It seems that with the emergence of the hesitant Lingzi, the human world has also undergone tremendous changes.

Of course, as the demon realm with abundant spiritual sons, there have naturally been changes, and the biggest change is the rapid expansion of the area of the demon world.

The rate of expansion is still very impressive.

Steel Fang took the Seven Treasures and came to the location of the Boundary Breaking Gate, preparing to go to the Corpse Soul Realm.

And at the moment!

In the Moonless Temple, Yazen and Join are discussing an important issue.

Corpse Soul Realm!

How to enter the Corpse Soul Realm, to destroy the Grim Reaper, you must enter the Corpse Soul Realm.

Otherwise, the Grim Reaper can come out at any time and disappear at any time, which is not a good thing for the Exterminator in such a situation.

After all, the Grim Reaper can retreat at any time, and the Exterminator has no way to pursue, which makes it seem very passive.

"Find a way to enter the Corpse Soul Realm, otherwise it will be impossible to deal with the Grim Reaper!"

Jone said, and Yazen, who was sitting across from him, nodded.

"Eight, three, zero" "Since the patriarch's holy body was stolen, there is still no clue, and there is no clue at all. "

"And the demon world was the only clue before, but now this clue seems to have been interrupted. "

"The master of the Corpse Soul Realm came to the Moonless Temple before, and he is also suspected of killing Miyako-sama!"

Yazen frowned as he spoke.

"It seems that you also have a reason to go to the Corpse Soul Realm!"

Join was more than happy to see this.

"However, entering the Corpse Soul Realm is a problem, but you can rest assured that our teachers and uncles have studied together. "

"They have seen the strange door that the Grim Reaper opened when he entered the Corpse Soul Realm many times, and our Exterminator will definitely be able to create an ability that is not weaker than the Grim Reaper!"

Join had no doubts about this.

Because in the history of the Exterminator, these people in the first generation of the Exterminator were all amazing and brilliant.

The abilities of the Exterminator they created laid the foundation for the glorious era of the Exterminator later!

"Hopefully soon!"

While Join was talking to Yazen, information about Inuyasha and Coral Maitreya and others was sent.

A grim reaper has broken into the modern age.

This made Jonn a little confused, what does this Grim Reaper mean?

Is it someone sent by the Corpse Soul Realm?

Or is this guy just a desperate way to escape to the modern era?

You'll have to look it up.

However, those two humans, the Sengoku period humans called Coral and Maitreya, were completely in collusion with the god of death.

Maybe for the Grim Reaper, these two people are important, and the guy doesn't have to say.

"Shut it up for now, maybe the Grim Reaper will come to save these two humans, but not necessarily. "

But then Join had another question in mind.

The Grim Reaper, called Disaster Fighting Pill, is very powerful, and if there is a complete holy body of the Exterminator, there is no problem.

But now the eight dyes who created this form themselves can't do it, and it's still a little lacking in fighting death.

The odds of winning won't be too great.

"By the way, I seem to have some clue about the Eucharist you mentioned earlier. "

Yazen suddenly spoke, and when he heard this, Qiao Yin was stunned for a moment, "Really?"

Yazen nodded, "However, I also want to see your account of the completion of the Holy Body!"

There is no problem with the record, but the record of the completion of the Eucharist is in modern times.

After all, this is the treasure of the Exterminator, how can it be taken away casually!

Even if it's just a broken chapter.

But now, if it's to recreate the cultivation method of the Holy Body, then it doesn't matter if you let the Eight Dye take a look.


"But you'll probably have to go to modern times to see the account of the Eucharist. "


Yazen was stunned for a moment, I don't know what the world will look like in a thousand years, and it doesn't seem impossible to go and see it.


"Then let's go see it, I want to see the world in a thousand years!"

Join rushed towards the location of the Bone-Eating Well with Yazen.

The other members of the Hand of God in the Moonless Temple are in charge of guarding this place.

As for the location of the Bone-Eating Well, it doesn't need much manpower anymore.

After all, once the Grim Reaper attacks, there is too much to pay for guarding the Bone-Eating Well.

Just occupy the other side of the Bone-Eating Well.

At least you can send someone to support you at any time.

They were completely thinking too much, and the current Corpse Soul Realm didn't have the kung fu to attack any bone-eating wells.

The Lingting Court was attacked, and many places were destroyed.

At the same time, the problem of the court guard team this time also reflects that there are still many imperfections in the court guard team of the corpse soul realm.

In particular, the 36th Central Room was able to influence the court guards to a certain extent.

Such a situation is absolutely not allowed in the room, and now the order is issued by the Disaster Fighting Pill to remove a large number of Inu Demon Clan Death Reaper from the key position.

Or simply weaken their power and strengthen the power of the Captain-level Grim Reaper.

And in this process, Su Xi even proposed to build another team..........

Team Thirteen!

And in terms of candidates, Kadoto Pill has not yet been decided.

However, I hope that Sesshomaru can be the captain of the thirteenth team.

At this time, Shippo and Steel Tooth came.

Plague Pill is still fusing and adjusting its own jade collapse condition, but hearing the arrival of Steel Fang, it seems that the construction of the Thirteenth Team can be put on the agenda.

This guy got the Yan Ling Pill in the first place, and it was the same sword that could be dissolved.

And the qualifications of the steel tooth are also good, and this time has provided a lot of faith power for the Disaster Fighting Pill.

But he brought Shippo with him, which made Kamto Pill a little curious.

I simply took a moment to meet the two of them.

Steel Fang came to the Corpse Soul Realm, and he was shocked by what he saw.

It's no wonder that countless monsters in the demon world are eager to join the corpse soul world and become a god of death.

It turns out that the corpse soul realm does not have to be small in the demon realm.

Even the power of the gods of death in the corpse soul realm is very amazing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So much so that even Steel Tooth was a little frightened, thinking that his current strength was far more than before.

I'm afraid that even in the Corpse Soul Realm, there is no one who can compare with him, and maybe he can compare to the captain-level Grim Reaper like the Dao Temple and others he met before.

But now with one of his officials, it puts a lot of pressure on Gangya.

Now he is only barely able to free the slashing sword.

"Kadotamaru-sama is here, let's go in!"

As he spoke, Steel Fang walked in with Shippo.

Inside the room, Kadomaru opened his eyes.

Looking at the steel teeth coming from 4.7.

"Yes, in such a short period of time, you can reach your current level, you are really talented!"

"Yan Lingmaru's power hopes you don't live up to it!"

Hearing this, Steel Tooth nodded, and then just as he wanted to say something, the next second Qibao knelt down directly.

"Disaster Fighting Pill...... My lord, save Inuyasha!"

Hearing this, Tamamaru was stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with Inuyasha?"

After explaining the cause and effect to Kadomaru, Kadomaru frowned.

By the way, the modern exterminators at that time came to the Warring States Period through the Well of Bone Eating, and they were negligent when they were busy with the collapse of jade recently.

"Maitreya and Sango have also been arrested, Kadomaru-sama, please save them for Inuyasha's sake!"

"If I don't save them, I will also do something to these exterminators, they don't belong to this era, they can't stay in this era!"

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