The moment Kenpachi's attack was about to fall, a figure suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

None other than Jiamei.

In the air, Kamei rushed towards Kenpachi quickly.

The moment the blade struck a man, Jiamei instantly activated his blood-activating weapon.

He kicked Kenpachi directly, and Kenpachi's chest instantly sunk.

The impact was so powerful that even Kenpachi would not be able to remain intact, not to mention the current situation where a large amount of Kenpachi's spiritual pressure was used to attack.

He didn't expect that the other party could burst out with such fast speed in an instant.

Bang bang!

Kenpachi flew out and hit the wall in an instant, directly smashing through several walls in the base.

A cloud of dust and smoke was set off.

Jiamei, who landed on the ground, turned back and looked in the direction of a man.

At this moment, a man was holding his chest. At that moment, he felt that he almost died.

Fortunately, Jiami's action interrupted Kenpachi's attack, otherwise he might really be hanging.

At the last moment, I used static blood equipment to defend, which was able to avoid being killed.

"This guy is very strong, with speed, strength, and defense all top-notch!"

"If you don't want to die, you'd better cheer me up!"

As he spoke, Kamei turned around and walked towards Kenpachi, her long white high-heeled shoes making a clicking sound on the floor.

In just a few steps, Kamei's Perfect Holy 447 body opened directly.

In an instant, everything around her body began to A halo of spirit particles flowed around Jiamei as if to form a holy light.

What is unexpected is that as a Quincy Jiamei seems to be even better at close combat. Changhao, Shanche, a man and three people also gathered behind them. They separated.

If so, this guy Tai Yi was defeated one by one.

On the contrary, it was better to gather together.

Suddenly Shan Che and Chang Hao looked at each other, and then they approached, and the spirit sons gathered in the air.

A large number of spirit sons were compressed and formed in an instant An extremely huge Quincy Arrow.

The moment the large Quincy Arrow appeared, Kenpachi also slowly walked out of the smoke. The Nosei in his hand dragged on the ground, and the sound of the blade rubbing against the ground was heard, and at the same time, there was a burst of sound. A burst of sparks

"Not bad! The blow just now was very strong!"

Yeshai raised his hand and pointed it at Jiamei,"How can a woman possess such terrifying power!"

"There were traces of spirit particles flowing just now. It should be some kind of special ability of your Quincy!"

Although Kenpachi is not a Quincy, he seems to be a careless guy who doesn't care about details, but he is actually very careful.

"The ability to move blood can be discovered, you are indeed a very good man!"

Jiamei winked at Kenpachi again.

But the next second, the terrifying roar came from the air.

"Want to distract me this way? I'm not interested in women, so put it away!"

As he spoke, Kenpachi directly used Shunpo to avoid the attack of the large Quincy Arrow.

Although he could block the attack just now, if he chose to block it, he would definitely be delayed for a while.

And the four opponents were still alive. The next two people will not just watch, they will definitely take advantage of this moment to launch an attack.

For a battle of their level, one moment is enough to determine the outcome of the battle.

Kenpachi analyzed the current situation. According to the current situation Judging from the situation, if you want to deal with these four guys, you can't do it in a few clicks.

I'm afraid you have to wait for these guys to take the initiative to reveal their flaws.

And this means a protracted battle.

But okay, Kenpachi happens to be You can familiarize yourself with the power after freeing the Zanpakutō, and if that doesn't work, then... swastika... boom boom boom!!

Suddenly Kenpachi launched an attack, and the roar and vibration of the explosion reverberated crazily throughout the base. Come on.

Houtomaru is in the other direction with a smile on his face.

"Finally released, that guy Kenpachi's Zanpakutō!"

Fudomaru said, and the Shinigami behind him all showed surprised looks. They looked at each other, and they didn't know if they heard wrong.


Freed the Zanpakutō?

What did you fire ? What a joke, isn't the captain of the eighth division the only one among all division captains who can't free the Zanpakutō?

How could he (accb) suddenly free the Zanpakutō.

And if even Kenpachi can free the Zanpakutō , then how terrifying the strength will be!

Without liberating the Zanpakutō, it is already comparable to the average captain-level Shinigami. Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if the Zanpakutō is liberated? Thinking of this, they feel even more terrifying.

But this At that moment, Fudomaru suddenly looked into the depths of the passage ahead.

According to Fudomaru's perception, Nakamu was already close to Coral and Miroku, and should be able to rescue the two of them quickly.

But the other party did not seem to be able to. He specially sent people to guard them, as if he just planned to use them to attract himself and others to come to his door.

Then he no longer planned to use the two of them to threaten.

Did he not expect it or was he disdainful? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

I'm afraid it should be the latter!

After all, these Quincy are still arrogant.

Even if they thought of using Maitreya and Coral to attract themselves and others to come to them, when the real battle began, the arrogance of these Quincy still made them unable to Let's try to threaten things with hostages!

Fudemaru smiled.

If he really threatened himself with Miroku and Coral, then Fudemaru wouldn't care. I'm afraid Kagome and Inuyasha will fight for their lives.

And at this moment Fudomaru looked at the long passage in front of him.

A black shadow slowly walked out.

The person who came was not a guy from the Hand of God organization.

It was a presence that surprised Fudomaru.


After Kagome saw the people coming, she took the initiative to walk out of the crowd of Shinigami.

A helpless smile appeared on Hojo's face at this moment.

"Kagome-san! You are here! InuYasha frowned,"

Kagome, do you still know the Quincy?"

Kagome did not answer this question immediately, but looked at Hojo,"Where are my two friends!""[]

Raising his hand to signal Kagome not to get too excited, Hojo smiled,"Don't worry, they two are fine. The God of Death is saving them. They should be found soon!"

Hearing this, Kagome breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, Hojo silently assumed a posture ready to fight.

Seeing him like this, Kagome was stunned.

What is Hojo planning to do?

"Mr. Fudomaru, I'm sorry!"

"I'm a Quincy!"

You don't need to say too many unnecessary words, Hokutomaru can understand.

As a Quincy, although Hojo may not want to be his enemy, his personal stance cannot change the entire Quincy.

"So you want to fight me now?"

"The teacher has orders, and I can't disobey them!"

The aura on Hojo's body is a little strange now. Hokutomaru can clearly feel that in addition to possessing the power of a Quincy, Hojo also possesses other powers that do not belong to the Quincy.

In such a short period of time, Hojo It's surprising that such a big change has happened...

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