Chapter 172

Soon it will be my mother’s birthday.

I headed to the gallery department store with Taek-gyu.

Neither me nor Taekyu have much interest in shopping. I don’t know if it’s an electronic product or a game.

Worse than rich people spending money in a rush is that rich people don’t spend money.

People with money spend hard and pay taxes hard for the economy to work well. Considering this, it is true that we do not spend excessively compared to the money we earn (although we invest a lot instead).

Even during the daytime on a weekday, the department store was full of people. There was a line in front of a famous luxury store to enter.

Fortunately, we were going to pick up the products we had pre-ordered, so we were able to go inside right away.

Taek-gyu, who entered the store, said as if grumbling.

“It’s so quiet, why the hell are you standing in line?”

“For the best service, one-on-one correspondence between staff and customers is the principle.”

“Isn’t it just to show that it is a store with a high threshold that no one can enter?”

“There will be none of that.”

I took the bag and paid.

When Taek-gyu heard the price, he was surprised.

“What is so expensive? Does it make sense that one bag is over 10 million won?”

“Is it okay for a TV to exceed 50 million won?”

“The more expensive the TV, the better the performance.”

“So is the bag.”

“Is performance improving?”

“The views around you will be better.”

The greater the gap between the price and the value, the more expensive it tends to be. This is one of the characteristics of so-called luxury goods.

No matter how much money I send, my mother’s personality makes me unable to buy such a luxury product myself.

So my son should give it to me. You’ll be a little shocked when you know the price, but you’ll love it on the inside.

Taek-gyu looked around him, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“Would you like to give your sister or buy some? Something like a bag or shoes.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Shall I buy you a present for Ellie too?

“Anyway, now is the time to come.”

“Huh? Who was going to come?”

“Isn’t a high-status person coming to see you by now?”

“surely… … .”

But before he could finish speaking, a woman walked into the store.

She was tall and slender and beautiful. She wore an H-line skirt, a silk blouse and a sheer beige coat over her.

With every step she took, the high heels creaked again.

It was easy to see that she was the ‘person with a high body’ that Taek-gyu was talking about. It was because she didn’t stand in line and went straight into her store, and her staff stood aside and bowed their heads towards her in unison.

What are you so nervous about?

Standing in front of me, she gave me a welcome expression and held out her hand.

“Hello, CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

“Who are you?”

She did her self-introduction.

“This is Hwang Joo-yeon, managing director of Gallery Department Store.”

“Oh, yes. nice to meet you.”

So who the hell is Hwang Joo-yeon?

When she becomes a managing director at a young age, it’s easy to mistake her for her abilities, but… … .

“Usually, I heard a lot about the CEO from her father.”


“Ah! Your father’s name is Hwang Hyeon-joong, and you are the president of this department store.”

“i See.”

Well, as anyone said, meeting wealthy parents is an ability if it’s an ability.

Everyone has their own things they want to do, but everyone has inherited the family business from generation to generation. Korean chaebols are so full of craftsmanship.

Although she puts on a little bit of makeup, she is quite beautiful.

Even though he was young, he looked like he was in his late 20s, older than me. Maybe early 30’s.

Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon said as she ruffled his hair.

“I met CEO Park Sang-yeop the other day.”


OTK Company’s subsidiaries do not have much to do with domestic conglomerates as they mainly conduct business abroad.

However, K Company’s subsidiaries are a different story. Companies that started from small startups grew in size and collaborated with large companies more.

Most of the time, the management of the subsidiaries took care of it, but sometimes, Sang-yeop senior moved it himself. That’s why it seems like he’s got a lot of acquaintance with the business world.

“I’ve always wanted to meet CEO Kang Jin-hoo, but this is how I got to meet him. You must have been shopping with a friend.”

“Yes. It’s my mother’s birthday in a little while.”

Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon said with a smile.

“Ho-ho, why did you buy a women’s bag? She said it was a present for her mother.”

“Yes. And while I’m here, I’m going to buy a present for my lover.”

At my words, she was a little perplexed.

“Oh, she had a lover.”

People in line started talking to us looking at us.

“what? Is that person Kang Jin-hoo?”

“It’s right after Kang Jin-hui. I’ve seen it on TV before.”

“Really? Wow, that’s great.”

“You’re the richest person in Korea at that age.”

“By the way, who is the guy in the sweatshirt next to you?”

I’m too lazy to keep shopping.

Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon kept talking to me as if he didn’t care at all about his surroundings.

“It’s lunchtime, so how about having a meal together if it’s okay with you? There are a lot of things I want to hear from the CEO personally.”

I don’t know if this is for work or other purposes. Either way it’s tiring.

I grabbed my shopping bag.

“Thank you for your words, but I have some work today.”

Executive Director Hwang Joo-yeon gave her business card with a sad expression on her face.

“That’s right. Here is my business card. Please feel free to contact us if you have any next visit. I will prepare it for you to shop at the VIP lounge.”

I also handed a business card.

“Then I will.”

“Please go in carefully.”

We left the store and got into the car.

Taek-gyu said while driving.

“I think that girl is interested in you.”

“It must be because of work.”

“no. My eyes, which had been trained for many years, clearly showed a status window indicating a liking.”

“What nonsense?”

But before the car even left the department store parking lot, a text message arrived.

[Thank you so much for using our department store today. If you have a chance, we would like to serve you a meal, so please contact us at any convenient time. – Hwang Joo-yeon]

Taek-gyu said excitedly.

“Look! I am right!”

“… … .”

I quietly blocked the number.

* * *

The birth of chaebols in Korea came from the rapid economic development after the Korean War.

The number of first-generation chaebols was not very large. However, by the second generation, it more than doubled, and by the third and fourth generations, the number increased to an uncountable number.

There are a lot of people, but the seats are limited.

If you want to give them one place at a time, you have no choice but to increase the number of affiliates like an octopus. That is why large corporations are expanding their business to all kinds of fields such as restaurants and bakeries.

In the U.S., NPL affiliates sell hot dogs and even pizza.

Go Jun-hyeong is one of the many 4th generation chaebols.

Therefore, the wedding was not widely reported. There were only a few short articles. Still, the wedding was quite splendid.

Several politicians and business figures, including the former Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, attended, and professors such as Dean Kim Myung-joon of the Department of Business Administration attended. It seems that a lot of close people, including Yuri, also attended.

As I said before, I only sent congratulatory money.

Did Seon-ah finally achieve her dream?

“What are you thinking?”

I shook my head at Eli’s question.

“it’s nothing.”

“Really. Were you blank again?”


Every time I see Yeji, I get dazed, so now I think of it as a habit to be dazed sometimes.

Ellie pouted her lips slightly.

“Are you listening? I was promoted.”

“of course. I am listening.”

Considering that you usually only become a team leader when you are in your 40s, being a team leader at Ellie’s age is a great thing.

The reason for this rapid promotion is the lack of manpower in the Korean branch.

The head of the Legal Affairs Team 1 is a temporary worker dispatched from the Asian branch. Now that he has returned and the seat is vacant, Eli has been promoted.

But the most important reason is probably because her Ellie’s abilities are outstanding.

She may say that it is because of her close relationship with the branch manager, but because of the personality of Hyun-joo’s older sister who clearly distinguishes between public and private, there is no choice.

Ellie smiled and said.

“My salary has also gone up a bit. As a commemorative meal, I will live today.”

I put on a look of surprise.

“My salary has been increased due to my promotion, so do you want to fill it with just one meal?”

At my words, Ellie rolled her eyes.

“What does the bourgeois capitalist want of the proletarian salaried?”

Even if she says so, her annual salary for her Ellie is easily over $300,000. Including various bonuses, it would be over $500,000.

“We want to get together and have a celebration party.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea.”

I took a sip of coffee and looked out the window.

After all, the season is definitely summer.

The sun was shining strongly outside. If you do a little bit of outdoor activity, you will sweat a lot.

Weakness in the heat is the same as me and Taekkyu. That’s why we’ve been hanging out under the air conditioner every day these days.

Ellie, on the other hand, seemed to get prettier as the days passed. Drinking her coffee with her legs crossed was nothing more than a pictorial.

When I see people glancing at this place over and over again, it seems it’s not just my eyes.

“How are you going to spend your summer vacation?”

“Are you on vacation?”

“Summer is a vacation. Summer is a vacation.”

“Isn’t Golden Gate busy these days?”

Korea’s financial regulations are among the strongest in the world. Therefore, the legal team was always busy reviewing Korean laws and regulations before launching new investment products.

Ellie said firmly.

“I still have to go on vacation. Why do you go to work?”

I nodded.

“It is.”

It is so true that I think all working people would agree with it.

“Is there any place you want to go?”

Ellie’s eyes lit up.

“How about the Maldives? I’ve always wanted to visit once.”


“You haven’t been?”

“I’ve only heard the name.”

The Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, is a country made up of thousands of islands, each of which is developed as a luxury resort.

Because of its natural environment, it is attracting attention as a vacation spot and honeymoon destination.

I said without thinking.

“It will be fun if we all go together.”

“Are you all together?”

I want to know what I was saying even while I was talking. There is no need to go all the way to summer vacation, right?

Thinking so, Ellie clapped her hands and said.

“Ah! How about taking your mother with you? She said she didn’t travel much abroad. Last time I showed you around San Francisco, they loved it.”

I asked gently.

“Isn’t Ellie uncomfortable?”

“of course. How fun was it last time?”

After all, when you are on vacation, all you have to do is eat and sleep at the resort and then go to the sea… … Are you really not comfortable?

“Will Hyun-joo noona have time?”

Ellie showed a strong will.

“I will convince Jessica. When the branch manager goes on vacation, other employees can go on vacation with ease.”

That’s right this time too.

In that sense, I must also take the lead and go on vacation. You’ve worked so hard all this time, so it’d be nice to take this opportunity to go out and have a good rest.

Maldives… … .(Read more @

Just thinking about it, the blue sea seemed to flow in front of me.

I’m looking forward to it

“I’m going to go buy a bikini.”

“Feel free.”

In an instant, I almost spit out the coffee I was drinking.

Ellie looked at my face and asked.

“What’s wrong? It’s natural to wear a bikini when going to the sea.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Ellie looked me in the eye.

“You don’t think it’s weird, do you?”

I gently avoided those eyes.

“Is it possible?”

“wake up.”

“Where are you going?”

“After talking, I’m going to buy a bikini.”

“Oh, is that so?”

I must go this vacation.

* * *

after work.

I headed to the izakaya, which was a room with Taek-gyu. Not long after the snacks and drinks were served, Henry arrived.

We gathered like this because Henry said he had something to say quietly.

He asked as soon as he sat down.

“What happened?”


“Didn’t you say you would help? But why is there nothing to say?”

Taek-gyu asked as if he did not understand English.

“What can I help you with?”

Then Henry panicked.

“Didn’t you say that you’d help Jessica get along well?”

Taek-gyu and I looked at each other’s faces.

“Did we?”

Henry was furious.

“Obviously it was! I heard it with my own two ears.”

“… … .”

Then I guess

Taek-gyu crossed his arms and said.

“Aren’t Westerners usually good at dating on their own?”

Henry screamed in annoyance.

“That is racial prejudice. Why do you think white people are cool and free to date? Being stupid and stupid in front of the girl we like is the same for us!”

I nodded.

“i See.”

Anyone who hears it would be proud of it.

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