Chapter 193

Upon arriving in California, Ronald set up a command center in a shelter near Stockton.

The staff said it was dangerous, but they didn’t listen. Ronald spearheaded the situation like a field commander.

He had so much stamina that he couldn’t believe he was an old man in his 70s. On the other hand, I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment.

I couldn’t sleep properly a few days before Big One came. And it was the same even after Big One came.

I didn’t even have time to close my eyes for a moment.

Whenever an aftershock occurred, even the shelter shook, and the faces of the staff turned white. But Ronald didn’t budge.

Looking at this, it’s definitely not an ordinary person.

Displaced people continued to flock to the shelters. Even after piling up the supplies, everything was lacking.

But America’s enormous production capacity shined here as well. Immediately, businesses in California’s neighboring states produced and shipped relief supplies according to government orders, and immediately restored power and roads in surrounding areas.

Relief supplies and rescue workers from all over the world arrived one after another by plane. The important thing is to send it to the right place at the right time.

In fact, in the case of underdeveloped countries, even after receiving relief supplies, they are not distributed in a timely manner and are often piled up in warehouses.

The Disaster Integration Headquarters checked the number of people and necessary materials at each shelter and started distributing them.

In the meantime, Ronald and the media that stood behind him refrained from provocative reports and focused on the rescue.

Every day, news of a miraculous rebirth adorned the press. A person was rescued from being buried in a broken building, thanks to the automatic location information sent by Suseong Electronics’ smartphone, and the person who was swept away by the tsunami and floated to the sea was saved by a private ship that divided the area and patrolled it.

Those who found the family they thought had died in the shelter embraced each other and shed tears.

I smiled looking at it.

As I was resting for a while, Ronald approached me and put a hand on my shoulder and said.

“What are you doing? I have a meeting, so come on over.”

“Oh, yes.”

“You look very tired.”

“Oh, no.”

Actually, I’m tired and I’m going to die.

However, when OTK Company’s subsidiaries began to withdraw from Silicon Valley, things changed.

Im Jin-yong highly praised Kang Jin-hoo. That is partly why I chose Carlos as the partner of Seoseong Group.

So he decided to try one more time.

CEOs should not leave the fate of the company to uncertainty. Because of this, he decided to cooperate only within the scope of no major damage.

He first moved personnel and equipment from the Silicon Valley lab to another location, and set up a plan in case a situation arises.

The U.S. government has asked manufacturers to forcely update applications on smartphones in hazardous area networks in order to use them for rescue.

Suseong Electronics was the only one to respond to that request.

It wasn’t without any risks. After they decided to follow the policy, there was a boycott in the United States, and sales fell slightly.

Nevertheless, the push is because if the big one does not come, the loss is not large, whereas if the big one comes, the profit is huge.

But it actually happened!

As soon as the Big One occurred, Seosung Electronics’ smartphone automatically sent a rescue request and various information to the Disaster Integration Headquarters.

Among those rescued thanks to that, the proportion of Suseong Electronics smartphone users was overwhelmingly high. The survivors expressed their great gratitude to Suseong Electronics.

After the incident, NPL and Google announced that they would forcefully update their phones according to government policy, but the public reaction was cold.

If it was something that could be done, there was a lot of criticism for not doing it sooner. Moreover, it was not inconsistent with what I had said before, “in no case should the government infringe upon an individual’s privacy.”

In the premium smartphone market, NPL and Seosung Electronics are said to have two sides, but in everyone’s opinion, Seosung Electronics was inferior to NPL.

Even though Seosung Electronics has high sales volume, NPL’s operating profit margin is overwhelming. This is because the selling price of NPL is much higher due to its premium image.

It is not easy to transcend the image, even if it is possible to transcend technological prowess.

However, the current situation was a golden opportunity to elevate the image of Suseong Electronics to the best.

The GPS and wireless communication equipment used in the rescue are all products of Suseong Electronics, and the other electronic devices in the shelter are the same.

Seosung Electronics products are playing a big role in overcoming this disaster!

Chairman Im Jin-yong said to Kim Myung-soo, head of the department.

“Consult with OTK Company and say that you will not be charged for the products produced from now on.”

“then… … ?”

“I do it by donating.”

If you think about what you will get in the future, tens of billions of dollars for goods is nothing.

“Please put the manufactured products first on the dedicated machine.”

Even if the research center has moved, there are many direct-managed stores in the San Francisco Bay area, and there are hundreds of employees at the American corporation alone.

Although it is known that most of them were safely evacuated or rescued, it was still necessary to show responsibility as the group president.

Chairman Im Jin-yong stood up from his seat.

“I will go to California right now and meet CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

* * *

The USFK is in emergency.

All the soldiers on vacation returned to the unit, and going out and staying out was prohibited. It is because we do not know what North Korea will do as a crisis has occurred in the United States.

The ROK and USFK were on the highest alert and closely watched North Korea’s movements.

However, North Korea was very quiet. Until yesterday, he called Ronald a ‘mad old man’ and said he was going to fly an ICBM loaded with nuclear warheads to the mainland of the United States, but when a great earthquake occurred, he suddenly changed his attitude and issued a republican statement.

“The supreme dignity of our republic expressed deep condolences for the disaster that occurred in the United States. He also said that the Republic of Korea is willing to help as much as possible to improve relations between the United States and North Korea if necessary.”

If you think about it, it’s normal.

A wounded beast is not touched. Provocations against the United States are only possible if the United States accepts them.

Under the current circumstances, it was suicidal to conduct a provocation.

Other countries have taken a similar attitude.

Russia has canceled scheduled air strikes in Syria, and China has also stopped commenting on the trade dispute and issued a statement of consolation.

In the meantime, European countries that have been at odds with NATO and the Paris climate agreement have all promised various aids with consolation statements.

* * *

Remembrance rallies were held across the United States.

Citizens voluntarily gathered candles and the American flag in Times Square in Manhattan, New York City.

People gathered at the rally paid tribute to the victims, supported the rescue, and expressed their gratitude to Kang Jin-hoo.

The Taegeukgi was waving along with the Stars and Stripes.

Times Square is famous for having the highest advertising costs in the world. The building owners willingly gave up advertising costs and hung the large Stars and Stripes and Taegeukgi on the billboards.

Even Korean netizens were surprised by the waves of the Stars and Stripes and Taegeukgi that filled Times Square.

In fact, it was not unusual for Koreans to see the Stars and Stripes and the Taegeukgi waving together at the rally. This is because it has been seen a lot at protests and rallies of conservative groups.

The difference is that the place is Times Square, not Gwanghwamun Square or City Hall Square, and the people gathered at the rally are Americans.

– Do you think the Parents’ Union will go to the United States to protest?

– This is not a far-right protest. Don’t get me wrong.

-You will see the Stars and Stripes and the Taegeukgi waving together in the middle of New York!

-It is true that Jinhoo Kang carried out hard carry this time.

-She ate all the swear words and pushed her hard, and she did it in the end.

– This is true patriotism.

– Looking at it, I feel like I’m about to cry ㅜㅜ

-By the way, after Big One exploded, the conservative groups in front of OTK Company disappeared.

– How is the Parents’ Union now?

– Shouldn’t I be more worried about you than about them?

– Our Excellency

– Your Excellency, you’re the enemy again.

* * *

Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol jumped up in surprise.

“What did you say? Who came?”

“Yeah, that’s what Ambassador Thomas Jean came to the United States for.”

“Are you kidding me now?”

The subordinate police officer said confused.

“No, I’m not kidding. He’s right down there.”

I know that the ambassador to the US is also very busy due to the disaster that occurred in the United States. But he’s not even the Blue House, so why did he come here?

Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol looked out the window. I saw foreign reporters flocking to the entrance. By now, the fact that the ambassador to the US had come to meet with the Commissioner of the Korean National Police Agency would have been known to the outside world.

“Hey, let me in first.”(Read more @

Ambassador Thomas came inside.

There is a class in diplomacy.

The fact that the ambassador to the United States skipped the Blue House and visited the Commissioner General of the National Police Agency right away is a problem that could be viewed as interference in internal affairs if done wrong. Of course, the American side couldn’t have known about it.

Still, there must be good reasons for doing this.

Ambassador Thomas Thomas is a Korean-American and fluent in Korean. As soon as he sat down, he brought up the subject.

“I know that recent personal attacks, slander, and illegal acts against CEO Kang Jin-hoo have gone too far. But why is the Korean police not taking any action?”

‘Is this why you came here?’

Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol said cautiously.

“If it is judged necessary for that part, an investigation will be conducted… … .”

Ambassador Thomas said firmly.

“He is an American hero!”

Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol shouted inwardly.

‘Since when?’

In preparation for the Big One that may or may not come, I know that he, the ambassador to the US, was also very dissatisfied when the United States was in chaos.

But now you’re here!

Of course, things are very different then and now.

Ambassador Thomas stood up as if he had finished talking.

“Keep this in mind. The White House is closely monitoring the situation.”

With those words, Ambassador Thomas left.

Police Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol, who was left alone, was lost in thought.

In the meantime, the police, like the prosecution, have thoroughly investigated according to the taste of the regime.

Protests by progressive groups were violently suppressed by even mobilizing a water cannon, while protests by conservative groups were ignored. All kinds of illegal acts by the management were ignored, and collective actions of the union were defined as illegal strikes and disbanded.

The reason that we did not investigate various illegal acts against OTK Company was because of the above instructions.

If the truth turns out, it’s not just a matter of taking off your clothes. If you do it wrong, you could be arrested for abuse of power.

You become a criminal in a shroud from the chief of the police.

As I thought about it, a cold sweat ran down my back.

Now is not the situation to look at the Blue House or the ruling party.

‘When Kang Jin-hoo returns, everything will be over!’

Commissioner Kim Seong-cheol immediately gave instructions to all police officers.

“Catch every single one of the conservative groups who have been illegally protesting and all the giraffes who wrote false articles and throw them away!”

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