"Asami, go to the Yaban team at the same time, and ask Kenpachi if that guy has recovered from his injuries, and if he is well, let him come over and see me, and ......"

Saying that, Trouble Pill looked at Asami who walked in.

"Let's assemble the Yaban team!"

Team Yaban!

Kadotamaru-sama named the members of the anxious Yaban team, which is quite an incredible thing!

You must know that the so-called eight teams are the strongest team in terms of comprehensive strength in addition to the first team.

The captain of the team, Kenpachi!

Although he was born in Soul Street, he didn't care about the origin of any death, and there was only one requirement to join the Yaban team.

The combat effectiveness must reach the standard of Kenpachi.

Perhaps it was influenced by Kenpachi, the Grim Reapers, who were all strong in combat, were also very fierce, and each Grim Reaper seemed to be infected with the attributes of Kenpachi Battle Maniac.

It's okay when you don't do it, but once you do it, it's often the most fierce and fastest group of people.

And it's a team that will never retreat.

"I see!"

Asami's expression at this moment was extremely solemn, she was already a little scared, Lord Kadomaru dispatched this group of crazy people, I don't know what kind of unlucky guy provoked Lord Kadomaru 19.

Team Yaban!

Kenpachi was wielding the slashing knife, looking at the slashing knife in his hand, Kenpachi's expression looked very complicated.

Suddenly Asami appeared.

After Yako was injured, it was Asami who was temporarily serving by the side of Disaster Fighting Pill.

Looking at Asami Kenpachi, he frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Kadotamaru-sama, let me see how Kenhachi-sama's injuries are!"

Kenpachi removed the bandage from his chest, and it was already scarred.

"It's all right!"

"Captain Kenba, your injuries haven't fully healed yet!"

"Idiot, this injury doesn't affect me at all, as long as I can move normally, it's enough!"

The team member who heard the scolding sighed helplessly.

Kenpachi turned his head to look at Asami, "What's the matter?"

"Kadotamaru-sama said that you should go and see him, and all the members of the Yaban team are in a hurry!"

"Kadotamaru-sama seems to have a mission!"

Kenpachi's eyes lit up, "Summoned the Yaban team alone?"


Hearing Asami's answer, Kenpachi was excited, and it was quite different to gather the Baban team alone.

What kind of people are the Yaban team, a group of crazy people, it seems that Kadotamaru-sama is going to kill!

Very good!

Looking back at the official under him, "You go and gather all the people of the Yaban team and wait for the order of Kadomaru-sama!"

Saying that, Kenpachi walked in the direction of the palace, "I'll go see Kadomara-sama first." "

The words fell, and Kenpachi had already disappeared.

In order to see Kamto Pill as soon as possible, and even to use the Instant Step directly, Kenpachi can't wait.

And at this moment, Disaster Pill looked at Steel Fang.

"You, go down and wait! Chaomei will arrange for you!"

"A new team will be formed next, and the captain of the team will be decided in the election!"

"You and the other person are my candidates for captainship, and it's up to you which of you can be captain. "

Hearing the word captain, Steel Tooth was also very surprised, but he didn't expect that Katanomaru wanted to make himself the captain.

This is a real surprise.

That's the captain!

The Captain of Death's Great Avenue Temple still left a very deep impression on him.

If he could become the captain, Steel Fang couldn't imagine what it would be like.



Yazen and Joe walked through the Well of Bones.

Coming to the modern day, Yazen is still looking at the city in the distance and sighing, is this the world thousands of years later?

Human cities have been built so spectacularly.

Time is such a scary thing.

"What did you say?"

Suddenly, Joe's voice came, and Yazen looked back at Joe.

At this moment, Jone was looking at the Exterminator on the side.

His expression was very serious, and Joe's face was full of anger.

"The Grim Reaper didn't catch him, he fled, and we didn't find him!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Joe!"

Qiao Yin smiled, "Very good, you are worthy of the elite group recommended by the Council of Elders, so many people can let go of a god of death, you are really powerful!"

As he spoke, a gleam of light had already appeared in Jon's fingertips.

Yazen stared at Jone, what does this guy want to do, is it...... He wants to...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, at this moment, suddenly an exterminator appeared and knelt directly in front of Joe.

"Lord Join, the Elders will urgently notify all the exterminators from the Warring States Period to return. "

Hearing this, Qiao Yin, who was about to make a move, was stunned, "What are you talking about? All the exterminators have returned? What are you kidding, we haven't even finished the Holy Communion yet, and at the same time, the Grim Reaper hasn't solved it yet, return?"

"Yes, this information will be sent by the Elders for us to show to the Lords of the Hand of God!"

Joe resulted in the envelope, opened it and looked at the text on the letter.

As Jorge looked closely, his brows tightened.

There are 30 million people in a city, and none of them survive.

Swallowed by the void, or directly sucked into the void circle.

Nothing like this has happened in thousands of years.

There are also photographs taken, judging from the photos, it is no longer obvious that it is a human city, it is like purgatory on earth.

Hell has descended on the human world!

It's just horrible!

Even Jonne couldn't help but gasp when he saw such a scene.

"Why, don't you gather people to kill these voids!"

"Too late!"

The Exterminator replied.

Join looked at him, and he explained, "The more important thing is that there was a strange phenomenon that happened that day when the virtual group attacked. "

As he spoke, the other party handed Joe a phone call.

Looking at the phone, Jone picked it up and dialed the only number 437 inside.

An old voice rang out.

"Are you back?"

"So fast?"

Jon frowned, "No, it's just that I'm back alone!"

"Call everyone back!"

"Big event!"

"There seems to be a major change in the imaginary circle!"

Join didn't understand that the elders were dizzy when such a decision was made at this juncture?

"What's going on?"

The other end of the phone sighed.

"What happened was very simple, after the events of the destruction of this city, there were different degrees of ...... around the world Dotted circle overlap!"

"The scale is not large, the largest overlapping scale of the imaginary circle is only the size of the village, but the current world and the imaginary circle directly overlap!"

"That's not ...... Little things!"

Dotted circles overlapping?

And the present world?

Join was stunned, he had never heard of such a thing, and it had never happened in the history of the Exterminator.

The imaginary circle and the present world are two different spaces, how can they overlap!

And doesn't overlapping mean that once you step into the overlapping area, then you can directly reach the imaginary circle, and the same imaginary circle will directly reach the present world.

Even the black cavity doesn't need to be opened.

Ordinary void can directly attack humans!

"Why is this happening?"

Jone asked.

The elder was silent for a few seconds, "I don't know, but...... This matter, more than anything else, needs to be addressed first......".

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