Chapter 164

Taek-gyu suddenly woke up, his eyes wide open and shouted.


The pizza in his mouth fell to the floor, and fragments of the pizza in his mouth flew away.

In an instant, tinnitus rang in his ear and his head throbbed.


As I grabbed his head and saw him in pain, Taek-gyu panicked in embarrassment.

“I’ll call the medics.”


Fortunately, the headache and tinnitus subsided quickly.

Taek-gyu, who was examining my expression, said this time in a voice like a mosquito.

“Are you okay?”

“Give me some water.”

Taek-gyu quickly grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and handed it to me. I took it and drank a few sips.

And looked around.

“Where is here?”


Is this a hospital?

Except for the medical equipment, it was like a hotel room. Out of the window, I could see the night view of the city.

I was dressed in a patient uniform and had a ringer on my left arm.

My head felt numb as if I had woken up from a long night of sleep.

“How long have I been lying down?”

“one week.”

I was surprised by that.

I mean, I’ve been lying in bed for a week?

What’s even more surprising is… … .

“Your friend has been down for a week, and the pizza goes down your throat?”

Taek-gyu said it was natural.

“You can’t starve for a week.”

“… … .”

That’s right.

Taek-gyu added an excuse.

“And the doctor said there was nothing wrong. I said I’d wake up soon, but you know how worried I was because I didn’t wake up until now?”

He was so worried that he was eating pizza in the hospital room.

I even ate half of it already!

“Is it delicious?”

“then. After all, pizza is M pizza. It’s not the best in Silicon Valley for nothing. When is this coming to Korea?”

But why am I here?

As I pondered the memory and recalled the situation before I lost consciousness, I was startled.

“Earthquake! What happened to the earthquake?”

“Nothing happened.”

“What? I definitely felt the ground shake… … .”

“That’s it. It was a fairly large earthquake, but it happened in a distant sea, so only the ground shook a little.”

“That’s right?”

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m glad.”

I thought I was just going to die the moment I lost my mind.

The last thing I saw was Ellie’s surprised expression.

“Is Ellie okay?”

“It’s perfectly fine. Nothing happened but you fell.”

“Where are you now?”

“To the hotel with my sister and your mother.”

“Huh? our mom?”

Taehyung explained. After I fell, I didn’t wake up even after a day, so they all flew to America.

“Don’t talk. My mother’s passport had expired, so I was in no hurry to get a new one. My sister forced me to take her to the hotel because she said she would stay here.”

“Good job.”

How worried would you be if your son suddenly collapsed in America?

I’ll hear some nagging later.

I got out of bed and checked my body. Maybe it was because he had been lying down for a long time, and his legs felt weak and his body staggered.

Surprised, Taek-gyu quickly supported me.

“What if I fall again and have a concussion? Come on, lie down.”

“A concussion? Who has a concussion?”

“Doctor. You fell in an earthquake and lost your mind. I do not remember?”

I shook my head, remembering the situation at the time.

“It’s the other way around.”

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t lose my mind when I fell, I fell because I lost my mind.”


I explained, and Taek-gyu was surprised.

“Have you seen a foreshadowing of the ‘Great San Francisco Earthquake’ before it collapsed?”


The boy had a puzzled expression on his face.

“What would you do if you saw it before? How is this different from having a foreknowledge that a fist is flying and getting hit?”

“That’s it.”

It’s not like there weren’t any similar cases.

The first time I saw foreknowledge was in the military. During mortar shooting training, a prediction appeared that a new mortar would explode.

Even then, he had seen it before, and thanks to him, he was saved.

Taek-gyu presented a hypothesis.

“Maybe the foreknowledge that predicts a crisis comes to mind right before that?”

“It could be.”

Eventually, as predicted, the San Francisco earthquake occurred. It was a maritime earthquake, so if the epicenter had been close, it would have been a disaster.

I’m glad nothing happened.

However, the smell of pizza continued to fill my nostrils. The pizza in the box was still burning hot.

I hadn’t felt hungry until recently, but suddenly hunger came over me.

Is this the majesty of M pizza baked during delivery?

“But why are you eating pizza here?”

“Ah, that’s right, I thought it would be safer for one person to stay in the hospital room, so I stayed… … .”

Everyone said that they didn’t sleep properly and didn’t eat because they were worried about me. Taek-gyu also showed his eyes, so he couldn’t eat properly.

So when he was left alone, he ordered pizza to eat without hesitation, but suddenly I woke up.

“Are you awake by the smell of pizza?”

“No way… … .”

“Let’s call the medical staff first.”


If the medics come, they won’t let you eat pizza, right?

“Let’s call after eating this.”

“That’s a good idea.”

While we were sitting together to share a pizza, a black man suddenly entered the hospital room. Someone did it, but it was none other than the nurse who went round the round.

He was startled to see us holding pizza.

“Ugh! What are you doing now?”

“that… … .”

Can’t you just pretend you didn’t see it?

After a while, on-call doctors and nurses rushed into the room. I immediately checked my heart rate and pupils, and asked questions.

While I was being tested, Taek-gyu called Hyun-joo’s sister.

* * *

As soon as Hyunjoo and his party arrived in San Francisco, they headed straight to the hospital where Jinhoo was hospitalized.

There were already reporters in front of the hospital. I went through the underground parking lot and went up to the VIP room. Outside the hospital room were guarded by X-Cop bodyguards.

Upon entering, Jin-hoo was lying on the bed, and Ellie was sitting next to him. She greeted her party with a tired look after crying.

“Ji, Jinhoo!”

Choi Mi-ja saw her son lying there and almost collapsed on the spot. Fortunately, Hyeonju, who was next to him, caught him quickly.

“Hey, what the hell is all this?”

At Hyeonju’s question, Ellie shook her head.

“I, I don’t know either. I fell forward when the earthquake happened, and I can’t wake up.”

Mija Choi held her son’s hand and cried.

“Aww, what do we do now after our Jinhoo?”

Ellie burst into tears again.


But there was someone else who cried the most.

“Uh-huh! Friend!”

Taek-gyu wept loudly and shed tears without a runny nose. Hyeonju, who had not seen it, dried up.

“You stop crying. Anyone who sees it will know what is really going on.”

Ellie cried and said.

“Ugh, it’s because of me. I’m sorry. I should have kept Jinhoo… … .”

Mija Choi comforted Ellie by patting her on the back even while crying.

“That’s the earthquake’s fault, why is it girl’s fault? It’s okay, stop crying.”

“Hey, I’m really sorry.”

The two hugged and cried.

After a burst of tears swept away.

The doctor who came to the ward explained the patient’s condition to the group.

Respiration and pulse are both normal, and as a result of CT and MRI scans, the brain state is as if in a deep sleep. However, he could not explain why he could not wake up.

Taek-gyu asked Hyun-joo.

“Isn’t it really a big deal? What do you do now, sister?”

“Wipe your runny nose first.”

In fact, it was the same with Hyunjoo, who had a dizzying mind. But as everyone in her is confused, even she had to come to her senses.

It’s rare for a normal person to wake up like this. Besides, Jinhoo Kang is only in his early 20s. No matter how much you fall and get a shock, it’s normal to wake up right away… … .

“Do you have anything to point out?”


Taek-gyu intuitively thought that it might have something to do with Jinhoo’s abilities. But I can’t say that right here.

“That, well. I don’t know.”

Hyeon-joo felt something strange and looked at his younger brother.


Taek-gyu slowly averted his eyes and said.

“Hey, maybe it’s because of overwork or stress?”

Ellie nodded her head helplessly.

“It could be. After I came to America, I didn’t have one or two jobs.”

From labor union issues, stake exchange negotiations with Chairman Im Jin-yong, technology presentations, etc. She could have been under a lot of stress even if she didn’t express it outwardly.

Anyway, right now, there is no point other than watching the situation.

“Let’s wait for you to wake up.”

However, even after a few days, there was no sign of waking up, and speculative articles continued to pour in.

[OTK Company CEO coma][After the earthquake, I still can’t wake up][Is there any other treatment method?][Some raise the possibility of brain death… … .]

Yellow media used words such as ‘vegetative man’ and ‘brain death’, and the Cho Joong Ilbo published an article predicting how the OTK Company stake and management succession would happen if Kang Jin-hoo never woke up.

The internet was also noisy.

– ㅋㅋ The Chojung Ilbo seems to want Kang Jin-hoo to die like this.

-That’s a knight, is that a wish?

– Your Excellency is also praying that you will not wake up after the earthquake.

-By the way, aren’t you a real vegetative person at this point?

– There was also talk of brain death.

– From my point of view, it’s just a gimmick.

– It may be a disguised hospitalization trying to get insurance money. A special investigation should be conducted to see if there is any secret insurance.(Read more @

-I agree with the special prosecutor after Kang Jin-hoo!

-Yes, the next one.

-Earthquake is a natural disaster, is insurance covered?

Even if a person collapses, the company must continue to run.

Fortunately, OTK Company has no other business than managing its subsidiaries. New investment and collaboration between subsidiaries will all stop, but it is not a big problem right now.

On the other hand, as Golden Gate is an IB, new tasks are poured into it every day. Because of this, Hyun-joo went back and forth between hospitals and hotels, taking care of business and giving orders with smartphones and laptops in his spare time.

Meanwhile, Mizawa Choi and Ellie stayed by Jinhoo’s side, not eating properly or sleeping properly.

Hyun-joo forced the two to take them to a nearby hotel. This is because, if left as it is, it was thought that the two of them would fall first before Jin-hoo woke up.

And I had room service. The staff brought food, but the two didn’t even think about lifting a fork.

“Eat even if you don’t like it. That’s how I do my best to take care of myself.”

That’s right.

Mija Choi put the fork in Ellie’s hand.

“I’ll eat it too, so do you.”

At that moment, Hyunjoo’s phone rang. The sender was my brother.

Taehyung said in a loud voice.

[Jinhu wakes up, noona!]

“Okay. I am coming.”

The call ended briefly.

Hyunjoo put down his cell phone and delivered the news.

“Jinhu just woke up.”

Then the two jumped up from their seats without saying who came first.

* * *

As I sat on the bed and talked with Taek-gyu, three people rushed into the hospital room.

It was Hyun-joo’s sister, mother, and Eli.

My mother cried and hugged me.

“Are you okay? Are you really okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. The doctor said nothing was wrong.”

Hyunjoo noona looked at me and she smiled in despair.

“I was really worried because I knew what was going on.”

As she comforted her crying mother, she saw Ellie standing blankly behind her. Contrary to her usual healthy beauty, her face was full of haze. it’s pretty though

I smiled and spoke.

“It’s okay?”

Ellie couldn’t stand it and let her cry.

“crying! Do you know how worried I was? I know what will happen to Jinhoo… … T_T!”

“I’m fine. I’m sorry for worrying you.”

My mother slapped me on the back with her palm, with her face on, whether crying or angry.

“Why the hell are you worrying about her mother by making purchases every day? She didn’t go abroad once with her mother, so she came to the United States for this. I can’t live up to my name because of you, really! I told her to be careful in everything, so she didn’t listen to her mother… … .”

The nagging shows no sign of ending.

Eli was crying in Hyeonju’s sister’s arms. When I saw Taek-gyu with a look on his face asking for help, he muttered while avoiding my gaze.

“Where is the leftover pizza?”

I had to listen to my mother’s nagging without moving for a long time.

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