Chapter 162

I received a call from Chairman Im Jin-yong.

[Let’s go back to Korea first.]

“Didn’t you say you were going to Europe?”

He was going to meet and persuade people in charge of pension funds in Europe, the major shareholder of Suseong Electronics, about the exchange of shares with Karos.

[Now there is no need for that.]


Chairman Im Jin-yong said in a voice mixed with laughter.

[You will find out soon. Then see you in Korea.]

Before a day had passed, I knew what I was talking about.

Seosung Electronics announced that it had signed a contract to sell 2 percent of its common stock and 8 percent of its preferred stock to Berkshire Cashier in a block deal.

* * *

Countless investors in the history of finance have battled the market for returns. And the big wins among them became great investors.

Opinions may differ if you ask who is the greatest investor in history, but if you ask who is the best active investor today, everyone will vote for Warren Boat.

Warren Bot, who showed a talent for investing from an early age, acquired a textile company called Berkshire Cashier in his 30s and bought stakes in IT, finance, insurance, manufacturing, and other companies, and raised it as a holding company.

Decades later, Berkshire Cashier ranks sixth by market cap in the United States. Its market capitalization reaches $500 billion.

Ellie said in a strange way.

“I didn’t know Warren Boat would invest in Suseong Electronics.”

“Iknow, right.”

With 2% of common stock and 8% of preferred stock, it is more than 8 trillion won.

Could it be that you made a decision in that short time? Or, has it been talked about since then?

Even after the announcement of the share swap with Karos, Chairman Im Jin-yong continued to be under pressure to cancel at least some of his treasury stock. However, the block deal with Berkshire Cashier was more than a treasury stock cancellation.

The exact sale price was not disclosed, but it was certain that it was above the market price.

Above all, the fact that Warren Boat, who is called the master of investment, invested in itself was nothing less than guaranteeing the growth of Suseong Electronics.

Suseong Electronics announced that it would invest all proceeds from the sale of its treasury stock in the autonomous driving sector, and Warren Boat sent a letter to shareholders explaining the reason for the investment.

(Strategy) Karos has started mass production of autonomous vehicles and is preparing to enter the electric vehicle market. From next year, when the electric vehicle plant and battery plant under construction in Rustbelt are completed, full-scale electric vehicle production will begin.

Unfortunately, since Karos is a privately held company and OTK Company owns most of the shares, it is difficult to directly buy stocks.

However, Seosung Electronics currently owns a 10.5 percent stake in Karos, and has the right to exchange an additional 14 percent stake thereafter. And it is Karos’ most important partner in the field of autonomous vehicles and electric vehicles.

The biggest beneficiary of Karos’ growth will be Seosung Electronics. Therefore, whenever there is an opportunity, we plan to increase the stake in Suseong Electronics.

The subject matter is as important as the content.

Even the same horse has a completely different weight depending on the position of the person. The fallacy of the use of authority did not arise for nothing.

Warren Boat’s remarks have had a bigger backlash than the tech show.

* * *

A total of 20 companies are currently licensed for autonomous driving in California. Of these, only about 10 places were actually conducting test driving.

Previously, several companies had competed for the lead, but now, Carlos has come out as the number one and spread the distance, and the rest of the companies are behind in the second place.

Shares of autonomous driving developers and auto stocks fell all at once.

In particular, Nikola was hit the hardest. Nikola stock plummeted 5.5 percent in one day, evaporating more than $3 billion in market cap.

Nikola was able to be evaluated as an innovative automobile company not only because of its technological prowess in electric vehicles, but also Autopilot, a self-driving technology, that played a role (although there were accidents that killed people).

But now a strong competitor has emerged in both fields.

On the other hand, after Warren Boat’s investment announcement, the stock price of Suseong Electronics rose by nearly 6 percent, and its market cap increased to 320 trillion won. Related companies, such as Suseong SB and Karos’ partner companies, also rose at the same time.

Carlos was flooded with calls for investment or cooperation. Dealers who have turned their back on them have contacted them again. They don’t need to raise their margins, so they want to sell a new car.

Daryl drew a line saying that there is no new supply other than the dealers with which it is currently involved.

* * *

I met Milo Freeman, CEO of M Pizza, in a hotel meeting room.

“long time no see. How were you?”

“of course.”

M Pizza is hailed as one of the most innovative pizzas, and was expanding not only in San Francisco, but also throughout the East Coast, beyond California.

When we first invested, we knew each other’s faces because Ellie was with us.

“I saw the article and knew you were here. If you come to Silicon Valley, would you please contact me?”

“I don’t want to bother you for nothing.”

How burdensome would it be if the largest shareholder visited for no reason?

Afraid to sit down, Milo explained why he had come.

Technological development has a huge impact on the delivery system. Several companies have already been busy experimenting with autonomous driving and delivery using drones.

The difference between M Pizza and other pizza shops in the first place is that it is baked in a truck during delivery.

Even with autonomous driving, one person must remain in the car, but can perform other tasks while the car is in motion. In the long run, it might be possible to create an unmanned delivery system.

Since the development cost is not a penny or two, it is unreasonable to start developing a new car right away. But wouldn’t it be possible to modify an existing truck and install an autonomous driving module, just like when making an experimental vehicle?

“I will speak to CEO Daryl so we can work with you on that matter.”

My words brightened Milo’s expression.

“Thank you.”

When Milo left, this time two white young men came to see me. It was a short man with blonde curly hair and glasses and a fat man with a thick brown beard.

They are none other than Faceit co-founders Toby Strong and Gerard Bacon.

“long time no see.”

“nice to meet you.”

Toby looked slimmer as if he had lost more weight, and Gerrard seemed to gain more weight.

When I first met her, she just felt like a western otaku, but now she feels like a successful western otaku.

That’s the same thing, but there are subtle differences.

According to recent news, the two are freely dating pornstars and live a life like a movie. Because of this, he is called the second Larry Flint or Hugh Hefner, and is said to be the envy of many American men.

Ellie asked me in a low voice.

“Isn’t Jinhu also envious?”

“… … Could it be?”

Can’t I say I’m envious even if I’m envious?

Faceit expanded its scope to Internet broadcasting based on the revenue it earned through video services. When he opened a channel to communicate with fans by recruiting famous porn stars, word of mouth quickly spread and became very popular.

If they did this in Korea, the site would be shut down and the operators would be arrested. But as long as porn is legal in America, there’s nothing wrong with that.

In addition, VR porn production was in full swing by collaborating with existing porn production companies.

When they first met, the two were confident that they would rise to the top of the porn industry. And now, two years later, that word has already become a reality.

Gerard spoke first.

“I saw the announcement of autonomous driving technology well. They say that in the future, drivers will be able to engage in various activities instead of driving, but what will they do in the car?”

Toby was excited and struck a match.

“Why don’t you watch porn of course? Now is the age of pornography in cars.”


“When you release a car, why not include the new porn as a porn edition?”

“… … .”

what kind of bullshit is this?

“You can’t watch porn because your car isn’t a completely enclosed space. And porn isn’t just about seeing with your eyes.”

At my words, Ellie tilted her head.

“Isn’t it just to watch?”

Toby said it was obvious.

“I usually do something.”

Ellie looked at me with innocent eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“that’s… … .”

How do I explain this?

For a moment, she couldn’t speak in embarrassment, but Ellie clapped her hands as if she knew.

“Ah! Maybe master… … .”

I said quickly.

“Until there! I can’t say any more.”

Ellie said playfully.

“Hey, what are you shy about?”

I think it’s kind of joking.

Perhaps because they heard that it wasn’t possible, they both had a pale expression on their faces, unlike before. I would have been excited and ran for a month, so it’s worth it.

I told them.

“We can’t directly provide porn, but there are ways to use Faceit’s technology.”

Toby asked


Faceit’s strength is not a variety of porn, but a sophisticated recommendation algorithm. Subscribers are willing to open their wallets because they can easily find porn that suits their taste.

The algorithm that Faceit has will be sufficiently applicable to car infotainment.

According to the current law, watching videos while driving is prohibited. Therefore, the current car infotainment is about listening to music or radio.

However, if the laws change, it will be possible to watch news, movies or play games, and the market will expand significantly.

“I can’t do it right now because of the law, but in the future, I will need content that can be enjoyed in the car. There will be a lot of difference between watching content while lying down at home and watching it on the go. For example, considering the travel time and place, we can recommend the appropriate content. It can recommend movies and dramas for long-distance trips, comedy and entertainment shows for short-distance trips, and if you’re on a trip, it can show you information about your destination.”

Although Faceit is the strongest player in the porn industry, the online video service market is still the domain of dinosaurs such as Netplay and A-Tube.

But now a new opportunity called Cainfotainment has opened up.

Ellie added her opinion.

“What about educational content? In Hong Kong and Korea, there are many people who study English while driving. Americans also want to learn a variety of foreign languages, while immigrants to the United States want to learn English.”

I snapped my fingers.

“That’s a great idea.”

There is nothing more profitable than educational content. This can be easily seen by looking at the amount of money that Korea pours into private education every year.

“Maybe the car infotainment market will surpass the porn industry in the future. How about giving it a try?”

Toby’s eyes lit up at my words.

“i See. Okay!”

After they left, Eli said.

“How amazing. The fact that there are so many things that the driver can do in the car even if he doesn’t drive.”(Read more @

I nodded.

“More will change in the future.”

* * *

The long itinerary in America has come to an end.

I waited at the San Francisco airport for the flight back home with Ellie. There was still time before departure, so we waited in the lounge.

Ellie said as she stretched her out.

“Ha-am! I’m finally back in Korea. I miss Jessica and Taekkyu as soon as possible.”

“Iknow, right.”

Ellie looked at me.

“You look bad, are you okay?”

I shook my head to say I was fine.

“I do not know.”

Since before, she had a headache and had a stomach ache. Above all, I felt a strange feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

Why are you doing this?

Ellie asked in a worried tone.

“If you are not feeling well, how about going back tomorrow? It’s not like anything happens if you’re a day late.”

Yes, but… … .

I forced a smile.

“It’s okay. It will get better soon.”

Just then, an announcement announcing boarding of the plane came out.

As I got up, I felt as if I could see something, shimmering in front of me, and I could hear tinnitus in my ears.

It feels like something I’ve experienced before.

Just like back then… … .

In an instant, a hologram appeared in front of me.

“… … .”

What is this?

Ellie asked her with a look that she did not understand.

“Why is that, Jinhoo?”

“damage… … .”


Before I could even scream, my feet suddenly began to shake.

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