Fudomaru didn't expect that Hojo would undergo such a huge change after not seeing each other for a long time.

He actually became stronger.

In terms of strength alone, he is probably the strongest Quincy in the field.

It is even more powerful than the black hand that appeared before.

This made Fudomaru very confused.

What exactly did Hojo go through during this time.

Hokutomaru returned to the post-Warring States period with the Yoko in his hand.

Hojo, who stayed in modern times, would naturally be interrogated by the Demon Exorcism Organization.

Although his father is also a white hand, he is already a very important Quincy in the Demon Exorcism Organization.

But there is a problem with his son, and even if he is a white hand, he must accept the trial of the demon exorcism organization.

Naturally, Hojo's father didn't have any problems, but there were many problems with Hojo.

First, the problems of the Warring States Period were exposed from Hojo, and then it involved Hokutomaru.

It was originally going to develop like this.

Then there is only one way left for Hojo, and that is to be questioned by the Demon Exorcist Organization. But in this case, Hojo's father has only one way to save Hojo.

That is to let Hojo prove his worth.

Accepting the most terrifying test in the Quincy inheritance, the test of ten deaths and no life, it is basically impossible for any Quincy to pass it.

This situation was equivalent to a death sentence, but Hojo passed the test perfectly, perhaps because of the power remaining in his body from the Shikon Jade fragment.

A strange change occurred in Hojo's body.

The Quincy's talent has been crazy enhanced.

Hojo survived the test, and while his strength increased dramatically, he was also accepted as a disciple by the oldest and highest-status elder of the demon exorcism organization.

Now Hojo has become a Quincy's holy son.

In terms of hard power, Hojo is probably not inferior to the five people of the Hand of God, even if he has not yet fully mastered the state of the Holy Body.

"Are you sure you have thought it through? Hojo, you are trying to become my enemy!"

Fudomaru's voice sounded, and Hojo looked at Fudomaru in front of him.

As a person who had in-depth contact with Fudomaru, Hojo knew very well what kind of existence Fudomaru was.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hokutomaru, I won't back down even if it's you!"

Although Hojo's personal views are still reserved, Hojo now understands that even if different positions have personal opinions, some things have to be done.

Just like the grudge between the Quincy and the God of Death.

His teacher Tell him.

Even if the Shinigami was not wrong in what happened at the beginning, what happened after that has already determined that the Quincy and the Shinigami will not be on the same path. The

Shinigami not only needs to guard the Soul Society, but also maintain the The balance of the underworld.

When there are too many humans in the human world, the God of Death in the Soul Society will reduce hunting of Hollows, and will allow Hollows to hunt humans to a certain extent.

In order to maintain the balance of the world, so that the world will not be Destruction.

But the Quincy stands from the standpoint of human beings, and it doesn’t matter even if it destroys the underworld.

So no matter what happened at the beginning, the God of Death is not allowed to continue to exist.

After hearing these statements, Hojo also fell into confusion for a period of time , and finally seemed to accept it.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s right or wrong, they just have different positions.

He raised his hand and opened the Annihilation Bow instantly, and then Hojo’s eyes locked on Futomaru.

Sensing Hojo’s fighting spirit, Futomaru smiled. Laugh!

Not bad!

It's already in shape!

It has indeed grown a lot!

Feeling the spirit that Hojo gathered in an instant, Fudemaru had a smile on his face. He took a step forward, blocked Kagome behind him, and then turned around He looked at the other Shinigami and said,"Take good care of her!""

Hadomaru said and stepped forward directly, turning to look at Hojo and raising his hand to signal Hojo to take action. The next second, the annihilation arrows that filled the sky burst out instantly.

Looking at the annihilation arrows that burst out at this moment, not only There is a problem of quantity, and there is also a problem of power.

The power of these Quincy Arrows seems not to be weak.

They can actually release such an amazingly powerful Quincy Arrow.

The Hojo in front of him, if he let other captain-level Shinigami deal with it, He probably wants to overcome a lot of difficulties!

But it is not a problem for Fudomaru.

He raises his hand and taps lightly!

The next second the Quincy Ya in front of him instantly falls apart, and he doesn't even have time to fly to Fudomaru. This scene made the surrounding Quincy stunned.

These black hands all looked at Fudomaru in surprise,"How did he do it?""

Disintegrated all the Quincy Arrows in an instant, and this guy didn't even draw his sword. Is this the fighting method of the God of Death?

Everyone was a little confused when thinking of this.

0Please give me flowers.

However, the next second, Fudomaru came to Hojo in one step..

Hojo was stunned for a moment and wanted to use his flying sickle to move, but Fudomaru followed closely again, as if he was right behind him.

"You have indeed changed a lot! Hojo, but your power is no match for me, so forget it!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If I take action, you will die……"

Hearing this, Hojo's back was already covered with cold sweat.

She is also very aware of how much his strength has improved, but it still seems that he has no power to fight back against Fudomaru.

"Lord Fudomaru, you are indeed scarier than I thought.……"

The previous hand that instantly disintegrated all the Quincy Arrows left Hojo unable to figure out how Fudomaru did it.

But this does not hinder Hojo's determination

"From the moment I stepped out of that door, I had already prepared my mind. Even if I die, my heart will not be shaken at all.……"

Turning his head in an instant, Hojo's Quincy Arrow was aimed at Fudomaru.

The radiating Quincy Arrow shot directly towards Fudomaru's face.

But the next second.

Hokutomaru directly caught the arrow with one hand.

Seeing Hokudomaru grabbing the Quincy Arrow made the Quincy even more incredible.


Fudomaru sighed.[]

To be honest, Fudomaru still liked the Hojo in front of him, but the problem was that Hojo seemed to have completely changed.

It is good to have goals and awareness, but it is completely wrong to want to be your own enemy.


The arrow was instantly crushed by Fudomaru.

Then Fudomaru looked at Hojo who had pulled away, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"Since you want to have a competition so much, then let’s do it!"

"A fair and just contest!"

As he spoke, Fudomaru raised his hand and made the same action as Hojo. The next second...


The huge Quincy Bow appeared in Fudomaru's hand, and a bright blue-white light emitted, making All the Shinigami and Quincy were stunned at the same time.

What did they see?

The Shinigami used the Quincy's ability?

How is that possible?

Isn't this guy a Shinigami? Why can he use the Quincy's ability!

And look at the disaster The Annihilation Bow condensed by Doumaru is simply monster-level. How many spirit seeds must be gathered in an instant to be able to condense such a huge Annihilation Bow... and...

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