And the Corpse Soul Realm!

Although the Corpse Soul Realm was a thousand years ago, it was not a thousand years later.


At this moment, he is preparing to take the Reaper to the present world through the Boundary Gate.

But suddenly it stopped in the square.

Look up at the sky.

Directly above the Corpse Soul Realm, it was nothing else, it was a passage to the afterlife.

The passage to the afterlife was shaking, emitting strange fluctuations, and this strong wave spread outward.

Let the first layer of enchantment that Curse Pill has placed around the passage of the dead!


Shattered in an instant without warning.

Fighting Pill frowned and looked at the passage of the past in the sky above, what was going on?

Why did the passage to the afterlife suddenly become so unstable?


With the shattering of the second layer of enchantment, the Lingling Court was finally affected.

An invisible suction enveloped the entire Lingling Court, but the Lingling Court was full of death, and this level of suction could not have any effect on them.

However, in the next second, Kamto Pill suddenly had a bad premonition.

If this suction continues to increase, then it also means ......

Soul Street outside of the Soul Court will also be affected.

583 Sure enough, the next second, Soul Street was affected.

The nearest undead suddenly rose into the air and swept in the direction of the passage of death.

Looking at the undead who flew directly into the air to the passage of rebirth, Kamto Pill was stunned......

The first undead was swallowed directly into the passage of the afterlife, followed by the second and third.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of undead were sucked into the passage of the afterlife.

Not good!

I don't know why the passage to the past suddenly changed like this, but ...... There must be a way to stop the passage to the afterlife.

Otherwise, the Corpse Soul Realm will probably become an empty world in a short time.

Thinking of this, Kamto Pill rushed directly into the sky.

In the puzzled gaze of all the Grim Reapers, the spiritual pressure of the Fighting Pill came.

The terrifying spiritual pressure instantly enveloped the entire Corpse Soul Realm.

The pressure brought by the spiritual pressure made these undead who had originally taken off be pressed to the ground again.

And at this moment, Disaster Fighting Pill stood in front of the passage of the afterlife.

Looking at the violently changing passage of the rebirth, this crazy vibrating passage of the rebirth, unable to absorb the soul, it seems that the suction is constantly intensifying.

The Great Sage......

[Accelerating Analysis] (BJFB) [Fully open thinking acceleration and request to obtain dominance of the host's body]

Scourge Pill gritted his teeth, "Here you go!"

Suddenly, the spiritual pressure that enveloped the entire corpse soul realm weakened a lot, but it was still able to stabilize and keep all the undead from being sucked into the passage of the afterlife.

[It is not possible to fully analyze the changes in the rebirth path, and we are formulating the best response plan according to the changes in the rebirth path]

[Establish a new enchantment to strengthen the suppression of the passage of the afterlife, for which it is necessary to consume three jade fragments of the Four Souls, please ask the host if you agree]

What happens if the path to rebirth continues to change?

[It is speculated that if the afterlife passage continues to change, it will cause irreversible consequences, and it may even directly destroy the entire Corpse Soul Realm]

Hearing this, Doumaru was stunned.

Destroy the entire Corpse Soul Realm?

How could it be!

[Even all the gods of death will be completely destroyed]


What are you kidding, even if the Corpse Soul Realm is gone, but the Grim Reaper is not standing still, won't they run?

No matter how bad it is, it is always no problem to open the boundary gate directly, and it is always no problem to go to this world!

[Due to the diffusion of the power of the afterlife passage, it has caused a certain fluctuating effect on the space]

[Now it is impossible to open the Boundary Crossing Gate, even if you open the Boundary Crossing Gate, there is a high probability that you will fall directly into the spatial crack and die directly]

Hearing this, Kamto Pill suddenly remembered something.

Thousands of years later, there is no existence in the Corpse Soul Realm in modern times, can it be said that ...... It's because of the problem of the passage to the afterlife.

The Corpse Soul Realm was able to have today's status quo thanks to the large number of spirit sons provided by the Afterlife Passage.

Let everyone in the corpse soul world quickly become stronger.

But if we go according to this situation, then wouldn't it really mean that it is really possible for the Corpse Soul Realm to be destroyed, and all the gods of death will disappear.

Could it be that after a thousand years, there is no existence in the Corpse Soul Realm because of the passage of the past life.

There were too many questions that came to mind at this moment.

However, the situation of the passage of the past can still be stabilized at the moment, so let's stabilize it first!

Great Sage, give me control of the passage to the afterlife!

The Great Sage begins. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, a large amount of spiritual pressure erupted, and a new enchantment was being generated, and at the same time, the spiritual pressure of the Scourge Pill directly took out three fragments of the jade fragments of the four souls in the palace.

Three fragments of the Four Souls Jade appeared, merging into the enchantment.

Strengthened the power of the barrier.

The terrifying suction of the passage of the dead has been brought under control.

The enchantment was completed, and Fighting Pill breathed a sigh of relief.

But the problem has not been solved!

He looked at the barrier above, "How long can this barrier last?"

[It can be maintained until there are no new changes in the afterlife passage]

"But what if there's a problem with the passage to the dead!"

[Then this barrier may be broken at any time]

In other words, the current passage to the dead is even a bomb hanging over the head of the Corpse Soul Realm, right?

Kadomaru frowned and looked inside the pitch-black passage.

At this moment, the street of the soul exploded.

Kamto Pill fell from the sky, and Kenpachi stepped forward without asking but looked at Kamunimaru with a solemn expression.

Kamadamaru didn't intend to explain anything, but his gaze remained on the passage of the afterlife. []

At this moment, I arrived at night.

"Woe Fighter...... What's going on?"

Hearing this, Woe Doumaru looked at Su Xi, "Immediately arrange for the god of death to go to the demon realm, and leave half of the god of death to guard the corpse soul realm!"

Such an order made Shu Xi a little puzzled, why he did this, but looking at the solemn expression of the Disaster Fighting Pill.

Maybe it has something to do with the passage of the dead just now!

Kadomaru looked up at the sky, "Let my mother return to the demon world for the time being!"

Hearing this, Su Xi nodded.

Kenpachi on the side waited until Su Xi left, and looked at Kaotomaru, "Kadotomaru-sama, that was ...... just now"

"The Passage of the Dead Soul almost destroyed the Corpse Soul Realm!"

Hearing this, Jian Eight was stunned, the passage to the past almost destroyed the Corpse Soul Realm, how could it be?

There has never been a problem with the passage of the past life for a hundred years, why is there such a sudden change today.

What's going on?

"The answer is not in the Corpse Soul Realm, but elsewhere!"

Kadotamu looks back at Kenpachi!

Turning his head to the side of the rushing Asami, he ordered, "I will take the Baban team to the present world to check, you send someone to stand by at the boundary breaking gate, once any problems occur, pass through the boundary breaking gate as soon as possible and go to the present world to find me!"

Chaomei still doesn't understand why!

Kadomaru and Kenpachi have already opened the boundary gate and gone to the present world.

Now that this time bomb is not disarmed, every minute and every second is accompanied by danger.

Kadomaru didn't want to delay any time.

Something must have happened to make the passage of the past life like this, otherwise it would never have become like this.

What's going on in this world!

Or maybe something happened somewhere?

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