Chapter 190


Ronald struck the podium with his fist. The reporters, who were bewildered and did not know what to do, looked at him all at once.

Ronald said in a strong tone.

“I knew that the Big One was coming, and the government has established all countermeasures for it. I will immediately go to California and lead the rescue!”

The White House announcement ended there, and the screen changed.

Taek-gyu sat down on the floor and looked at me and asked.

“Are we alive now?”

“We lived.”

I said, pointing to the TV screen.

“They are dead.”

The screen where Ronald had appeared until recently was suddenly illuminating San Francisco. The beautiful and colorful city was now turned into ruins.

Earthquakes at the western end shook the eastern end. I wouldn’t even need to tell you how powerful it was.

The Golden Gate Bridge and Bay Bridge, the symbols of San Francisco, could not withstand the shock and were torn in pieces.

The high-rise buildings that had been barely holding on while leaning to the side collapsed like dominoes, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

It’s not like news, it’s like a scene from a disaster movie. No, no other disaster movie would be this terrible.

It seemed to be known now.

Why did the Californians call it The Big One?

* * *

For the past two months, America has been in chaos.

The chaos that began with the fear of Big One spread to the impeachment of the president. When the anxiety about the disaster was added to the political unrest, the situation worsened out of control.

Nevertheless, Professor Mohan and Jinhoo Kang did not withdraw their claims, and Ronald steadfastly pushed forward the evacuation plan.

The whole world laughed at America. There was only one reason why the United States, the world’s most powerful country, had become such a joke.

Time magazine ridiculed Kang Jin-hoo as the Rasputin of the 21st century.

Rasputin was a witch and false prophet of the Tsarist Russia era. The Russian emperor Nicholas II, who believed in him, fell, and the Romanov dynasty disappeared into history.

One political commentator said, “Jin-hoo Kang made Ronald president and kicked him out of the place.”

Ironically, Vice President Bauer, who took the lead in impeachment, was also the number one contributor to making Ronald president.

People who had not seen it stood up. Protests spread like flames across the United States. They mourned the victims of the Blupel fire and condemned Jinhu Kang and Ronald.

Denver Stevenson.

A student at the State University of New York, he led the Ronald resignation movement in New York.

It’s not really an organized meeting, it’s just a gathering of like-minded people by posting the date and place on the Face Note. Thousands of people gathered every time for that alone.

They marched and chanted slogans. Well, today was the day of the vote on the impeachment bill. Protesters went wild when news broke that the impeachment bill had passed the House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority.

Denver shouted with a megaphone.

“This is a victory for American democracy, and for our American people!”


“Get away Ronald!”

“Get away! Get away!”

“Punish Kang Jin-hoo!”

“Punish! Punish!”

On a large billboard where advertisements for large corporations were usually displayed, the caption “Presidential Emergency Announcement” appeared and a news screen appeared.

In the unprecedented situation of the resignation of the president, not only the protesters but also the people on the street stopped all at once and looked at the billboards or smartphones.

Ahead of the Senate vote, the president’s announcement meant only one thing.

The protesters let out fierce shouts.


Now, Ronald’s resignation was a fact.

The sound of the TV could not be heard due to the shouts that filled the street.

But at that moment.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, and people fell.

“What, what?”

“Uh, what’s going on?”

“What just happened?”

The protesters faced each other. The street was as quiet as a lie. Then I heard Ronald’s voice.

“Big One is here!”

Everyone looked like they couldn’t believe it.

Big One is here? The ground just shook for a moment. Maybe it was a made up word to avoid impeachment?

But soon, the sight of San Francisco unfolded on the billboard.

What used to be the most expensive and livable city in America has completely collapsed. The high-rise buildings that beautifully decorated the city skyline collapsed.

The reporter shouted something, but his voice could not be heard properly because of the sound of helicopters and roaring noises.

It was an unbelievable sight to be true.

Some people quickly pulled out their smartphones and checked the article. The whole news was covered with the Big One.

[Big One is here!][San Francisco M9.8 earthquake occurred!][The largest scale since earthquake observation!][Worst catastrophe in American history!][California State Government under investigation!]

Screams and screams erupted from the people’s mouths.


“This cannot be real!”

“How did this happen!”

“Oh God!”

Denver, who was leading the protest, remembered one person.

Despite everyone’s accusations and ridicule, only one risked everything to warn Big One. And right now, that warning has become a reality.

He dropped the megaphone and muttered blankly.

“I, what did I do?”

People who had been holding pickets and shouting slogans until just before were panicked and shouted.

“Damn it!”

“Jinhoo Kang was right!”

“That bastard was right!”

* * *

The House of Representatives, which passed the impeachment bill by an overwhelming majority, was cheering.

The impeachment bill, which passed the House of Representatives, is now moving up to the Senate. If the president did not resign, he would immediately vote to impeach him.

By the way… … Big One has arrived.

Ha Won, who had been cheering for a while, was engulfed in silence.

The reason for impeachment was that the president had ruined the United States by believing only the words of insane professors and speculators from Korea.

But when the Big One came, everything changed.

Professor Mohan accurately predicted the disaster, and after the earthquake, he risked all of his fortune and tried to tell the truth about her. And President Ronald did his best to protect America, not to destroy it.

To impeach such a great president, they voted!

The Senate, who had also raised a voice for impeachment, changed its stance as soon as the incident broke out and immediately dismissed the impeachment proposal.

In the end, only Hawon did something stupid.

A Republican senator asked the Speaker of the House.

“What will we do now?”

The Speaker of the House muttered, forgetting that there was a camera.

“Mother Fuck… … .”

* * *

I knew the Big One was coming.

But the moment it became a reality, I couldn’t come to my senses. Reality transcended all imagination and appeared before me.

Thinking of how many people must have died, my hands and feet trembled in fear.

Compared to Big One, the two major earthquakes in Mexico the other day were nothing but children’s pranks.

My mind was confused.

Did I really do my best? Couldn’t it have been better?

Time was too short. If only I had more time for a month, no, even for a full full moon… … .

“What are you doing?”


When I turned my head, Ronald, who had just been in the TV, was standing next to me.

He patted my back hard with his palm and said.

“I’m going to California right now, so follow me.”

Instead of asking why, I nodded my head.

“Oh, I see.”

I said to Taek-gyu.

“You go back to Korea right here. I’ll finish this job and go. Please tell Ellie and Hyunjoo noona well. Ah! To Sangyeop-senpai and Henry.”

“Ah Okay. be careful!”

There was nothing to do other than pack my luggage.

Following Ronald’s footsteps, his aide dissuaded him.

“California is dangerous, President. As long as you stay here… … .”

Ronald yelled at him.

“There are people waiting for rescue in that dangerous place! Can you hide yourself in a safe place and turn your back to someone else to go rescue?”

As I stepped out of the building, Vice President Bauer was standing in front of me. He looked insane. He looks like he doesn’t know what he’s done.

I didn’t know things would turn out like this.

“Sorry. I am… … .”

Ronald patted his shoulder lightly.

“Right now, the first priority is to rectify the situation. I’ll go to the scene right away, so the Vice President stays at the White House to lead the situation.”

As the saying goes, we need to focus on the rescue now. It is enough to examine the good or wrong after the work is done.

Vice President Bauer’s eyes returned to normal.

“Oh, I see.”

Dozens of vehicles headed for a nearby airport.

At the airport, the US presidential plane, Air Force One, was waiting for takeoff.

Ronald got on the plane first with a firm expression on his face, and everyone followed.

The reporters pressed the shutter button repeatedly to capture the scene on camera.

* * *(Read more @

How the hell do you live your life to get on Air Force One?

Even though I’m not American, I’m Korean.

Befitting the nickname of the White House in the sky, Air Force One was equipped with a presidential office, meeting rooms, and medical offices, and was able to communicate with the world.

Key figures including Ronald gathered in the conference room. And I was also present. The whole meeting was recorded.

Ronald asked me.

“How many relief supplies have the OTK Company accumulated in the United States?”

“All the lists and quantities were submitted to the Disaster Integration Headquarters. We are still producing and shipping in China and Vietnam.”

The initial production was transported by ship, but the quantity produced after mid-September was transported by air. Due to the hasty arrangement, the shipping cost increased tenfold, but there was no other way.

“We will requisition everything that is in the United States as well as any additional items that arrive. The expenses will be settled and paid after work is done.”

I nodded.

“It was prepared for America. You are welcome to use it.”

Then, a video call was made with the California Institute of Technology.

Professor Mohan appeared on the screen. In the meantime, the old professor, who had been plump, seemed to have lost all the weight.

Caltech is more than 500 kilometers from San Francisco. However, the shock could not be avoided, and the appearance of the laboratory behind him was a mess.

Books spilled on the floor, and furniture was scattered around.

Professor Mohan looked distressed. Maybe it was because of the guilt he knew in advance and couldn’t stop it. I could understand that feeling.

“There will be aftershocks for a while. Although not on the same scale as this time, each one is a major earthquake.”

Everyone’s expression hardened at those words.

But it didn’t end here.

“Soon there will be a tsunami tens of meters high. If we are not prepared, the casualties will increase out of control.”

The tsunami was in some ways more catastrophic than the earthquake. In the Great East Japan Earthquake and the South Asia Earthquake, most of the deaths were caused by drowning due to the tsunami.

“Is the Seismology Center safe?”

“Most of them are working fine.”

“Continue checking the situation and send it to the Disaster Integration Headquarters.”


Broadcasting was temporarily suspended on all radio and broadcast channels across the United States, and a presidential statement was issued.

Ronald, who appeared on the screen, said calmly and firmly.

“The earthquake is not over yet. There will be several aftershocks and tsunamis. Residents of hazardous areas are requested to evacuate as soon as possible according to the guidance. If evacuation is not feasible, put on a life jacket and go under your desk to protect your head. Again, the government is perfectly prepared for disaster response. The military, firefighters and civilian volunteers have already been put into the rescue, and will rescue the survivors. We will never stop until we rescue the last one. No matter what happens, the country will be with you. Please pray for America!”

* * *

next day.

Time magazine published a special issue.

On the cover decorated with a black border instead of the usual red, the profile of Kang Jin-hoo, who climbed into Air Force One with a firm expression, was shown.

The title was ‘Prophet Kang’.

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