Chapter 189

President Bauer asked in surprise.

“What did you do now?”

“You know the reasons for the impeachment better than I do, so I won’t have to tell you. Instead, I would like to say this. If we impeach President Ronald, the Vice President will become President.”

Mike Bauer is a great Republican, a traditional conservative, and a devout evangelical. Unobtrusive, sincere, and speaking only the right words, he has the tolerance for Republican leaders.

Ronald, who had no support within the Republican Party, chose him as his partner, and he was right. He garnered traditional Republican support and became the number one contributor to Ronald’s election.

To the extent that it is said that Ronald was made president by Mike Bauer within the party and Jin-hoo Kang outside the party.

The former governor of Hawaii was his last as vice president in his political career.

If Ronald fails to be re-elected, it will end there, and even if Ronald is re-elected, he will retire after four years.

After that, he will probably lead his peaceful life. He also arranged a home in Hawaii to live with his wife.

By the way… … .

“The name of the President of the United States goes down in history. If you ask me to name past presidents, I’ll name ten people on the spot, even a homeless person lying on the street. But do you remember any of the Vice Presidents?”

The President of the United States is itself a hero in history. His name is forever recorded during his tenure as well as after his retirement. But the vice president disappears from everyone’s memory as soon as his term ends.

Governor Simon said in a sudden thought.

“Ah! There is one name that comes to mind. Harry Truman was also vice president.”

Harry Truman.

There is only one reason people remember him as Vice President.

“If he hadn’t succeeded to the presidency upon the death of President Roosevelt, would anyone remember his name now?”

It was a dangerous and secret temptation.

Vice President Bauer felt a fire burning in his chest.

A place he thought he could never climb… … He has been given the opportunity to become a hero in history!

Simon said in a soft tone.

“Convince Republican senators to join in the impeachment.”

They did not expect anything in return, and I did not think that they would act like this solely for the national interest.

Vice President Bauer asked Simon.

“What do you want?”

“President Ronald is not the only person responsible for this situation. If the president is impeached, everyone involved will have to step down. Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Finance, Secretary of Homeland Security… … There must be many more.”

Vice President Bauer knew what he was trying to say.

“Are you asking for a seat?”

Simon didn’t deny it.

“Anyway, in the current situation, it will be difficult for the Republican Party to resolve the chaos alone. The Democratic Party will also support the new president.”

It wasn’t a bad offer.

The reason Ronald continued to be weak after taking office was because the Democrats were in control of Congress.

If the impeachment bill is passed, the power of the Democratic Party will become stronger. They desperately needed their help in order to run the state government stably in the future.

Vice President Bauer looked at Simon. Perhaps he thought that in the next presidential election he might face him against him.

It’s good if you win, and it doesn’t matter if you lose. Either way, he will go down in history as President of the United States.

“I’m going to meet the Republican leader first.”

At his words, the people gathered at the seat smiled with satisfaction.

* * *

New Jersey Governor Simon Underwood, along with Democrats, issued an ultimatum to Ronald.

“I will give you three days. Please stop this madness in it and resign your presidency. If they refuse, I will convene the House and Senate to vote on impeachment.”

It was expected that Congress would strongly oppose it. However, it was unexpected to even bring up the impeachment bill.

Unlike South Korea, where re-elections are held when the president is impeached, in the United States, the vice president takes over. Therefore, even if the impeachment succeeds, it does not lead to a change of government.

Taek-gyu asked after seeing the news.

“Has there ever been a president impeached in American history?”


I’ve been there a few times before.

Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were dismissed by the Senate, and President Richard Nixon resigned shortly before passage.

Instead of meeting and persuading the Democrats, Ronald posted on Twitter.

[Elephant goes even if the donkey barks!]

The donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party, and the elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party.

In the House of Representatives, if the majority of the votes in favor of impeachment pass, it is passed, so there is no way to prevent it if the majority Democrats decide and vote. But the Senate requires a two-thirds majority.

The House of Representatives may be tough, but it was calculated that the Senate could be stopped if Republicans unite.

By the way… … .

“Despite numerous advice and disapproval, President Ronald Stamper only believes in Professor Mohan’s false claims and Kang Jin-hoo’s words and is ruining America. This led me to the conclusion that he had lost the judgment to continue his presidency. We ask that the public also send their support. God bless America.”

It was none other than Vice President Mike Bauer who said this!

He was, in effect, the head of the Republican Party. His coming out like this meant that even the Republican leaders had turned their backs on Ronald.

Republicans joined the ranks of impeachment, gaining enough votes in both the Senate and House of Representatives.

[Will you be impeached or resign?][Rasputin in the 21st century, the downfall of the most powerful!][Jinhoo Kang is the true Big One!][Poll results show that 91% overwhelmingly support impeachment!]

The date of the impeachment vote is September 28.

America’s future was going in a direction no one could predict.

* * *

I haven’t slept properly for several days.

I fell asleep leaning on the sofa, and I was standing there again. The same scene unfolded before my eyes.

What are you trying to show me?

The man next to me was constantly looking at the clock and talking on the Bluetooth earphone. The signal changed, and people crossed the road.

The ground cracked again, and I grabbed the man’s hand as he was about to fall. And he pulled, knowing he would not be able to save.

I could see the Rolex watch on his right wrist.

At that moment, my feet went out and I fell into the endless darkness.

When I opened my eyes, the world was quiet.

Taek-gyu asked.

“What else did you see this time?”

“It’s time for the Big One to come.”

Taehyung was surprised.

“Really? What time is it?”

“12:47. Big One will come then.”

* * *

It was the 28th, but there was no scheduled release of the Enphone Z.

There was no announcement of a new product, let alone a launch. The same was true for other companies’ events.

It’s very different from what I’ve seen. Maybe everything changed because of me.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for this situation to end soon.

I got a call from Professor Mohan. Professor Noh said in a weak voice.

[The movement of the San Andreas and Hayward Faults is unusual. It seems like we’re really close now… … Actually, I don’t know what it is.]

Professor Mohan also suffered from criticism. The California Institute of Technology has been flooded with calls for the dismissal of Professor Mohan.

A high-level earthquake warning has been issued for the San Francisco Bay area.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party proceeded with the impeachment proceedings as promised. Now, Ronald had only two options left.

to be impeached, or to resign before that.

Ronald looked tired. The enthusiasm he had before had disappeared, and he looked like an old man in his 70s.

“I should prepare a resignation announcement soon,”

“Wait a minute.”

Ronald smiled bitterly at my words.

“What will change if I wait?”

“The Big One might come before that.”

If what I’ve seen is correct, it certainly will.

I kept looking at the watch. Time passed frantically.

And finally the scheduled 12:47 came.

Big One is… … Did not come.

The world was still quiet.

As I panicked, Ronald looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Why but?”

“Oh, nothing.”

Why is nothing happening?

What I saw was the hands of a wrist watch. There may be errors of a few minutes. But 30 minutes passed, and an hour passed and still nothing happened.

Something is wrong!

Taek-gyu’s face became contemplative.

His head was confused and he couldn’t get it right. What did I misunderstand? Did my actions even affect the earthquake?

Then what the hell did I do?

The shouts and screams of the protesters could be heard outside. A fight ensues as police block protesters from entering the White House.

Moments later, Ronald ended the short call and hung up the phone.

“The House of Representatives has passed the impeachment bill. The Senate vote will be held in a moment.”

An interview with the Speaker of the House of Representatives appeared on TV.

He explained the results of the impeachment vote.

“The impeachment of the president is very heartbreaking. I hope that President Ronald will make a quick decision so as not to leave a stain on American history.”

Ronald clapped his hands lightly and got up.

“This is all over.”

More than two hours have already passed since Big One was supposed to come. But nothing happened. The San Francisco Bay you see on TV was still serene.

Now the Senate vote begins. There was no more time. This was Ronald’s last chance.

I couldn’t stop Ronald from announcing his resignation. It was his last pride.

Losing money is no longer a problem. It’s all over!

What’s wrong with that?

If Ronald hadn’t listened to me, neither of us would have been like this.

What is he thinking?

“Do you resent me?”

Ronald smiled and patted my shoulder lightly.

“It’s what I judged and what I decided. There is nothing to do but blame anyone.”

Usually, he was brought to the fore for his frivolous words and deeds that were not like the president. But with his resignation in front of him, he looked more like a president than anyone else.

Ronald headed to the press room to announce his resignation, and it was just the two of us.

We didn’t say anything for a long time.

Taek-gyu asked curiously.

“What is it? Why isn’t there an earthquake?”

“I don’t know anymore.”

Is it because I misunderstood the date, or is there some other reason?

Up until now, I was confident. But now he didn’t even know what the truth was.

What did I see?

Was it really the future, or was it a fantasy I made up? Maybe Big One didn’t exist from the beginning?

What the hell do I want?

Is it good to have an earthquake to gain something, or not to have an earthquake even if you lose everything?

Do I want earthquakes to happen, or do I not want them to happen?(Read more @

The words of criticism towards me and everything I did to prevent earthquake damage came to mind. Was it really a pointless act?

Ronald appeared on the TV screen. At the bottom, there was a caption that read, “The White House Urgent Announcement.”

He did not disclose why he was holding the press conference, but everyone knows that this is an announcement of his resignation.

If Ronald resigns, all emergency measures will cease. After that, even if the Big One comes, I can’t do anything about it.

Really it’s all over

At that moment, my vision blurred and I heard a tinnitus.

‘so… … just now… … San… … Arrive at… … .’

I could tell it was the voice of the man standing next to the crossing.

What are you talking about?

‘This case… … JP Mo… … must… … IPO… … ’

surely… … .

Taehyung asked me.

“What is it?”

I said muttering.

“That man was a JP Morgan employee.”

“Who is that man?”

“JP Morgan’s headquarters is on Wall Street. I came to San Francisco on a business trip.”

Taek-gyu blinked his eyes as if he didn’t understand.

“Now, what does that matter?”

“East and West are three hours apart.”

The smartphone checks the GPS and base station to automatically change the time. However, in analog watches, you have to turn the crown to set the time yourself.

But what if he hadn’t been on time?

Then the local time at the time of the earthquake was 3:47, not 12:47!

After hearing the explanation, Taek-gyu looked at his watch in surprise.

“It just passed.”

I turned my head to the TV.

Ronald read the announcement he had prepared in a calm voice.

“My fellow citizens. As of this time, I am the President of the United States of America… … .”

I felt like my legs were going to lose strength and I was going to collapse at any moment. It felt as if my feet were shaking.


It’s not an illusion. Actually the ground is shaking!

Taek-gyu fell to the floor, and Ronald, seen on the screen, stumbled while holding the podium. The voices of the bewildered reporters flowed straight through the broadcast.

“Room, what just happened?”

“What’s up?”

“surely… … ?”

The aide ran into the screen and whispered something into Ronald’s ear.

At that moment, Ronald crumpled up the announcement he was holding. Then he looked straight into the camera and said.

“The Big one has come.”

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