Chapter 191

The impeachment vote for the president of the United States took place at midnight Korean time.

The Golden Gate Korean branch was lit up brightly throughout the building. Most of the employees gave up work and stayed at the company, and everyone watched TV with a nervous look.

Perhaps other financial institutions are similar.

U.S. stocks, which had plummeted, attempted to rebound when news broke that the House of Representatives passed the impeachment bill by an overwhelming majority. It is expected that uncertainty will be resolved with Ronald’s resignation.

Hyun Joo-do came out of the office and watched TV with the staff.

Eli asked Hyunjoo with a bewildered expression.

“Then what will happen to Jinhoo now?”

Hyunjoo said while rubbing the cigarette he was smoking.

“It’s ruined.”

She was against this from the beginning.

However, the reason they couldn’t stop it was because the two doctors were too firm. As it is not like betting on everything like in Brexit, I thought that it would not be bad to experience failure this time.

However, as time passed, the situation grew out of control.

Would you like to deposit a stake in OTK Company, or move the US president to declare an emergency measure? In the end, the unprecedented situation of impeachment of the president took place.

At this point, losing money is not a problem. I was worried about whether I would be able to return to Korea safely.

Eli said urgently.

“I’m going to America right now.”

Hyunjoo nodded his head.

“It would be nice. Let’s go to the airport right now.”

If she couldn’t get a plane ticket, she thought about renting a private plane by talking to Suseong Electronics.

However, the announcement of her resignation did not last until the end.


“Oh My God!”

“This is absurd… … .”

The image of the collapsed city unfolded on the TV screen.

Is that really San Francisco?

There were also several Americans working in the Korean branch. When they saw the scene of the disaster in their country, they were so shocked that they collapsed on the spot or burst into tears.

Everyone was surprised and said nothing.

After a while, Eli said with tears in his eyes.

“Jinhu was right. The Big One really came.”

Hyeon-joo held the desk with both hands in order not to fall.

“I really can’t live up to my name because of them.”

Unlike most financial companies, Golden Gate bets that the Big One is coming. You will probably make a huge profit.

I don’t know if I should like it or be sad to see the city that has become His Majesty… … Anyway, I decided to be relieved that my brother is safe now.

* * *

At OTK Company’s headquarters, more than half of the employees watched TV at the company, delaying their work.

Jinhoo Kang stocked up on raw materials in the market a few months ago. However, he has repeatedly stated that he bought raw materials for disaster recovery, not for money.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t really want to make money. You accurately predicted a disaster and even made it known everywhere, but what else can you not make money on?


The shouting employees saw Henry and Michael Lee and changed their expressions. How do Americans feel now?

Apart from that, it is not a human duty to rejoice at such a disaster.

Park Sang-yeop muttered, saying it was ridiculous.

“I’m really going to get this right.”

Jinhu Kang has earned her fame by predicting various crises so far. But if you think about it, it was only on the voting day that Brexit and Ronald were supposed to be elected.

There were several experts who got it right (though, of course, not many people made money by investing in it).

But the earthquake was different.

This was not just a matter of whether the Big One came or not, it was a matter of when the Big One would come.

Of course, I don’t think Kang Jin-hoo would make the wrong choice, but he was too confident to believe only the words of Professor Mohan.

‘Somehow, I think that professor is a con artist.’

Anyway, as much as he was instructed to bet on Big One, Park Sang-yeop moved as he was told. He hadn’t been very active until this point.

However, things changed after Kang Jin-hoo deposited her stake in the state of California.

When Big One comes, you get a big profit, and the stake deposit is nullified. Conversely, if the Big One does not come, he will incur a big loss, but his stake will go to the State of California

In other words, the profit is the company’s share, and the loss is the state of California’s share.

In this situation, Park Sang-yeop was able to invest the company’s money in risky products without any burden. He maxed out leverage and bought put options, while in the foreign exchange market he bought dollars and yen and sold emerging market currencies.

The time Kang Jin-hoo said was until the end of September, and that date is only a few days away.

Everyone thought they were wrong.

But today it finally happened!

Immediately, the entire American stock market, including the United States, was shocked and staggered. On the other hand, gold, crude oil and commodities soared, and the won-dollar exchange rate quickly broke through the 1,400 won mark.

As the day dawns, Asian stock markets will plummet one after another. Stock investors had a hard time sleeping tonight.

The exact return will be known after closing the position, but it should be at least $10 billion or more. This is enough to make up for the money spent preparing for Big One.

Money is money, but Park Sang-yeop thought of something else.

Things that have happened in the last month have passed by like a flashlight. Conservative group protests in front of the company every day, giraffes writing garbage articles, media incitement and fabricating, police officers who only watched with their arms crossed, search and seizure by the prosecution, assaults, swear words, etc.

These things just couldn’t happen. It was clear that there was a behind it, and I could guess who it was.

‘It must be retaliation for the Hoseong Savings Bank incident.’

It’s not that I don’t understand the sentiment. He probably worked because he thought that Jin-hoo Kang would fall, but the result was the exact opposite.

Now Kang Jin-hoo is the hero who saved America from crisis!

Park Sang-yeop shouted as he loosened the bandages that were holding his head.

“It’s the start of a counterattack, you bastards.”

* * *

The dangers of Big One were raised two months ago.

The reason, of course, is Kang Jin-hoo. Since then, the federal government and the state of California have been preparing for earthquakes.

It goes without saying that the importance of first responders in various disasters is important. The success or failure of a rescue depends on how efficiently and how many people are put in at the beginning of a disaster.

Both military and fire departments conducted intensive rescue drills for a while. Until then, I wondered what kind of crazy this was.

Everyone complained about unnecessary training because of Kang Jin-hoo and Ronald. But when things really happened, things changed.

California military base.

Helicopters are fixed so that they do not collide with each other. Because of this, there were few helicopters that were damaged even though a fairly large shock was swept away.

Colonel Lucas shouted at his men.

“The army exists for the people! Our mission is to save as many people as possible! Did you know?”

His men shouted in unison.


For this moment, all helicopters were full of fuel and loaded with rescue equipment. As soon as the dispatch order was issued, dozens of helicopters flew one after another from the military base.

A similar thing happened at the fire department.

The San Francisco Bay area has been declared an emergency disaster area, and gas stations and gas filling stations have taken out all flammable materials and empty storage tanks.

Thanks to this, there was no large-scale explosion, but electricity lines were cut, city gas pipelines were destroyed, and fires broke out in various places.

Fires make evacuation and rescue more difficult.

A rescue helicopter and a firefighting helicopter were dispatched immediately.

* * *

Military personnel and fire and rescue teams began to rescue the area, focusing on the danger zone.

Relatively less damaged outlying areas had no choice but to have a shortage of rescue workers. Private rescue teams were deployed here.

The Big One shook the whole of California.

Disaster broadcasting, which was played on and off from time to time, was a great help in this case. Mario quickly took his family and entered the bomb shelter at his mansion, waiting for the aftershock to pass.

At that moment, a radio was heard along with a crackling sound.

[CK4875. Reply when you hear it!]

Mario immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and responded.

“CK4875. I am listening.”

[Please go to the rescue immediately. Is it possible?]

Mario saw his family trembling. Her family shook their heads to signify not to go.

He recalled the words of a young employee who installed the GPS equipment and walkie-talkie.

‘If something happens, your helicopter will be of great help to someone.’

Right now, someone will be eagerly waiting for your help.

Mario spoke into the walkie-talkie.

“Of course. I will go immediately.”

[The location of the survivors will be sent by GPS.]


Mario got into the helicopter. A pacing electronic GPS fitted by her staff indicated the location.

In her mother’s arms, her grandson opened her eyes wide as she watched her grandfather climb into her helicopter.

“Where are you going, Grandpa?”

Mario raised her thumb towards her grandson.

“Save the people, come on, Diego.”

* * *

Silicon Valley Palo Alto.

Despite the government’s evacuation plan, the majority of citizens remained in the city. Since they have their home and living base there, they cannot easily leave.

Moreover, most experts and politicians still denied the possibility of a big one. So I was a little reassured.

Until just ten days ago, the headquarters and research centers of numerous IT companies in this area were actively running. However, due to the government’s coercive measures, companies went on holidays without plans, and people who had no work to do had gathered in pubs in high-rise buildings from broad daylight to drink.

Two pictures were attached to the dartboard.

It is the face of Ronald and Kang Jin-hoo. People played by throwing darts at the photos. There were countless holes in the photo.

On the large TV hanging on the wall, Ronald’s resignation announcement was played.

“Who elected that guy as president?”

“I only listened to what I said after Kang Jin-ho and it turned out to be the worst!”

Everyone drank alcohol and burst into laughter.

Beep Beep!

But at that moment, a notification sounded on everyone’s smartphones at once.

[A great earthquake occurred in the sea south of San Francisco!

Residents in the area should evacuate immediately!]

“What is this?”

“surely… … ?”

At first, everyone thought it was a joke.

But at that moment.


A strong impact shook the building.



The windows were shattered all at once, as if they had been bombed. A light hanging from the ceiling fell over his head.(Read more @

People crawled under the table, covering their heads with their hands. The building continued to shake in all directions.

Just before the TV screen turned off, the anchor’s urgent voice came out.

“Big One is here! Everyone run away… … .”

The white man, who had just thrown a dart in his face after the earthquake, burst into tears.

“Damn it! Jinhu Kang was right!”

So did the others.

“Why didn’t you hear that?”

“What kind of guy said Big One wasn’t coming?”

How long has it been?

Finally the vibration stopped.

“Is it all over?”

“Sa, are you alive?”

“Oh God. Thank you.”

They got up to get out of the building. But the elevator stopped working, and the stairs going down collapsed.

At that moment, the building shook violently again.

“It’s aftershocks!”

The earthquake is not over yet!

The building was leaning slightly sideways. At this rate, it will be completely destroyed in no time.

someone shouted

“Go to the roof!”

Most buildings lock their roof doors to prevent accidents. However, after it was designated as an emergency disaster area, it was mandatory to open the doors for evacuation.

They ran up the stairs.

A shocking scene unfolded as we climbed up on the roof.

The skyscrapers that used to decorate the city skyline collapsed. Roads split like crevasses, and people and vehicles alike were sucked into the ground.

Is this really what Palo Alto looks like?

People slumped in their seats.

“Hey, this must be a dream.”

“Uh, how did this happen… … ?”

“I should have evacuated sooner!”

“I, I don’t want to die like this! Please save me!”

“We will all die!”

I even had the illusion that the sky was suddenly darkening.

Everyone is in despair and is not sure what to do, but a young woman exclaims.

“No! Look over there!”

She pointed her finger at the sky, and the people all raised their heads in unison.

Countless helicopters were flying as if they were blocking the sun.

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