Chapter 173

If I think about it, I said I would help, but I didn’t really care.

To make an excuse, I was busy covering up my face. Meanwhile, Henry’s heart seemed to be burning.

“Calm down.”

Henry said as if frustrated.

“Are you going to be like this if I’m sulky?”

He took off his tie and drank his soju glass one after another.

Do you know what soju is or drink it?

At first, I drank it by myself, and then I started drinking with the bottle as it was too cumbersome. I never thought in my life I would see a white man blowing a bottle of soju.

Seeing you suffer like this makes me sad. James told me to take good care of my grandchildren.

Any good way to help?

At that moment, something popped into my mind.

I took the soju bottle in his hand and said,

“Stop drinking and listen. Still, I have a plan for Henry.”

Henry looked at me with suspicious eyes.

“Is that true?”

“This time, we are going to go on summer vacation together.”

Taek-gyu asked me with an absurd expression.

“Did that vacation plan for Henry?”

“… … .”

Huh. it just happened

Hyeon-joo noona doesn’t even have a lover, but the reason Henry has not been able to approach him is simple because he’s been suffering alone.

Because he was so busy with work that he didn’t even give him the slightest break.

“If you go on vacation, you will have some free time, and then you will have a chance, right?”

Of course, I can’t tell. Hyunjoo noona’s personality is that she can come with her work.

Henry looked like he was holding a rope that came down from the sky.

“Thank you. I will never forget this grace.”

“Well, even to call it grace… … .”

“But where are you going?”

“I’m thinking of Maldives.”

Because she wants Ellie to go.

Henry said happily.

“It’s just fine. Her grandfather has a villa in the Maldives.”


Taek-gyu rubbed his eyes and asked.

“Are you sure your villa is in the Maldives? How could such a coincidence?”

This is no coincidence.

because… … .

“There are villas not only in the Maldives, but also in the Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea.”

Goldman is a famous financial conglomerate from the beginning.

Because of this, they have owned real estate all over the world for a long time. The villa is just one of those properties.

okay. This is the life of a rich man.

It is not possible to make a separate reservation for accommodation.

* * *

After the unveiling of Karos’ autonomous driving technology, each industry sought a way to survive.

Nikola, Gubble, and NPL, the leaders in the autonomous driving field, announced that they have signed a technical partnership with each other.

They decided to integrate the technologies they had developed so far into one, share patents, and develop jointly in the future.

In other words, the anti-Caros camp was formed against Carlos.

It would be synergistic if they cooperated with each other saying that it would be better if they failed, but it would be unreasonable to catch up with Karos technology in a short period of time. The road to commercialization will not be easy.

What is Eunseong Cha going to do?

First of all, it is working with the government to develop hydrogen cars. The outline of the hydrogen car to be launched in the second half of the year was gradually revealed, and the government gave strong support.

President Park Si-hyeong’s approval rating fell to the bottom after the savings bank crisis, but one good thing has recently emerged.

none other than North Korea.

Despite sanctions from the international community, North Korea conducted nuclear development and missile tests, heightening tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

Park Si-hyung gave daily press briefings like fish in water and convened the National Security Council (NSC) to increase the pressure on North Korea. I don’t know how effective this actually is in putting pressure on North Korea, but it certainly has the effect of mobilizing supporters in the country.

Thanks to this, the approval rating has already recovered to the 30% range. Seeing this, the term concrete support layer is not for nothing.

A bigger problem is the opposition.

Unlike the conservative camps, which are united around the Korean singer-songwriter, the progressive camps were repeating their mergers and acquisitions in a quagmire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parliamentarians moved here and there as if they were assembling some kind of Lego, and the parties repeatedly split and stuck together.

Even the viewer is confused. There really is no misunderstanding, no chaos. Already, there were rumors that the change of government was too late.

We got together in the CEO’s office for a while and ate Jjajangmyeon.

Sangyeop senior enjoyed her life even though she was busy working. He lives in an expensive penthouse with a monthly rent of more than 20 million won, and when he finds a car he likes, he does not hesitate to shout. Not long ago, Lamborghini also signed a contract.

“How was the actress you met last time?”

“How is she? It was just a thumbs up and it was over.”

Wasn’t it quite progressing for a thumbs-up?

Sangyeop said while rubbing the jjajangmyeon.

“More than that, I keep getting requests for lectures from OTK gates. Don’t you think?”

“I have no idea.”

OTK Gate, a shared office for startup support started by OTK Company and Golden Gate as part of their social contribution activities, has been closed for a long time.

Thousands of young people burned their passion there, dreaming of a future gobble or face note. Because of this, the floor where the shared office was located did not know that the lights would go out 24 hours a day.

Applications for occupancy have continued to pour in, but they are already full, so additional occupancy is possible only when companies that have already moved in must leave.

For now, we decided to wait a little longer and decide whether to expand the building as soon as there is a vacancy.

“It would be nice if you could go and talk to me.”

“I have nothing to say.”

People think I’m accurately predicting the future economic outlook.

Of course, this is a huge mistake. How do I know what the world will look like in the future, and which industries are promising?

Just invest according to your foresight.

Instead of me, senior Sangyeop or Kihong senior went and told me a lot of good things. Golden Gate is also providing practical support.

While watching the news while eating jajangmyeon, a familiar face suddenly appeared.

The young woman got out of her car and stood in front of the photo line with her head bowed. A series of camera shutters exploded around her.

Taehyung was surprised.

“Why is that woman here?”

She is none other than Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon whom I met at a department store the other day.

“Why are you doing that over there?”

“I have some work to do.”

This is because of a recording that was released to the media recently.

When the department store side instructed the small and medium-sized clothing companies in the store to move the store, the president ran to them and judged them.

However, on the spot, managing director Hwang Joo-yeon poured out the hard-to-heard swear word against the president for about 15 minutes, which was not enough, so he threw things. Hearing only the voice, it was almost like a psychopath screaming and running rampant. She stopped cursing only after her boss cried and begged her.

When the transcript was released, people were outraged.

Until this time, the department store side, including managing director Hwang Joo-yeon, did not express any particular position. It was because I thought that public opinion would subside as time passed anyway, and that it would pass as usual.

But it was the other way around.

Starting with the transcript, all sorts of atrocities erupted one after another as if digging up sweet potato stalks.

It turned out that the store had already moved twice within a year, and the interior had to be renewed each time.

However, the interior company that signed an exclusive contract with the department store is none other than a company owned by Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon and her brother.

Here, they often held promotional events to pass on the costs to the store companies, and they mobilized the employees of the store companies for personal work or treated them like servants.

It is said that he even slapped him in the face in front of other employees.

Taehyung nodded her head.

“Somehow then, the moment she appeared in the department store, the atmosphere became colder. The Darth Vader theme song is playing.”

So did her staff freak out when she showed up?

Interestingly, the person who opened the transcript was not the CEO of a small business, but a department store employee who was there.

The employee said that he saw the innocent small business owner crying and crying because it was not enough to be cursed, and he decided to report it because he thought it was not.

According to him, this did not happen for a day or two, and Hwang Joo-yeon, managing director, truly reigned as a queen in a department store.

Despite this, the reason that the retailers haven’t complained so far is because of the fear that they might be kicked out of the department store.

She frequently threatened to block stores that did not listen to her from entering not only the gallery department store but also other department stores and shopping malls.

As these facts became known, public opinion worsened, and a boycott of the Gallery Department Store spread.

In the end, President Hwang Hyun-joong fired his daughter, and the prosecution began an investigation as if it had no choice.

“Hmm, the last time I saw you, you looked fine.”

Sangyeop-senpai smiled at my words and said.

“That’s right, it’s in front of the CEO of OTK Company. Anger control disorder only occurs in front of the representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises.”

“… … .”

What kind of anger control disorder develops while looking at people?

Fortunately, it’s all healed now,” she said, bowing her head very calmly.

“I am sorry for causing concern to the people. I also apologize to those who have been hurt because of me.”

The reporters all asked questions at once.

“Is it true that you used abusive language?”

“Do you admit that you slapped your employees in the face?”

“Please tell us something about the reason you acted against the store vendors.”

What can I say?

“I will faithfully participate in the prosecution investigation.”

With those words, she walked into the prosecutor’s office.

She can’t possibly be arrested for something like this anyway. Like other chaebols, he will pretend to reflect appropriately and then return to business.

It is not surprising now that there have been no once or twice controversy over the chaebols.

“When are we going to stop seeing the chaebols entering the prosecutor’s office?”

Taehyung looked at me and said.

“So you’ve been there twice.”

“… … .”

What the hell am I?

* * *

I met Ellie after work.

She said it was around 11 p.m. when Ellie finished her work and came to her appointment.

“Sorry. It was very late.”

“It’s okay.”

Recently, the Korean branch of Golden Gate has been very busy. This is because they opened branches in the metropolitan area and metropolitan cities in earnest and started raising funds.

A general fund raises funds with an investment target and investment method determined. Bonds or stocks, domestic or foreign, indexes or actives, etc.

However, Golden Gate raised a blind fund. Blind funds, as their name suggests, do not provide any prior information on how to invest in any product.

Even closed-end funds. Unlike open-end funds, which can be redeemed at any time, closed-end funds cannot be redeemed until the end of the management period.

Of course, the principal is not guaranteed and the loss is the responsibility of the customer.

It is entirely trusting the judgment of the manager and entrusting the money. Therefore, it is difficult to raise funds without the manager’s reputation.

But Golden Gate is the best IB in the world. Even if all domestic securities firms are combined, it is not comparable to Golden Gate.

The 50-billion-won fund was closed in a few days as high-net-worth individuals flocked to it.

“After becoming the team leader, I was so busy that it was hard to see my face.”

Ellie said sarcastically.

“If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have been promoted.”

The expression on her face was so cute that it made me smile.

“What about Hyunjoo’s older sister?”

“I am still working for the company.”

“Shall we go get some late-night snacks later?”

At my words, Ellie strongly shook her head.

“no. Today, I don’t want to go to work anymore.”

“Have you made all your travel plans?”(Read more @

“of course. I was able to complete the data research perfectly in my spare time at work.”

He looks very excited about going on vacation.

If the company prevents me from going, it’s going to be a big deal.

“More than that, I have a present.”

“A gift?”

Ellie pulled out a square box stacked in wrapping paper from her bag and held it out.

I was perplexed.

“What day is it today?”

First of all, it’s not my birthday… … It’s an important anniversary, did I forget?

Ellie smiled at her.

“On what day do you have to give gifts? In the meantime, I have only received from Jinhoo, but I also want to do something.”


In an instant, emotion came over me.

“Can I open it now?”

“of course.”

I carefully removed the wrapping paper.

Inside the box was a watch. The brand is Rolex.

I was surprised.

“This would be expensive.”

“It’s expensive for a salaried person like me. Still, I got a promotion, and I thought it would suit Jinhoo, so I was very excited.”

Ellie said with her eyes twinkling.

“Take a look.”

I put the watch on my wrist as instructed. It was just right because I set the clock in advance. As she moved her wrists to and fro with joy, she suddenly felt a great sense of incongruity.

I feel like I’m missing something important… … .

What is it?

When I stopped suddenly, Ellie looked me in the eye and asked.

“why? Don’t you like it?”

I shook my head.

“It’s not… … .”

Suddenly she felt nauseous and her head felt dizzy. When I stumbled, Ellie was startled.

“What’s wrong?”

The woman opposite her quickly got up from her seat and walked towards me.

What is this… … .

Ellie grabbed me and yelled something, but she couldn’t hear me well because of her tinnitus. My vision was blurred and I couldn’t see properly.

same as back then

At that moment, the same foresight as back then came to my mind.

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