"But what about this?"

"The void circle and the present world overlap, is there any way to dissolve this fusion?"

Hearing this, the elder on the other side of the phone frowned!

"There's only one case so far!"


Jone asked.

The other party said slowly: "It's very simple, you just need to finish killing the void in the overlapping circle, and clear all the void!"

Clear all the void!

The void of the overlapping area is not a fixed number, but a new void may enter at any time.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy to complete this condition.

In the face of the possibility of entering more void anytime and anywhere.

Then, while clearing the void, it is necessary to find a way to resist more void entry.

After clearing the void of the overlapping area, the void of the overlapping area will disappear if it is maintained for a certain period of time.

But that's not easy to say!

It's unlikely to be possible!

"At the moment, the most important thing is the problem of manpower!"

Jin also roughly understood that as long as there were enough exterminators, it was theoretically possible to ensure that there was no void in the overlapping area for a certain period of time.

But the problem is that many of the division's manpower is now in the Warring States period.

It's no wonder that the Elders will recall the void of the Warring States period.

And this situation should indeed recall these exterminators in the Warring States Period.

Otherwise, it is impossible to solve this problem.

Join's heart is now extremely unwilling to recall the exterminator of the Warring States Period, because the Grim Reaper has not yet been resolved, and at the same time, the Holy Body has not been completed......

Suddenly, Jone looked at Yazen on the side.

Although he has not yet completed the cultivation of the Holy Body, the Eight Stains as the creator have also come to the modern era.

In that case...... As......

A smile flashed across Jon's face.

"I came up with a way to get more of our staff!"

The elder on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, "Is there any way?"

"Wait a minute......"

As he spoke, Jon walked in the direction of Yazen.

Looking at Yazen, Join opened his mouth to explain the problem of modern times, the void circle and the present world coincided, and just one virtual group haunted directly destroyed a city of 30 million people.

This shocked Yazen.

Thirty million people!

Such a number was placed in the Warring States Period, and I am afraid that all the populations combined would not reach this number!

But the problem is that Jone asked himself to help!

"I ...... How can I help? Even if I help you, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with much vain!"

The virtual group can destroy a large city of 30 million people, so you can imagine how many virtual sorties there are.

In such a situation, it is already difficult for a person's strength to do anything.

But Jone laughed.

"Of course it's not enough to just be Lord Eight Dye, but if you add the Moonless Exterminators, then it's different!"

These people who created the era of the Exterminator may not be as skilled as the modern Exterminator, but they are absolutely crushing in terms of strength.

Because in this era, if you want to become an exterminator, you need to be extremely talented.

Even if it is the most ordinary exterminator, the spirit son that can be controlled is several times that of a modern exterminator.

When they come to this era, as long as they have participated in a few battles, I am afraid that they will soon be able to master stronger skills, and their combat effectiveness will definitely increase exponentially.

And in this case, the stronger these Warring States Era exterminators, the more likely they are to create more powerful moves.

Among them is the Eucharist that all modern destroyers crave, beyond the final form of the destroyer. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is that what you think?"

Yazen listened to Join asking him to transfer all the people of the moonless view to the modern era to help.

Spanning two eras, is it really okay to let these people from a millennium ago come to a millennium later?

"Are you worried about what will happen to them in the modern age?"

Hearing this, Baran nodded: "After all, they belong to the people who belonged to a thousand years ago!"

Join also understood the other party's worries, "But now I can't care so much, if the human race goes according to this situation, it will be completely killed by the void circle sooner or later." "

"If the future is destroyed because of this, then I will regret it, no matter what kind of impact it will cause, at least it must be based on the premise that it will not be extinguished!"

There's nothing wrong with that.

Yazen thought for a moment, "I'll try to convince them!"


At this time, Jone picked up the phone: "Elder, did you hear me?"

Hearing this, the other end of the phone coughed, "I heard you! Joe, I'm going to warn you, it's likely that you will have irreversible consequences if you do this!"

Jine pouted, "If the human world is destroyed, then it doesn't matter what the consequences are. "

The elder couldn't refute it, but now it seems that this is indeed the case, if the human world is destroyed, then everything will be meaningless.

Now it is the most important thing to solve the problem of the fusion of the imaginary circle and the present world. []

"The imaginary circle overlaps with the present world!"

At this moment, the people in the Void Night Palace are also talking about this question.

"The excessive density of the Void Circle Spirit Son seems to be the reason for the overlap between the Void Circle and the present world!"

It was the Grim Reaper who spoke.

Holding the full moon of the underworld, it can clearly feel the changes in the imaginary circle.

"Ever since we drove the void to destroy the city of 30 million human beings, the density of the spirit children of the void circle has begun to skyrocket!"

"And the result of the surge seems to have caused the imaginary circle to sink!"


Hearing this, the others looked at the Grim Reaper and some didn't quite understand its words!

"You can think of the Void Circle as a boat, and the present world is a river, and the density of the Void Circle's spirits is too dense, causing the ships of the Void Circle to begin to sink, pouring some of the Spirits into the present world. "

"Reduce the weight of the imaginary circle itself, so as to naturally adjust and separate the imaginary circle from the present world again!"

Saying that, the Grim Reaper smiled and said, "However, the problem is that in the process of overlapping, humans will die again, and the void in the overlapping area will devour humans even more frantically!"

"So in the end, (Wang Dezhao) can lead to the virtual circle completely sinking into the present world and completely merging with the current world!"

Hearing this, everyone else frowned.

They don't care about overlapping or not, the question is whether it's good for them?

"No matter what happens to the Void Circle and the current world, the Void Night Palace doesn't need to worry at all because it is wrapped in the unique power of the Imperial God Wood, and it won't affect us anyway!"

Hearing this, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Since it is not affected, there is no need to take care of it, and even more efforts can be made to make more human beings die, so that the density of the spirit child will increase again, the higher the density of the spirit child, the stronger the power of the jade fragment of the four souls.

They will be able to metamorphose more quickly and enter a new dimension.

If the modern era also had the Corpse Soul Realm, then this would not be the case.

In the final analysis, there is nothing to check and balance in the modern circle, which will lead to such a situation.

And it's not just modern ...... that are affected.

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