"how come……"

Hojo looked at Hokutomaru blankly.

At this moment, Fudomaru had a smile on his face."What? Is it weird?"

As he said that, Fudomaru glanced at the Shinigami who followed him. They also looked at Fudomaru with doubtful eyes.

And Fudemaru smiled, then raised his head and looked at the huge Quincy Bow condensed in his hand,"I'm not afraid to tell you, in fact, Senfu Miyako is my disciple!" After the words fell, all the Quincy were stunned for a moment. Then their expressions became extremely ugly.

All of them stared at Fudemaru fiercely.

Chifu Miyako, this name may not mean much to others, but to the entire Quincy.

That is simply like the founder of the world.

After all, although the power of the Quincy is mainly transmitted through the innate bloodline, if Seno Miyako had not created the so-called"230" Quincy Holy Pool, it would basically be impossible to have the current Quincy. division organization.

At the same time, it can be said that the first generation of Quincy was fused with the blood of Miyako Chiuo, thus gaining the ability of the Quincy.

And now this guy actually... actually said that Chifu Miyako was his disciple.

What a joke!

"You guy, how dare you insult our Gonggu Sheng!"

"you wanna die!"

The next second, countless annihilation arrows were shot at Fudomaru.

However, in the face of these attacks, Fudomaru didn't even need to take action himself. The Shinigami stopped these arrows.

And Fudomaru shrugged. Shrugging"I'm telling the truth!""

Too bad these guys don't seem to like the truth!

"Shut up, you are clearly a god of death, how could you possibly have the power of a Quincy, and you still claim that Seno Miyako is your disciple? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Damn Death, do you want to anger us in this way?"

"Miyako Sage will never allow anyone to insult you!"

These black hands seemed to be completely intolerable and wanted to take action against Fudomaru.

At this time, it was naturally impossible for the Shinigami to see Fudomaru being surrounded by so many people, and they were all preparing to take action.

But Fudomaru didn't care."It doesn't matter, just leave these guys to me, keep an eye on Kagome!"

As he spoke, the Quincy Bow in his hand released a strong light, and then turned to look to the side. A Quincy Arrow was shot directly. It flew towards one of the black hands.

And he also shot a Quincy Arrow, but in Under the collision of arrows in the air, Fudomaru's arrow instantly shattered the opponent's Quincy Arrow.

Then it directly pierced the opponent's chest. An instant kill with one arrow!

Perhaps this black hand did not expect that it was also a Quincy Arrow. Why is there such a big gap in power?

However, Fudomaru smiled.

Although the Quincy attacks by controlling the spirit, if he has spiritual pressure, he can also use it.

Although Fudomaru seems to Using the power of the Quincy but not using the source of the Quincy's power.

Directly condensing one's own spiritual pressure to form the Quincy Arrow.

There is a natural difference between this kind of attack and the attack of the Quincy.


Hojo suddenly raised his hand, and arrows shot out one after another, and then attacked Fudomaru overwhelmingly.

It seemed that the attack was very terrifying, but Fudomaru just pulled the bow string lightly, and he also shot a large number of arrows. The Quincy Arrow blocked all Hojo's attacks.

The two figures disappeared instantly.

Only the dazzling arrows could be seen in the air colliding back and forth.

And every time, Hokutomaru completely suppressed Hojo.

Obviously, as a Shinigami, But he seems to be very proficient in the Quincy's fighting style.

If you don't know that Futomaru is the God of Death, you might even think that Futomaru is the real Quincy.

On the other hand, Hojo's expression is already a little dazed now.

Maybe others The Quincy didn't believe what Futomaru said, but Hojo knew Futomaru well, and he knew that Futomaru wouldn't joke.

In other words, what Futomaru said was true!

But if this is true, then it also means disaster. Tomaru is the true ancestor of the Quincy.

How is it possible!

If he is really the ancestor of the Quincy, then why did he create the Quincy?

As a Shinigami, why didn't he popularize this power in Soul Society!

Why is this happening?

Suddenly, Hokutomaru came in front of Hojo.

His blood-moving armor was activated instantly, and he punched Hojo in the chest hard. Hojo's whole body was directly blown away.

He hit the wall hard, Hojo stopped and let out a long breath.

He raised his head and looked at Fudomaru in front of him, very surprised!

Because just now Fudomaru used the blood-stimulating device, he could not mistake it.

Even Shizuki Do you know how to pretend and use blood?

It seems that Fudomaru is indeed a Quincy. 0....

"You... why did you teach Miyako Chifu in the first place!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As a god of death, why would you create such power!"

Hojo asked.

At this moment, the other Quincy looked at Hojo. Does this guy really believe what Futomaru said before?

This is simply impossible. The other party is just humiliating them.

However, Futomaru suddenly stop

"Tell me the reason! It’s actually not as complicated as you think!"

"It's just that I accidentally discovered some good powers, tried to develop them, and then happened to meet Chifu Miyako and saved him!"

"And this guy seemed to be very sincere and kept begging me to teach him, so I taught him!"

Fudomaru said it very casually, but the more he said this, the angrier the other Quincy became towards Fudomaru. For such a reason, how serious is he even in making up lies!

But Hojo felt that this was the truth. Yes, because Hokutomaru said it so casually, it means that Hokutomaru did not take this matter to heart at all.

According to the time, when Miyako Seno founded Muzukikan, Soul Society may have already It has been completely established.

And it has been established a long time ago.

Under such circumstances, how could Futomaru, the Lord of Soul Society, take an ordinary human to his heart.

Thinking of this, Hojo smiled and looked at Futomaru The Quincy Bow slowly opened behind him, this super-large Quincy Arrow. Among the modern Quincy, even the five members of the Hand of God, I am afraid that no one can display it.[]

But Fu Doumaru was able to use it so casually. It seemed that this power was indeed created by him. ridiculous!

The Quincy regarded Death as his mortal enemy, but in the end, even this power was created by Death.

"Mr. Fudomaru, although this power may be regarded as created by you, but... through the development of the times, this power has changed a lot!"

As he spoke, Hojo stood up again.

He looked up at Hokutomaru.

The Quincy's final form... was activated! Although it was not the Perfect Holy Body, the power erupted from Hojo's final form was equally astonishing. Hokutomaru shook his head.

He shook his head,"This method is equivalent to burning potential. You seem to be fighting me with the awareness of death!"

"Of course, if you don't fight with Mr. Fudomaru with the awareness that you will die, you probably won't even have the slightest chance of winning!".

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