spiritual waterfalls flying down from the mountains, as white as a piece of mist. Rising up, surrounded by the pale white energy of heaven and earth, it looks ethereal, like a fairyland.

Among the peaks, there is a peak standing among the mountains.

This peak is called 'Tongtian Peak', which is the top of the ten thousand peaks of Tongtian Sword Sect..

And on Tongtianfeng, there is also a majestic palace. The whole hall is majestic, surrounded by auspicious air and spiritual mist. This is the meeting hall of Tongtian Sword Sect. Non-important events will never be discussed here..

But at this time, in the meeting hall, all the senior officials of Tongtian Sword Sect were sitting upright, with solemn expressions.

After a while, the entire splendid hall was overwhelmed by various fierce auras. Elder Da Jianfeng arrived.

The Sect Master of Tongtian Sword Sect appeared in the Sect Master position in the main hall, and everyone stood up and cupped their hands and said,"See Sect Master."

The leader of the Tongtian Sword Sect said,"Everyone, please sit down."

After everyone sat down, the sect leader looked around at everyone and said in a serious tone:"Counting the time, demon cholera will break out again in the Lingxu Sword Tomb. Please tell me how to solve it this time."

The Supreme Elder said:"What can we do? It's the same as a hundred years ago."

One of the elders said with a stern face,"Supreme Elder, this wave of demonic chaos is probably more terrifying than the one a hundred years ago. If you want to pacify the demons of Lingxu Sword Sect this time, you need to unite with the other two. The sects jointly suppressed it."

The Lingxu Sword Tomb spans hundreds of thousands of miles and covers hundreds of thousands of miles of territory. Next to the Lingxu Sword Tomb, there is not only the Tongtian Sword Sect, but also another holy land of swordsmanship in the Southern Wilderness Sword Region, the Daluo Sword Sect and the Qiankun Sect. Sword Gate.

There are billions of swords in the Lingxu Sword Tomb. It is a piece of cake shared by three sects: Tongtian Sword Sect, Daluo Sword Sect and Qiankun Sword Sect. In the land, many sect disciples entered the Lingxu Sword Tomb and had adventures, and even brought out enviable imperial treasures and holy treasures.

The existence of the Lingxu Sword Tomb also attracted the attention of other holy places of swordsmanship in the four major sword areas. I am envious.

As a major sect, since it enjoys the benefits brought by the Lingxu Sword Tomb, it must bear corresponding responsibilities.

The Tongtian Sword Sect once thought of joining forces with the other two swordsmanship holy places and directly entering the Lingxu Sword Tomb to kill the demons inside..

But when the sword masters in the Holy Land entered the Lingxu Sword Tomb, all those with a cultivation level higher than the Sword King realm were pushed out of the forbidden area by an invisible force. If they did not exit, they would be directly hit by a terrifying sword energy. Killed.

There was once a powerful Sword Emperor who entered the forbidden area of Lingxu Sword Tomb, but he never returned, and there was no news about him in the world. He didn’t know whether he was dead or alive.

I dare to take risks.

After testing by the three major sects, it was found that only the Sword Emperor and below can enter the Lingxu

Sword Tomb. The sect leader shook his head and said:"It seems that this time, we can only join forces with the Tai Chi Sword Sect." The Qiankun Sword Sect is closed, Third Elder, you are responsible for this matter. The third elder cupped his hands and said,"

It's the sect master."

The sect leader continued:"Then the bell will ring and all the core disciples will come to the meeting hall and prepare to go to the Lingxu Sword Tomb to suppress the demons.""

The sect leader sat in the center of the hall and issued orders one after another.

At this time, Ye Hao also walked out of the sword pavilion. He was going to leave the Holy Land and go to the Lingxu Sword Tomb.

When he came out of the sword pavilion, there were many people in the sky. When the Jian Zong disciples saw him, they all asked respectfully:"Have you ever seen the Holy Son?""

"I’ve seen the Son!"

"Holy Son, are you coming to Jiange too?"

"Holy Son, you are so handsome.

Ye Hao nodded and said,"Everyone, please be polite.""

While Ye Hao was enjoying the status of the Holy Son and the worship brought by him,


The bells rang in the Holy Land of Tongtian Sword Sect.

Ye Hao looked at the place where the bells were heard in the Holy Land and didn't know what happened.

But the bells rang six times in succession.

It meant that something big happened in the sect. Ye Hao has read the sect's canon and there are some precautions.

When the bell rings three times, all the inner disciples must go to the meeting hall. When the bell rings six times, all the core disciples must be in place. As for the bell ringing nine times, that means it is necessary. Facing the crisis of annihilating the sect, the Tongtian Sword Sect has never sounded and no one wants to hear the nine bells since its establishment in hundreds of thousands of years.

Ye Hao rose into the air and headed towards the Tongtian Peak Conference Hall in the center of the Holy Land. Fly away and see what the big deal is.

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