Chapter 171

While the chef was grilling the steak next to him, the housekeepers served appetizers.

Warren chuckled.

“You get a great reception today.”

The awkward atmosphere is only for a moment.

We ate and chatted comfortably. He actively asked about OTK Company.

He was particularly curious about Taek-gyu.

OTK Company’s name became known in the financial world after the L6 crisis. While the subsequent investments are relatively well known, little is known about what happened before that.

The reason we first decided to split the money in half and started investing was not even mentioned in the article.

Warren was shocked to hear this.

“You were originally going to split the profits in half, but you mean you gave up your $200 million share?”

Taek-gyu said sarcastically.

“I gave Jinhoo some strength.”

Then, when Taek-gyu took away 3 percent of his share and joined his sister Hyun-joo, Warren was deeply impressed.

“Now I see that there was another really great investor.”

That’s right.

If it wasn’t for Taekkyu, the OTK Company we are today wouldn’t exist.

Investing doesn’t have to be done on your own. Investing is trusting and entrusting money to someone who is good at investing.

In fact, the people around who had entrusted their money to Warren Boat a long time ago made huge profits.

Warren kept asking questions while eating, and Taek-gyu eagerly talked about what we went through while investing. Except for the part about Yeji, of course.

“… … .”

Is this ‘Lunch with Warren Boat’ or ‘Lunch with Taek-Kyu Oh’?

Warren said jokingly.

“I never thought that Ronald would be elected. I don’t really like him.”

Ronald is a former real estate tycoon.

Because of this, the two have met several times in the past, but it is known that they do not get along very well.

Well, aside from that, Warren Boat is a leading Democratic supporter.

He strongly opposed Ronald’s tax cuts, arguing that the rich should pay more by raising corporate and income taxes.

Then Ronald sarcastically said on Twitter that Berkshire is a company that uses all sorts of tricks to pay even a little less in taxes.

It is true that there are criticisms of being double in this regard.

However, Berkshire Cashier’s tax saving is done within a legal framework. As long as the method is legal, nothing can be said about it.

It is natural for a company to pursue maximum profits within a fixed system. It is the state’s job to create and control a system so that growth and distribution can take place well.

Throughout the conversation over the meal, Warren drank the Coke like water.

How many cups is this already?

He’s heard rumors, but he really likes Coke. Seeing this, I think that fast food and cola are all bad news.

After all, Winston Churchill smoked like that and he lived to be 90. Zhang Xueliang, who also enjoyed alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, died at the age of 100.

Looking at this, people who live long seem to live long.

We toasted with Coke.

Warren said with a laugh.

“Did you know that a Soviet general liked Coca-Cola so much that he drank clear Coke to avoid people’s eyes?”

“Clear Coke?”

If Coke is transparent, isn’t it just cider?

I think so, Taek-gyu said.

“Are you Zhukov?”

“Haha, that’s right.”

Zhukov, who played an active role as a Soviet commander during the Red and White Civil War and World War II, was said to have liked Coke very much. But Coke is the drink of capitalist American imperialists.

Fearing that he would be purged by Stalin, he said he asked for a clear cola disguised as vodka.

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.

“Heh, it’s a famous story among the Milduks.”

“… … .”

I didn’t know it wasn’t wheat.

Warren was happy and asked Taek-gyu.

“So you mean that one of the Coca-Cola brands, Fanta, was created because of war?”

“Of course I do. Is there anyone in the world who doesn’t know that?”

Maybe there are more people in the world who don’t know

The two talked about Coca-Cola for a while. Later, there was even talk of a Santa Claus costume.

Even when I was making a seat, I was worried about what would happen if Taek-gyu was awkward, but I thought it would fit perfectly!

In a friendly atmosphere, Hyunjoo noona asked the question she had been thinking about.

“If there are several attractive investment targets, which one should you choose?”

Warren answered.

“It is difficult to do everything well. If it were me, I would consider ‘where not to invest’ rather than ‘where to invest’.”

“What are the principles for avoiding losses?”

“You realize that there is a point where you can no longer make a profit. And when you realize it, you have to stop. Most people don’t stop because they don’t know that point, but rather go a step further when they know it.”

Once the story started, it never ended. Warren gave a lot of advice along with his own experiences.

“The more difficult thing than making money is to spend it wisely. When money is bundled, it has its own power. If it is misused, a lot of people will do a lot of damage.”

If your wealth is only (?) billions or tens of billions, you can use it however you like. But when it goes over tens of trillions, things change.

How the money is used has a huge impact on society and the economy.

“It happened once. A charitable organization donated shoes to African children. What was the outcome?”

“Children who used to walk barefoot must have worn shoes.”

Taek-gyu nodded his head in response.

“But there was a big shoe factory in that country. The factory’s shoes were of poor quality and expensive. Eventually, the shoe factory closed. The bank that had loaned them suffered huge losses, and all the workers who were working became unemployed. I got a pair of shoes for free.”

To develop the economy, you need to invest, and to invest you need capital.

However, underdeveloped countries lack capital and the quality of labor is low. Therefore, in the early stage of economic development, there is no choice but to focus on labor-intensive light industry.

Only by collecting the initial capital can move forward into the heavy and chemical industry, which requires large-scale investment. However, even at this time, the financial situation is the same, so there is no choice but to push support to specific companies.

As a result, countries that have achieved rapid economic development inevitably suffer from a monopoly of a small number of companies and the gap between the rich and the poor.

If you know the key industries and high-tech industries that Korea is proud of, such as automobiles and semiconductors, the foreign currency earned by workers in past wig factories and clothing factories was the basis.

But what if free aid for daily necessities in that country?

Failure to do so will hinder the industrial development of the country. The country is then forced to remain a developing country that continues to depend on aid.

“A road paved with good intentions leads to hell. Of course, the opposite is also possible.”

Things done with good intentions can have bad results, and things done with bad intentions can have good results.

Especially in underdeveloped countries, since information is not transparently disclosed, NGOs often play pranks in the middle or politicians and bureaucrats steal clothes.

“So actually, the way we donate has changed a lot recently. They build social infrastructure such as roads, schools and hospitals, transfer skills or create jobs to help them become self-reliant.”

Ellie said with a surprised expression.

“Donating is not easy.”

Fortunately, Korean chaebols do not have to worry about this. Because they pass it all down to their children.

Taek-gyu, who heard me, said a word.

“Aren’t they thinking about how to pay the inheritance tax instead?”

* * *

After dinner, I had time to talk with Warren Boat in the second-floor study.

“I have been watching the investment of OTK Company with interest from a long time ago. I have never seen such an extreme way of investing before.”

As each Go player has their own ethos, each investor has their own style. As a result, the investment target, period, and method are different.

However, I have been investing in both short and long positions. It happened because he moved according to his foreknowledge, but in the eyes of others, it will seem strange why he invests like that.

“To be honest, I didn’t think it would last long.”

I smiled. Because I had heard similar stories when I met Chase Southwell before.

In the meantime, Warren Boat has been asked a number of times about OTK Company and myself in the media, and each time he has spoken mostly negatively.

The investment method is so aggressive and reckless that it can collapse even with small variables and even the slightest mistake.

“That thought was the same even after Brexit. But recently I have changed my mind.”


“The danger comes from not knowing what you are doing. If CEO Kang knew exactly what he was doing and had done so, it would have been a risk-free investment. If you asked me to do the same, I would never do it.”

I smiled bitterly.

If it wasn’t for the superpower of foresight, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.

Investing is not always guaranteed to be successful. Trials and failures will surely come.

To make an astronomical profit in an instant is equivalent to saying that you can lose everything in an instant.

At first glance, it looks very glamorous and cool, but if you stumble even a little, you will fall off the cliff of a thousand roads. For this reason, hedge funds are currently avoiding such investments.

“There is something I want to ask CEO Kang.”


Warren Boat looked at me and asked a question.

“What do you think investing is?”

I answered whatever came to mind.

“It’s about making money.”

“Then you have enough money, so why are you investing?”

I didn’t answer right away.

At first, it was started without much thought at Taekkyu’s suggestion.(Read more @

I had an opportunity to make money, and I continued to seize it. Meanwhile, assets have grown endlessly, and now it has reached the point of affecting the global economy.

I’ve already earned enough money to spend my whole life.

But why do I keep investing?

The biggest reason may be the bad relationship with Eun Sung Cha. Because Eunseong’s car ruined the house and his father died.

At one time, I was forced to pretend that I forgot, but now I have the power to deal with it. Maybe it will be able to bring down the silver car.

There is also the desire to gain more wealth and fame.

Now, the media and the business world pay attention to my words, and celebrities want to meet me. If I hadn’t invested, I wouldn’t have had lunch at my house with Warren Boat like this.

Maybe I’ll go down in history as great investors like Peter Lynch, Benjamin Graham, John Templeton, George Soros, Jim Rogers, Carl Icahn, and Warren Boat in front of me?

However… …

Is that really all?

I looked at Warren Boat’s face.

Most rich people live in nice houses, drive nice cars, and wear luxury goods. However, he has been living in the $30,000 house he bought as a young man (the current market price is only $500,000) for decades, and has been driving the same car for over 10 years. His clothes are also very plain.

No one would think he was rich just by looking at him.

What does money mean to him?

“Do you know the answer?”

he grinned.

“of course. But I can’t tell you. That’s the answer I found. You will have to find the answer from CEO Kang yourself.”

* * *

We all headed to OTK Company.

The employees gathered in the company auditorium warmly welcomed Warren Boat. In the meantime, an employee even made and held a picket.

Someone told me that it is Jung Ki-hong, the PR team leader.

Warren greeted more than 50 employees one by one. And he gave a short talk of 20 minutes or so, more about his life than his investments. And there was also a question-and-answer period. The staff asked and answered questions directly from Warren Boat, who later took pictures and signed autographs with his staff.

He is scheduled to go on vacation to Bali after meeting Chairman Im Jin-yong tomorrow morning. His wife is said to have arrived in Bali first.

We said goodbye.

Warren said, holding my hand.

“I really enjoyed today. When would you like to come to Edens? The Berkshire Cashier employees also want to meet CEO Kang Jin-hoo.”

I nodded.

“If you call me, I will come anytime.”

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