Chapter 174

It was late, so we had a light meal and got up. Conversely, Ellie drove me to the front of the house, saying I was going to drive her to the hotel.

“Are you really okay?”

I smiled.

“It was just a little dizzy.”

Even though she had said she was okay over and over again, Ellie still looked uneasy.

“Can I really not go to the hospital?”

Well, there were times when I didn’t wake up for a week, so it’s natural to be worried.

“It’s really good.”

“If you feel unwell, call me right away.”

“Anyway, when I go home, Taek-gyu is there.”

“I promise to call you anyway.”

“I see.”

I reassured Ellie as much as possible and then put her in her car. As soon as the car started, I immediately ran into the house.

Taek-gyu was lying on the sofa in the living room, watching the animation.

“Did your date go well?”

I turned off the TV.

“Why off? It’s an important scene!”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“I think this is important!”

Taek-gyu, who was screaming, looked at my expression and froze as if surprised.

“What is it? What happened?”

I put my hand on his shoulder and said.

“I misunderstood.”


“The San Francisco earthquake.”


“It hasn’t happened yet.”

Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“I saw wisdom again.”

Taek-gyu was surprised at my words.

“What? So what was the last earthquake?”

I flopped down on the sofa.

“Maybe it had nothing to do with Yeji.”

Taek-gyu had a look on his face that he didn’t understand.

“You’ve been quiet all this time, but why did you suddenly show the same foresight?”

I showed the watch on my wrist.

“It’s because of this.”

Taek-gyu looked at his watch and then looked at my face again.

“Why Rolex?”

“I think I saw something when I was down. It’s like a dream.”

“What is your dream?”

“I do not know.”

The original dream is vivid when you wake up, but you can’t remember it well when you wake up. I even remembered the fact that I had a dream back then.

“Think of something.”

“I’m still trying.”

The dream was vague and vague, like a piece of a puzzle. I looked at the watch on my wrist and thought.

In an instant, one thing came to mind.

I said muttering.

“A building made of glass.”


“It was an App Store.”

One of the characteristics of Nplay Store is that the front of the building is made of glass.

“Did you see the Nplay Store in your dream? Does that have to do with the San Francisco earthquake?”

“I think so.”


Taek-gyu quickly turned on the computer and brought up the Gubble map.

“There are a total of five NPlay Stores in and around San Francisco.”

When I looked at the road view, I could see the App Store and its surroundings in detail.

I’ve been to San Francisco several times. But all of them were for work, so I only went back and forth between the hotel and the company, but I never really looked around the city.

Perhaps because of that, all the street scenes on the screen were unfamiliar.

I looked at the five App Stores from different angles for a while. But you can’t tell just by looking at the screen.

“I must go to San Francisco.”

Taek-gyu swallowed his saliva at my words.

“Isn’t it dangerous? What if there is an earthquake?”

That’s right.

It is fortunate that it ends with a marine earthquake like last time, but if it is not, there may be a great danger.

“It’s not going to happen right now.”

“How do you know that?”

“It just feels right.”

There has never been a time when foreknowledge was wrong. Therefore, earthquakes are inevitable. What matters is when that time is. And the exact location and magnitude of the earthquake are also key.

To know that, we need more information.

“If you don’t know, I’ll go alone.”

“And what if I fall down again like last time? I will go with you.”

“It could be dangerous.”

Taehyung smiled and said.

“Well, then we should go together even more.”

* * *

We headed straight to San Francisco.

He blamed the company and other people for work. As many of OTK Company’s subsidiaries are located in Silicon Valley, it was not unusual for them to go on a business trip in a hurry.

Taek-gyu fell asleep as soon as the plane took off.

I looked out the window and fell in thought.

What is Yeji trying to tell me?

It was thanks to my foresight that I was able to come this far from nothing. That changed a lot.

What would have happened if I hadn’t seen the foreknowledge, so I hadn’t invested?

Instead of running an OTK company, Taek-gyu and I would have lived a normal life. If I had, I wouldn’t have been able to go to America on a plane like this now.

Still, the L6 explosion and Brexit would have happened. However, some of the companies we have invested in may have collapsed or remained just that, because they did not receive timely investment.

Karos would have stayed with Eunsung Cha, and Professor Homin Kim would have stayed with Hankuk University. And Diane would have been president of the United States instead of Ronald.

Thanks to this ability, I was able to obtain the key to the future. Startups, autonomous driving technology, new material batteries, etc.

Now is the time to get the fruit in your hands.

Some experts predict that within a few years, Karos will overtake Toyota as the world’s largest automaker. And it didn’t seem impossible to me either.

Everything was going smoothly.

I suddenly remembered Warren Boat’s question.

He asked me why I’m investing. The question boils down to what I want beyond just making money.

When will we ever find the answer?

* * *

As soon as I stepped into the airport, a strong sense of incongruity wrapped around my body.

Was this my warning that this land was in danger?

The immigration officer who was looking at my passport looked at me with a surprised expression. He’s checked names and faces, so you know who I am.

“For what purpose did you come to America?”

“It’s a business trip.”

There were no more questions.

“Have a nice trip.”

“Thank you.”

We exited the arrival hall.

Outside the airport were two white bodyguards and two cars waiting.

“As I said, I will drive myself and check the traffic conditions in San Francisco.”

The bodyguard handed the car key and said.

“The vehicle is equipped with GPS. We will follow separately.”

“If you miss it, don’t overdo it. If you need extra security, I will contact you.”


We got into the car. Taek-gyu was in charge of driving, and I filmed the navigation system.

First, we decided to take a tour one by one, starting from the north of San Francisco. After about 30 minutes, I saw a building with a glass exterior.

Taek-gyu stopped the car, and I got out of the car and looked around.

“What do you think? How do you feel?”

“I do not know.”

I took a few pictures with my smartphone. And got back in the car. The next place was the same.

I’ve been to three places already, but nothing comes to mind.

Suddenly, it was time for work, and a car suddenly poured onto the road.

The road conditions in San Francisco were no better than those in Gangnam. The congestion worsened, and the car repeated to and fro.

India is also overflowing with people leaving work. By evening, the city was full of life.

“I see one more over there. Shall I put it in front of you?”

“Huh. Stop for a second.”

Taek-gyu hastily stopped the car.

I got out of the car and stood in front of the intersection with the traffic lights.

Even though it was the first time I had been there, it felt somewhat familiar. Across the street was a glass-walled building. It’s the Apple Store.

There were many people on the road.

A man wearing sportswear for a run, a woman taking a walk with a large dog, a young man with a backpack and a kickboard running, an elderly couple walking holding hands, lovers sitting on the side of the road drinking takeaway coffee, etc.

I looked around the buildings. People of various races were working in the office, which was still lit.

At that moment, scenes from my dreams came to mind at random. The pieces of the puzzle were put together one by one.

People lined up in front of the building, a white man in a suit standing next to me, a Rolex watch he wore on his wrist, a road that rumbled and split like waves, a man and a woman running away screaming, a collapsing skyscraper… … .

What did I really see?

Was it just a fantasy or was it the future?

When I woke up, the signal had already changed. People who had stopped quickly crossed the crosswalk.


Taek-gyu put on a puzzled expression.

“Is there an earthquake here?”

I nodded.

“Are you sure.”

I am standing at a crossroad in Palo Alto.

It was south of San Francisco and in the heart of Silicon Valley.

* * *

We went into a nearby hotel. Out of the window, I looked down at the intersection where the Nplay Store was located.

Did this hotel collapse too?

Currently, premium competition is in full swing in the smartphone market. NPL announced that they would release NPHONE Z to commemorate the 10th anniversary of NPHONE.

In the scene I saw, there was a long line in front of the App Store. That day was the NPhone Z release date, and they were people who gathered to buy a new product.

The exact specifications and schedule have not been released yet, but the release date is around the end of September.

Taehyung’s face turned white.

“You mean there will be a great earthquake in the next two months?”

“If what I saw was right, I would.”

Yeji has given me information about finance so far. And this too has to do with finance.

“The financial markets will be in turmoil.”

Hundreds of people will die, the system will be paralyzed, and the economy will be devastated. Stocks will plummet, gold and commodities will soar.

And that could be an opportunity to make a ton of money. If you invest in time, you can earn more than Brexit.

Above all, the size of capital is different then and now. Wouldn’t it be possible to make hundreds of billions of dollars at best?

It’s strange to think like this even in a situation like this.

“I’ll wash up and come back.”

To organize my thoughts, I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Until then, Taek-gyu sat blankly on the bed.

“If you had predicted the 911 attacks and invested, what would you think would have happened?”

“Huh?”(Read more @

Nearly 3,000 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured in the attack. It was the worst disaster in American history.

But even in that situation, someone made a lot of money. Shortly after the terrorist attack, stock markets around the world plummeted, and an unprecedented option jackpot occurred in history.

“There were people who made money back then. And the people who invested in options at the time, without exception, were investigated by US intelligence agencies for their links to terrorism.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It can happen again this time.”

“You might suspect that it has something to do with terrorism, but natural disasters don’t matter. It’s not like we can cause earthquakes.”

“It is, but… … .”

I have been receiving a lot of criticism while investing.

L6 explosion, Brexit, Ronald election, etc. Whenever others lose money, we win astronomical amounts of money in the market. But I didn’t explode the L6. Brexit was decided by the British people, and Ronald was elected by the American people.

So how about this one?

Until now, it was a matter of making money or not, but this time it is a matter of people’s lives at stake.

I remembered a scene I had seen in my dream. The ground overturned and buildings collapsed in a chain. If what I have seen is correct, the 911 terrorist attacks would be a disaster that would be considered ridiculous.

If you predict that will happen and invest in put options or derivatives… … And what if that fact became known to the public?

It won’t end with just cursing or accusing.

“No one will tolerate it. You will not be able to tolerate me.”

Taehyung nodded his head.

“right. There is nothing more important than human life.”

For a while we didn’t say anything. He realized again that his actions in the future could determine the lives and deaths of millions of people.

After a while, Taek-gyu asked.

“Is there any way to stop the earthquake?”

“How can humans prevent natural disasters?”

Decades ago, humans traveled to the moon in spaceships. Since then, science and technology have advanced remarkably.

However, there is still no way to prevent natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons.

“I can still be prepared.”

Natural disasters cause great damage because they occur suddenly. Knowing in advance and preparing for it can greatly reduce damage.

“Then you can make it ready.”

The real problem starts now.

“How do you tell people that an earthquake is going to happen?”

“that’s… … .”

Taek-gyu bit his lips.

In the meantime, I have been investing based on foresight. But no one thought it was foresight. I just thought I had a great eye for the market.

It didn’t matter if you didn’t believe me anyway. As CEO, I was in a position to give orders. Therefore, it was enough to make decisions and give orders without needing to seek understanding or consent.

But this time, the case is completely different.

I am not in a position to make a decision, I am in a position to convince others. However, this is the realm of foresight beyond prediction.

Besides, I don’t know about finance, but earthquakes are completely unrelated to me.

“Yes. You can’t say that you saw foreknowledge.”

“Would you believe me if I told you that I saw the future with my mouth?”

“Then what do you do?”

After thinking for a long time, I opened my mouth.

“I need to find someone who can foretell for me.”

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