Chapter 163

[Earthquake on the West Coast of the United States!][A magnitude 6.7 earthquake off the coast of California! Buildings near LA shake.][San Francisco earthquake. No casualties yet.][San Francisco airport paralysis. Flights canceled one after another][Symbol of San Andreas Fault Movement]

The western United States belongs to the Pacific Rim orogeny called the “Ring of fire”. For this reason, California is classified as a seismic hazard area.

In the past year alone, eight large and small earthquakes have occurred, but they did not cause any actual damage, mainly because the epicenter was far away from the land.

This earthquake’s epicenter was also close to 100km away from the coast and had a depth of more than 10km, so there was no effect other than shaking the ground a little.

Seismologists took the earthquake seriously and insisted that the earthquake early warning system should be strengthened, but people were in the mood to do so.

Although there were disturbances such as evacuation for a while, it is reported that there were no casualties or property damage.

* * *

The moment the ground shook due to the earthquake, Kang Jin-hoo fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Ellie, who was with her, quickly called her 911, and was immediately taken to a nearby hospital after the earthquake.

According to the results of the examination, she had a mild concussion caused by a fall. The doctor in charge said she would wake up soon after resting.

After Ellie collapsed after the earthquake, she immediately contacted the two. At first she thought she would wake up soon.

However, when she received the news that she hadn’t woken up after a day, she noticed the Sim Awakened of the situation.

As soon as Taek-gyu, who was at the company, received the call, he ran to Hyeon-joo in the building next door.

“sister! Jin-hoo hasn’t woken up yet.”

Hyunjoo nodded his head.

“I just got a call from Ellie, too.”

The medical staff went into a detailed examination at that time, but they did not find any abnormalities.

If there is a problem, it is better to treat it But even though there is nothing wrong, he does not wake up, so there is no way to use his hands.

“Can’t we just wake up?”

“It doesn’t show any reaction to external stimuli.”

If it’s a minor concussion from a fall, it’s normal to wake up soon. But why haven’t you woken up yet?

“Then what?”

Hyun-joo smoked a cigarette and fell into thoughts. He can’t just wait here until the news arrives. Luckily she’s with Ellie, but… … .

“Let’s go to America first.”

Taehyung had the same idea.

“Shall we go right away?”

There is no press release yet, but it is only a matter of time before it becomes known. And if the truth was revealed, there was someone else who would be most shocked.

Hyun-joo said to his brother.

“I will recognize the plane, so you should hurry up and bring your mother. I’ll tell you well so you won’t be surprised.”

“Ah Okay.”

Taek-gyu immediately drove to Dongtan.

* * *

Mi-ja Choi was living her daily life in a house on the outskirts of Dongtan. She is now used to living with bodyguards.

By the time her husband’s business was going well, she had many contacts with her. However, after her husband’s death and her family’s financial difficulties, most of them lost contact with the exception of a few acquaintances.

But when her son became famous, all of a sudden, contacts came pouring in from here and there.

Not only her relatives, but also friends she has lost contact with, and even her high school classmates who can’t even remember their faces.

She cut off contact with anyone other than her acquaintances, whom she had kept in touch with even during her difficult times. The only exceptions are the former employees of her husband’s factory.

After the company closed, employees were scattered all over the place. She searched the staff and found them. She also found a job for her and supported her monthly living expenses.

But not everyone who is rich is bad, and not everyone who is poor is not good.

Everyone was grateful, but some wanted more money or made unreasonable demands. Ultimately, the goal is money.

She’s been watching her husband’s business for a long time, so she knows that when things go well, all sorts of people cling to it and ask for one or the other.

There is no end to fulfilling those requests one by one. Because of this, she cut off her request for crossing her line and refused.

Even those who beg for help at first, when the refusal continues, they suddenly change and pour out resentment and criticism. Her son is a chaebol with tens of trillions of dollars, and he asks if he can’t help even this much.

However, the money is his son’s, not hers. In order not to harm her son, she had to keep her centered. So she drew her line with her relatives as well.

‘Are you coming from America?’

Earthquake news came in the news.

Because it was an earthquake, she was worried that something serious had happened, but she was relieved that there were no casualties.

She just got a call from her son and her friend that she might be a day or two late because of her flight cancellation.

However, one day later, Taek-gyu came home and told a completely different story.

“Hey, what does that mean? Our Jinhoo fell down in America?”

“There is nothing wrong with it, so don’t worry too much.”

“Are you saying you’re late because of a flight cancellation?”

“Sorry. I thought I’d wake up soon. If I tell you the truth, I think you’ll be worried… … .”

“how… … Ah!”

Taek-gyu quickly supported her as she was about to fall and sat her on the sofa.

“Ji, calm down, mother!”

She said, holding Taek-gyu’s hand tightly.

“What should we do after Jinhoo? Our Jinhoo… … .”

“Let’s go to America together right now. Bring only what you need.”

“Yeah, yes. That would be nice.”

She quickly packed her things, and Taek-gyu called Hyun-joo.

“I’ll go with Jinhoo’s mother now, noona. the plane?”

[The Seoseong Group will lend you a private plane. Come straight to Gimpo Airport.]

“It’s fine. Okay.”

She grabbed her luggage in an instant.

“Come on, let’s go, Taek-gyu.”

“Yes. Did you bring your passport?”

“Here it is.”

Taek-gyu was perplexed when he received his passport.

“there… … My passport has expired.”

* * *

[OTK Company CEO Kang Jin-hoo unconscious][Currently being admitted to a hospital near San Francisco][According to the opinion of the doctor in charge, no abnormalities were found… … .][What is the future of OTK Company?]

The news that Kang Jin-hoo had collapsed and could not wake up quickly became known around the world. The Korean media also paid attention and reported intensively.

The internet was in turmoil.

-Why did you fall down after Kang Jin-hoo?

She-she said she had a concussion because she fell.

-Is it related to the earthquake?

-Young Nomu Jasuk said she just fell and she had a concussion. Lack of stamina!

– Could there be another reason? Throwing she was hiding a big bottle.

-Is it because of overwork and stress?

-But what if she never wakes up like this?

-Ah, maybe… … .

-Isn’t the OTK company supposed to close? Without Kang Jin-hoo, the company wouldn’t go back.

-If you look at these things, it seems like money or something, health is the best.

– Being a CEO is hard.

-You can have more money than me, but you can’t be freer than me!

-Yeah. next hundred.

* * *

Berkshire Cashier has grown into an insurance business, and insurance still plays an important role.

The advent of self-driving cars has also revolutionized the insurance industry. Accidents decreased, and insurance profitability was likely to deteriorate as the subject of insurance was changed to a vehicle rather than a driver.

Because of this, Warren Boat has always been negative about autonomous driving, and has been swearing at Nikola’s autonomous driving technology, Autopilot, on several occasions.

As such, the investment in Seosung Electronics was even more shocking. This is because, in effect, it was an investment in Karos and autonomous driving.

Autonomous driving developers and automakers have been busy trying to come up with countermeasures. It was the same with the silver car.

There was a widespread sense of crisis that if done wrong, you could be completely pushed out of the autonomous driving competition. But suddenly, in this situation, news came that Kang Jin-hoo had collapsed at the airport.

Chan-young Han also came across the article, and an employee who collected relevant information immediately reported it.

“What is the cause?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t respond to external stimuli?”

“I think it is because I haven’t woken up until now.”

OTK Company has 28 full-time employees. If the subsidiary K Company is combined, there are 55 people. Considering the size of the assets, it is a ridiculously small number, but since we do not directly intervene in the management of the subsidiary, this number of people was sufficient.

But even that, in reality, all decisions were made by the CEO to the extent that it could be called a one-man company after Kang Jin-hoo.

OTK Company doesn’t just own a stake in Karos. OTK Company also owns TS Company and Battery Research Center, a battery company that Karos should work closely with.

As long as Jin-hoo Kang collapses, various projects such as investment, development, and cooperation will inevitably be delayed.

“Continue with the situation.”


When the staff left, Chan-young Han muttered in her heart.

“It would be better if I couldn’t wake up like this forever.”

There is a saying in the financial world that “money has neither blood nor tears”.

As such, when the news that Kang Jin-hoo had collapsed, auto stocks expected to benefit from the delayed launch of Karos’ new car rebounded all at once, while Seosung Electronics and Seoseong SB fell.

The media and industry officials were keenly aware of Kang Jin-hoo’s health condition and the impact it would have on the future.

* * *

It has been three days since Kang Jin-hoo fell.

When she did not wake up until this time, all kinds of speculative articles were poured out.

If Jinhoo Kang does not wake up like this, who will the 80% stake go to? And who will be in charge in the future?

The employees of OTK Company and K Company could not hide their concerns. Reporters flocked to the headquarters to cover the story.

Although he refused to take an official report, the reporters did not turn around and interviewed the employees who came and went.

Park Sang-yeop and Henry started to crack down on the inside while calming the agitation of the employees.

Close friends expressed their concerns and concerns, and Ronald also left a short message on Twitter, saying, “I pray that Jin-hoo Kang wakes up soon.”(Read more @

* * *

Where are you?

I was at an intersection with a traffic light.

Hundreds of people could be seen gathering in front of the building across from what was going on.

Next to me was a white man in a tight-fitting suit waiting for the signal. At first glance, he exuded an elite-like atmosphere. Clothes, shoes, and bags all looked expensive, and he was wearing a gold Rolex watch on his right wrist. Are you left handed?

He spoke through Bluetooth earphones to see if he had any busy appointments, and looked at the watch on his elongated wrist.

After a while, the signal changed.

The man next to him crossed the crosswalk at a quick pace.

That moment… … .


The ground shook like a wave with a roar. People around them all screamed and ran in all directions.

The road cracked like cracks in glass, and people who were running were sucked into the ground. The same was true for the cars that were running.


The windows of the tens of stories high-rise building burst open at once, and shards of glass poured down.

A man in a suit was sucked into the cracked ground.

I was startled and stretched out his hand. Fortunately, I was able to grab his hand just before he fell.

The man looked at me with a look of terror. He shouted something, but his voice was muffled by the roar of the surroundings.

He could tell just by looking at the shape of his mouth that he was asking for help.

I pulled him up with all my might. But suddenly the sky turned dark. The man who was wearing a flag and hanging from my hand had a shocked expression on his face.

I lifted his head and looked up at him.

A huge high-rise building collapsed and obscured the sun. It is already too late to avoid. No, there was nowhere to escape.

It was a very unrealistic sight.

In an instant, the cracks widened and my feet collapsed, and I fell into the endless darkness.

* * *


I opened my eyes.

The first thing that came to my eyes was Taek-gyu eating pizza.

The guy looked at me with a pizza in his mouth, his eyes twitching in embarrassment. Then he gently raised his hand.

“Hey, are you awake?”

I asked absurdly.

“What are you doing here?”

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