According to the current situation, it is estimated that if you continue to fuse three more fragments of the Four Souls Jade Fragments, you will be able to enter the form of the Broken Jade Fusion!

And then I will be even stronger.

The process of merging with Bangyu is step by step in the direction of breaking the boundary between death and void.

There are a total of five stages of fusion form~.

What Curse Pill doesn't know now is whether it will be able to enter its final form after completely fusing all the four soul jade fragments.

Or even transcend the so-called final form, become an existence beyond Aizen, or reach the realm of the legendary Spirit King!

Thinking of this, Kamunimaru also began to get excited.

From the establishment of the Corpse Soul Realm to the present, Woe Dou Pill finally has a clear direction of effort.

Completely fuse all the fragments of the Four Souls Jade, completely manufacture the Broken Jade, and then absolutely fuse with itself.

Become the strongest beyond this dimension.

At that time, it may have been easy to change the world.

However, at this moment, the Disaster Fighting Pill was immersed in the joy of fusing the jade fragments of the four souls.

Didn't notice anything else at all.

At this moment, Inuyasha's fate is hanging by a thread.

saw Kagome's tragic situation, and directly opened the swastika Inuyasha.

Although he successfully opened the swastika of Moon-Chopping, Inuyasha is not Kurosaki Ichigo Although Tsuki-Chopping is very good, he can't reach the same level as Kurosaki Ichigo in Inuyasha's hands.

This also led to the fact that even with the swastika, Inuyasha still failed to rescue Kagome.

On the contrary, because of the siege of the Annihilation Division, the two white-handed attacks and directly opened the final form, and Inuyasha did not have any power to fight back.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Inuyasha recalled the battle of the Grim Reaper that he had once seen.

Directly grasped the instantaneous step.

Take advantage of the teleportation to escape.

However, although the seriously injured Inuyasha escaped the pursuit of the exterminators, he didn't last long and fell into a coma in an abandoned park!

At this time, a young girl came to wander around this abandoned park by chance, found the injured Inuyasha and brought Inuyasha home.


Warring States period.

The captured Maitreya and Coral were knocked unconscious, waiting for the arrival of the people organized by the Hand of God.

Judge both of them.

Although they are human, the sins of those who help the Grim Reaper are unforgivable.

But at this moment, Shippo has found a big demon.

The reason why I was looking for a big demon was because the big demon said that he came out of the demon world and was a member of the demon world.

Now that the demon world is gradually expanding, it has become the best place for monsters to live.

All the monsters must be taken to live in the demon world.

In this way, while the demon world can be strengthened, it can also make the monsters gradually disappear from the human world.

And although Qibao had been to the demon world before, he had no way to enter the demon world, so he could only ask for help from this big demon.

"Hahaha! A little demon like you can't do any harm to humans, and you want to enter the demon world?"

"Forget it, even if you die, that's it, it's the same whether you stay in the human world or the demon world!"

The Great Demon doesn't seem to bother with the Seven Treasures.

Its first task is to introduce as many powerful monsters as possible into the demon world.

And not a little demon like Shippo.

If such a little demon stays in the human world, it won't have much impact, and even these little demons won't live long at all.

It doesn't matter what the impact is.

However, Shippo did not give up so easily.

"Please, please, as long as you take me into the demon world, I'll tell the dog demon clan about the rest!"

"They know me, they know me!"

"I know Inuyasha, I know Kadomaru, and I'm still ......"


Suddenly, the big demon grabbed Qibao and looked at Qibao with cold eyes, "What are you talking about?

That terrifying murderous aura made Qibao break out in a cold sweat.

Are you going to die?

Mica bared her teeth on the side, but the big demon completely ignored the mica and stared at the Seven Treasures in her hand.

"Even a little demon like you wants to enter the demon world, don't dream!"

As he spoke, he threw the seven treasures away, turned his head and directly opened the passage into the demon world.

And at this time a man walked out.

"Why are there so few monsters introduced to the demon world this time?"

Hearing this, the big demon smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, my lord, there are actually very few monsters in the human world, and we are trying our best to find them!"

"Forget it, so be it!"

As he spoke, the other party waved his hand.

The big demon looked at the other party and felt helpless, if it was changed before, it would not be in the eyes of such a demon wolf clan, but who called the current control of the demon world is the dog demon clan.

A demon clan like the demon wolf clan is rising on the contrary.

They became aristocrats.

And the dog demon clan is a royal family. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I can't help it!

Suddenly, the monster of the demon wolf clan glanced at Shippo.

"You...... I think I've seen it somewhere!"

However, Shippo immediately rushed up, "We did meet! Before! It's you who had a conflict with Inuyasha, it's that half-demon, remember?"

Hearing Qibao's words, the other party nodded, "Oh! I remembered that half-demon!"

Wait a minute!



Ordinary monsters don't know, he is now a nobleman in the demon world, can he not know!

Inuyasha is the younger brother of the lord of the demon world, Kadomaru-sama!

Although he is a half-demon, he also has the blood of the noble dog demon clan.

"Aren't you with Master Inuyasha!?"

Shippo: "I'm just here to find Disaster Fighting Pill...... My lord...... Let it find a way to save Inuyasha, Inuyasha ......"

Hearing the first half of the sentence is enough, "Young Master Inuyasha is in danger?"

Saying that, the other party immediately grabbed Qibao and jumped directly into the demon world.

Mica also followed, leaving the previous demon with a look of surprise.

Does that little demon really know the royal family of the demon world, the dog demon clan?

Damn it!

I didn't take advantage of this opportunity.

In the demon world.

Steel Fang looked at the slashing knife in his hand, and he had already awakened.

Now that it knew what kind of power this knife possessed, it was time to enter the Corpse Soul Realm.

At this moment, the members of the demon wolf clan below reported that they had discovered news about the younger brother of the lord of the demon world.

Hearing this, Steel Tooth met Qibao.

But looking at Shippo's appearance, Steel Fang wasn't sure if such a little demon really wasn't lying.

But for the sake of safety, let's take him into the Corpse Soul Realm!

In case the news is true, no matter what Kadotamaru-sama thinks of his half-demon brother, the news will be delivered anyway.

Today's demon world has changed dramatically again. []

It has completely expanded and changed into a world.

It's huge.

There is a drastic change from before.

And as more and more monsters live in the demon world, in addition to the Dog Demon City, two other cities have been built, but they are far from the scale of the Dog Demon City.

Shippo even had a strange feeling at this moment.

Will youkai live here in the future and be completely separated from humans?

Maybe this day won't be too long!

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