Chapter 194

Originally, the Parents’ Union was just one of many conservative groups that were swarming.

However, since Park Si-hyeong was elected governor of Gyeonggi-do, it has grown rapidly, and now has over 3,000 full members. In addition, it has become a large organization capable of mobilizing tens of thousands of people at one time.

Although the banner of eradicating the pro-North leftists and defending a free Korea was put forward, in reality, it was close to Park Si-hyeong’s pro-guard forces.

He did not hide the fact that he was a pro-Park group, but proudly put forward it.

So far, there are no major problems.

The problem is what they do. If anyone showed any criticism of the government in the slightest, they would flock to protest.

Not only civic and labor organizations, but also parliamentarians and media outlets did not discriminate.

Illegal demonstrations are the norm, and they have used business obstruction, vandalism, abusive language, threats, and even violence.

It was like watching the Red Guards of the Mao Zedong era.

If other civic groups had acted like this, the people involved would have been arrested and the executive branch would have been disbanded.

However, the police and the media publicly turned a blind eye to such actions of the Parents’ Union, and the Parents’ Union’s protests became more and more radical.

However, in order to hold a large-scale demonstration, sufficient financial power is required.

Even if the people gather voluntarily, money goes into the production of protest tools, various banners, and pickets.

In addition, the Parents’ Association rented a chartered bus and moved the members living in the metropolitan area as well as the provincial area if they had one protest. And wherever pro-government protests were needed, they held protests all over the country, regardless of fire or fire.

It wouldn’t be that expensive, but I wondered where the money came from.

In response to a reporter’s question about the source of the funds, Lee Yong-gwang, president of the association, said confidently.

“The old people pick up the waste paper and run it by donating the money they saved up with a penny or two!”

However, the parents’ union’s funds showed no signs of drying up, even though the paper prices were hitting all-time lows day after day.

The 3rd floor of a large building near Tapgol Park in Jongno.

As it is a building in the middle of the city, the rent is not cheap, but the parents’ union was using an entire floor as an office.

Until a few days ago, conservative groups held violent protests in front of the OTK Company headquarters. However, after the arrival of Big One, the protests stopped all at once, and the executives gathered in the office and were taking a break after a long time.

Lee Yong-gwang, the president of the Association, called the National Salvation Army Association and the president of the Mother’s Army

“Until there is a separate instruction, stop the protests and conduct internal crackdowns thoroughly.”

The senior executives sat on the sofa, drank a cup of coffee mix and watched the news. On the TV screen, the image of San Francisco was spread out.

Seeing the scene, the secretary-general stuck out his tongue.

“Hey, I think there’s going to be a real earthquake.”

An old man said cautiously.

“Then, didn’t Jinhoo Kang help the United States?”

Then another old man rebelled.

“What are you talking about? It’s all thanks to President Ronald! What did he do?”

“Still, in America, they are called heroes.”

“Sounds like a big deal! Even Americans are being deceived without knowing the reality! He’s such a bad guy!”

“right! Aren’t you a North Korean redneck?”

As we were talking, the office door suddenly opened and the police came in.

‘What’s the police doing here?’

Lee Yong-kwang, the president of the association, greeted each other in a bewildered way.

“Hey, you’re in a lot of trouble today. okay. What did you come here for?”

But the answer I got was unexpected.

“This is an arrest warrant. You have the right to remain silent, and your comments may be applied against you in court. You have the right to have an attorney, and you can have your attorney speak for you when asked. If you do not hire a lawyer, a public defender will be appointed.”


What do you mean by the sound of lightning in the dry sky?

Lee Yong-kwang told the police who were approaching him to arrest him.

“Wow, we are on the same side!”

At that, the police stopped for a moment, and he smiled.

“You know, but why? It’s our fraternity group. I must have found the wrong bungee… … .”

The inspector who ordered the arrest was outrageous, he said.

“You like the same. Arrest them all!”

The elderly people in the office were all arrested by the police.

They panicked and shouted.

“These frivolous bastards!”

“How dare those who haven’t dried their heads yet!”

“What the hell did we do wrong?”

“I was just protesting to protect a free Korea!”

They were invincible when demonstrating waving the Taegeukgi and the Stars and Stripes, but when viewed individually, they were nothing but powerless elderly people.

In the meantime, the public authorities were completely on their side. The police were, in effect, helping the protesters.

But all of a sudden, you can turn the tip of a sword like this!

President Lee Yong-gwang shouted loudly as he was dragged in handcuffs.

“You are making a mistake now! uh? Do you know who’s behind me? Do you think you will be okay with this?”

* * *

The police arrested not only the Parents’ Association, but also the executive departments of Dr.

In the meantime, attendance requests were issued to reporters, both newspapers and broadcasters.

Meanwhile, the conservative media have been writing articles with excitement. There were also a number of articles that went beyond simple criticism or accusation and made up personal attacks or facts that were not there.

[OTK Company stake deposit. Is there any truth?][Most of the assets have already been transferred to Swiss secret accounts!][Having already made a trillion dollars through financial speculation using chaos!][The testimony that 200 tons of gold bars are hidden in a secret safe in the basement of the house came out… … ][The shocking truth reported by a North Korean defector group. After the earthquake, the possibility of making a deal with North Korea to shake the United States?][Estimated to have secretly contacted North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yang-ho on a business trip to the United States after Kang Jin-hoo][Kang Jin-hoo turns out to be the same Mr. Kang as Kang Chul-yong, vice chairman of the State Affairs Commission, who is called the second in North Korea!]

In particular, the allegations of prostitution and prostitution, which raised suspicions of giving and receiving each other, were speculative.

[Jinhoo Kang, receive sexual favors from porn stars every time he goes on a business trip to the United States!][Sex with multiple porn stars in the secret room of Faceit][$100,000 paid per meeting][You have to reveal your position on prostitution… … ][Leisure Minister Jo Yu-seon calls for severe punishment!][We should cooperate with Interpol to arrest him in the United States… … ][Many people support the arrest investigation after the earthquake]

When I checked the alternative source somewhere, it was Daily World News.

It was copied and reproduced by domestic media after copying an article that was treated as a joke even in the United States.

Of course, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. In the meantime, it’s not the first time I’ve written an article that didn’t check the facts or was translated incorrectly.

However, the intention of this case was too obvious to be called an extension of that. Both Faceit and OTK Company denied it, but the counter-arguments were not published at all.

It was a typical pattern used by the current government to inflate allegations with articles, to accuse conservative groups, and then to move the public authorities to investigate.

Reporters were called to the police station one after another and were forced to write reports.

A few media outlets felt Awakened of the situation and promised to prevent a recurrence with an apology, but the conservative newspapers and the three broadcasting companies, who were still not sober, gathered around the Chojung Ilbo and issued a statement of condemnation.

[The government must immediately stop oppressing the press!][Guarantee the people’s right to know!][We will fight to the end for the truth!]

However, the public reaction was cold.

-It was a good time to spread false information disguised as an article.

-The guinea pigs should be punished really hard!

– Look at the class that spreads false facts and calls it media oppression.

– Take this opportunity to eradicate the giraffes!

– Giregi is also giregi, isn’t that a problem with far-right site kids? It’s serious when you look at the articles they’ve been posting on the internet in the meantime.

– Even my family members were stalking me.

-If Jinhoo Kang saw it, he would have fallen by the back of his neck.

-Everything is squeaking.

-Ah! They said that the OTK company had already captured all of that and filed a lawsuit.

– I need to clean it up once in a while this time.

– Haha, they’re enemies too.

* * *

Park Sang-yeop directly visited the police station. He was not alone, and dozens of foreign correspondents followed behind him.

The other day, Park Sang-yeop was assaulted together in the process of saving Jeong Ki-hong, who was assaulted by protesters. He was almost healed now because he was so strong, but the injured area was bandaged again, and his leg was limp a bit.

When the police saw Park Sang-yeop and his foreign correspondents, they asked in a panic.

“Hey, what did you come here for?”

“I have come to file a complaint.”

“Oh, yes. Submit it.”

Park Sang-yeop put the whole box he was carrying.

The policeman asked, confused.

“Hey, is this all a complaint?”


“then… … ?”

After that, the staff came in one after another, carrying boxes.

‘How many people are you suing?’

Park Sang-yeop said to the bewildered police.

“Illegal protests, assaults, spreading false information, defamation, insults, etc. I will sue them all.”

In the meantime, it was hard to open my eyes and see the articles posted about Jin-hoo Kang on far-right sites.

Criticism and swearing can be tolerated to some extent. But there were not one or two things that exceeded the limit. The degree of synthesizing a face after a strong earthquake in a pornographic photo was on the weak axis.

It even touched her family!

Whether she is an illegitimate child after Kang Jin-jin, her deceased father is a spy, or her mother goes to a host bar with her son’s money and sprinkles hundreds of millions of won a day.

There was also a person who took a picture of a middle-aged woman entering a motel with a young man and wrote “Mother of Jin-hoo Kang” underneath it.

Perhaps she would have rolled her eyes if Jinhu Kang had seen it in person.

The more provocative she posted, the more responses and recommendations she received. No one felt sanctioned or alarmed by her.

However, after the outbreak of Big One, the atmosphere has changed.

Many who sensed the atmosphere quickly deleted the post and disappeared. But before that, I had already captured it all.(Read more @

I was only aiming for the timing because I thought that the investigation would not be properly conducted if I had to sue.

Park Sang-yeop said with a smile.

“By looking at the IDs and IPs, some were identified as NIS employees or government officials. Please investigate thoroughly and punish them according to the law.”

* * *

I talked to my mother on the phone after a long time.

“Are you home?”

[then. It’s definitely home at this time.]

Conservative groups were not enough to protest in front of the company, so her mother had to change her residence as if she had been kicked out as they went to Dongtan’s house to protest.

For a while she secretly stayed at the Ceylon Hotel.

She said that during her stay at the Ceylon Hotel, President Lim Su-mi provided convenience to her, so she should visit her later and say thank you.

After the outbreak of Big One, conservative groups disappeared, and her mother returned to her home in Dongtan safely. However, just in case, the number of bodyguards increased.

It is also a bit questionable how they found the alternative Dongtan house.

Unless someone gives you information… … .

[You already talked about it. It seems like only you and President Ronald are on TV these days. CNN and several media outlets said that I should interview my mother.]

I asked with a smile.

“Will you?”

[He. What should I do for an interview? Anyway, Mom is proud that you saved more people than you made a lot of money. My son is the best.]

Hearing her mother’s voice, she somehow felt that the tip of her nose wrinkled.

[When are you coming back to Korea?]

“I will be back soon.”

In fact, my role was almost over when Big One occurred. There is no problem even if you leave the work to others and return to Korea.

But Ronald dragged me around like his outside adviser. The main news always featured me and Ronald together.

[Always take care of yourself. You know that health is the best, right?]

“Yes. I see.”

After I finished talking to my mother, I called Taek-gyu to check the company’s situation.

[The police are working very hard these days. They caught the giraffes, and the far-right site servers were also seized and searched. Dozens of letters come in to the company every day, and most of them are tears of reflection asking for mercy.]


Taek-gyu said excitedly.

[I go to work every day, read it carefully and say, ‘No. don’t take it I have no intention of doing it. I’m in the process of writing a reply by hand saying, ‘Go back quickly.’]

“… … Do you have any reason to do that?”

[Huh. I have to teach you that life is practical.]

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