Chapter 192

The U.S. government began to implement it in earnest after the Great Mexico City earthquake on September 19.

Less than 30 percent of the A1 residents classified as the highest-risk areas were evacuated due to the limited time available.

Fortunately, tourists and others stopped coming from before, and there were a lot of people who voluntarily left the city.

But there were still millions of people left.

Big One rocked even the sea. The washed up column of water reached a height of 110 m and was traveling at a speed of 1200 km/h.

Drainage was even observed in Hawaii and Japan.

A tsunami warning was issued as the aftershocks continued to shake the ground.

By the time the tsunami reached the shore, its power was greatly diminished. But it was enough to sweep the city.


Huge water barriers crossed the coastline and carried into the city.


“help me!”

No matter how hard a person runs, he cannot be faster than a tsunami. The only way to survive is to go up to high ground or high-rise buildings.

The enormous mass of the water was able to withstand earthquakes and toppled buildings that had stood on it.

San Francisco was completely submerged, and the surrounding coastal towns were also submerged. Debris, rubbish, and corpses floated on the surface of the water.

Survivors in life jackets were shoved across the water, shouting for help.

* * *

Ronald was known for his assertive personality.

He’s been in the real estate business, he’s been on TV shows, and now he’s president. Rather than persuade and compromise with those around him, he unilaterally pushed his ideas.

As such, he has no way of cooperating with the Democratic-controlled Congress, and the staff has been twisted since his tenure.

CNN and NBC ridiculed Ronald as a dictator. But now that style has been a big help.

When a crisis strikes, we need a strong leader who can give orders quickly according to changing circumstances.

The news of the aftershocks following Big One and the tsunami was delivered immediately.

I was speechless as I watched the tsunami swept through the city. So did Ronald and his aides.

I was reminded of the tsunami damage caused by the 2004 South Asian Earthquake and the 2011 East Japan Earthquake that I found while researching data.

But this was more serious than the two combined.

Soon after, satellite images arrived.

The tsunami even changed the coastline of the western United States. The whole of San Francisco is submerged, and San Francisco Bay is complete with the sea.

The water will naturally drain out over time, but until then, that’s the problem.

Rescue measures were implemented immediately. All ships owned by the government, such as the Navy, the Coast Guard, and the Marine Rescue Team, were mobilized for rescue. However, this alone was insufficient.

There was a requisition of civilian ships before the incident, but it was not a forced requisition. Instead, the chosen method was voluntary participation in the rescue, subject to a property tax exemption. For this purpose, like the helicopter, it was equipped with radio equipment and GPS equipment purchased from Suseong Electronics.

However, in order to be rescued, the ship must be driven directly into the danger zone.

How many of them will move?

Ronald appealed through the broadcast.

“This is a time for hope, not despair. The United States will do everything in its power to save the survivors. We will not stop until the end! I hope everyone will join forces and join the rescue!”

* * *

Before the incident, the government provided life jackets to each household. As a result, many people were floating on the water wearing life jackets.

Some of them were already dead.

If you are swept away by a tsunami, your chances of surviving are slim. Fortunately, those who took refuge in a high-rise building and fell into the water after it was full survived.

Ross held the submerged building wreckage to keep it from being washed away by the currents. A young daughter was hanging in his arms.

She said her daughter crying.

“Dad. scary.”

He said as he spit out the water coming into his mouth.

“Hold on a minute, Vanessa.”

“Where did Mom go?”

“She said that her mother evacuated first, so now we just have to go. The rescue team will come to the rescue.”

It was a lie.

It happened while her wife was out for a while, and he didn’t even know if she was alive or dead. She simply walked out of the collapsing building with her child in her arms. Still, he had a life jacket in the middle, so he could be alive like this.

‘I should have evacuated her family first.’

Regret is too late, no matter how early.

Cries and screams echoed from all directions. It was full of endless despair. There was no hope of being rescued.

Then, suddenly, from somewhere, the sound of a motor began to be heard. When I looked up, I saw a fishing boat approaching at high speed.

People shouted at the ship.

“Here it is!”

“Help me!”

Ross, too, shouted his throat burst.

“I have a child! Please, get on the child first!”

Then the captain who had driven her ship shook her head and said:

“There are enough seats, so don’t rush! Look behind you!”

People turned their heads in unison.

Dozens of ships followed it. And there was a procession of so many ships that there was no end in sight in the distant sea.

From old boats used for fishing to luxury yachts driven by wealthy people as a hobby, they were all coming to San Francisco at once.

Despite the danger of aftershocks and building collapse, hundreds of civilian ships rushed to rescue the survivors!

An old man in his 80s, who had driven a luxury yacht himself, mumbled as he took a sip of bourbon.

“But before you die, you try to do something meaningful for your country.”

They threw life tubes at the survivors. Those who got on the boat first pulled those who were still in the water.

The yacht, full of survivors, with the odd water line almost reaching the bottom of the deck, sailed out of it. Other ships followed after that carrying the survivors.

Helicopters constantly flew in the sky to rescue those on the roof of the building. It was as if the sea was filled with ships and the sky was filled with helicopters.

Natural disasters cannot be prevented by human power. However, natural disasters can be overcome with human strength!

Reporters pressed the shutters of their cameras over and over again at the majestic sight that could not be seen anywhere else.

A BBC reporter who witnessed the scene at the scene shouted in shock.

“Right now in San Francisco, the West Berlin air transport and the Dunkirk evacuation are taking place at the same time!”

* * *

Cruises scheduled to depart were included in the government’s requisition target, so they gave up their business and waited in nearby waters.

A tsunami is more powerful at the coast than in the distant sea.

As a result, ships that were far from the shore did not suffer much damage.

The cruises moved quickly towards San Francisco after the tsunami had passed. A cruise with thousands of seats was a great sea shelter.

Ships full of survivors arrived one by one on the cruise.

The staff handed out blankets and hot tea prepared in advance, and sorted the survivors and guided them to their rooms.

Minor injuries were treated by doctors on board in advance, and patients in need of major surgery were transported to a nearby hospital by helicopter on the cruise.

Great powers come together stronger when a crisis arises.

In the face of an unprecedented national disaster, Americans thought about what they could do for their country.

Displaced people flocked to the shelters endlessly, and the hospitals were crowded with the wounded.

Due to the lack of operating rooms, simple surgery and first aid were performed in the hallway or in the hospital room. Retired doctors and nurses joined with rolled up arms, and long lines of people waiting to donate blood formed outside the hospital.

Volunteers flocked to shelters. There were so many applicants that some had to be returned.

The worst crisis in American history was conversely an opportunity to show the power of the United States to the world.

* * *

Rescue measures interlocked like gears. Such a systematic and efficient response to such a large-scale disaster was unprecedented.

This was possible because they knew and prepared for a disaster in advance.

Kiran Mohan, who accurately predicted the size and timing of Big One, Jin-hoo Kang, who informed the public and persuaded the administration, and Ronald Stamper, who believed the words and ordered countermeasures.

Without these three, America would have suffered an irreparable blow.

All three played a big role, but it was Kang Jin-hoo who played the biggest role anyway.

Professor Mohan is a scholar who studies earthquakes, and Ronald is the President of the United States. The two were just faithful to their roles.

But after Kang Jin-hoo, it’s different.

He was an investor with little to do with the earthquake, and he was a Korean, not even an American. Nevertheless, despite the criticism, ridicule, contempt and intimidation pouring in from all sides, he risked everything he had to inform people of the dangers of Big One.

That action has saved thousands of lives!

If such a person is not a hero, then who is a hero?

In the meantime, the media, which had been criticizing Kang Jin-hoo, changed their stance all at once and poured out praise articles.

Time magazine apologized for comparing Jin-hoo Kang to Rasputin, and other media outlets also acknowledged and apologized.

* * *(Read more @

Up until the day before Big One happened, Jinhoo Kang was the main cause of ruin in the United States.

The anger of the Americans was directed towards the Koreans, and the Koreans could not even go out properly.

The Korean community and schools with many Korean students warned them to be careful, and travelers were careful not to show that they were Koreans.

But after Big One exploded, the situation changed 180 degrees.

Jinhoo Kang became a hero who saved America from crisis in an instant!

All Americans felt sorry and grateful to Kang Jin-hoo. Of course, the treatment of Koreans has also changed.

A young Korean couple boarded a flight from Paris to Atlanta. As I sat in the economy class waiting for takeoff, the flight attendant asked a question.

“Are there any Korean passengers?”

I raised my hand to see what was going on and the flight attendant said.

“The passengers in First Class want to change seats.”

“… … Yes?”

To them, an old American couple from first class said to them.

“Thanks to CEO Kang Jin-hoo, the couple and their grandchildren were able to survive. Even so, I want to express my gratitude to him.”

“Oh, no. It’s not something we did.”

As they continued to decline, the other American passengers got up and pushed their backs into First Class.

A Korean couple, who had been traveling the world while saving money, were born and boarded first class for the first time.

A similar thing happened in a hotel.

“Yes? We booked a regular room, but why is the deluxe ocean view… … ?”

American airlines said they would upgrade Korean passengers to business only for spare seats, and famous hotel chains such as Hilton and Marriott announced that they would upgrade rooms to deluxe for Koreans free of charge.

When this became known, Americans flocked to bulletin boards to post protests.

‘From First Class, fill it up with Koreans! What are you doing by making fun of an empty seat anyway?’

‘What is just deluxe? At least upgrade to a suite!’

Other companies have also joined in.

Restaurants and bars offered a half price discount to Koreans, and some even offered ‘Free for Koreans’.

At tourist destinations, Koreans did not charge an entrance fee, and local residents cheered and applauded.

Americans shouted ‘I love Korea!’ and did not hide their fondness for Korea. Wherever they went, they were warmly welcomed, to the point of hiding that they were Koreans.

Conversely, the Japanese and Chinese pretended to be Koreans.

Koreans were shocked when they saw a Japanese neighbor who was proudly wearing a Rising Sun Flag T-shirt until a few days ago suddenly wearing a Taegeukgi T-shirt.

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