I didn't expect Inuyasha to awaken the Slashing Sword at this time, and it was actually Slashing the Moon!

Kadomaru smiled, and then retracted his mind and continued to immerse himself in his own power increase.

It is not so easy to fuse the Broken Jade, at least in the eyes of the Great Sage, there are still many details that cannot be changed by the Broken Jade at will.

It is necessary to cooperate with the great sage to guide the imperfect place in the direction of perfection.

And this process takes a little time!

And at this time, Inuyasha who was in the world.

Before they could get excited, a large group of exterminators had already surrounded them.

"Death's Waves!"

"I didn't expect you half-demon to be the Grim Reaper!"

"I felt that there was something strange on his body before, but I didn't expect it to be death!"

As he spoke, the surrounding exterminators began to open their bows, preparing to make a move on Inuyasha and the others.

And it seems that they are planning to directly kill Inuyasha and the others.

Inuyasha raised the slashing moon in his hand, "What are you doing here, why are you attacking us!"

Looking at the slashing sword in Inuyasha's hand, the eyes of these exterminators became even more indifferent!

"That's right, this is the Slashing Sword!"

"Do it!" 727

In an instant, countless arrows of extinction shot in the direction of Inuyasha and the others.

At this moment, Inuyasha could only grit his teeth helplessly, and waved the slashing moon in his hand to slash wildly towards the surrounding extinction arrows.

But even so, it is more impossible to block so many extinction arrows.

And Inuyasha has the protection of the fire rat fur on his body, but there is no problem.

But Coral and Maitreya and others have suffered.

Coral was directly shot through the arm by an arrow, and the whole person suddenly lost her combat effectiveness, although she also wanted to fight back with flying bones, but the gap in combat effectiveness was still too big in comparison.

Maitreya directly opened the wind cave and absorbed most of the extinction arrows.

But that didn't help.

Several exterminators directly attacked and trapped him.

Let Maitreya not be able to open the wind cave, so that Maitreya's combat power is equivalent to nothing.

And Shippo hid directly, and although Mica transformed and wanted to fight, she was kicked away.

Fortunately, none of them were the main targets, and Inuyasha was what these people wanted to kill, so most of the exterminators were attacking Inuyasha.

And under such an attack, Inuyasha finally discovered the terrifying power of the moon slashing.

Although compared to other slashing knives, Moon Slash doesn't have any special abilities, but Moon Slash has only one increase for users.

Speed, strength and all-round improvement.

Even if it's just a random chop, the power is completely different.

The slashing moon in his hand waved, and suddenly a strong storm rolled up, directly hitting several exterminators in an instant.

This is still the case of Inuyasha keeping his hands, and if he doesn't stop, these guys will definitely die in an instant.

"This guy's strength is wrong, shoot with all your might, you must kill him!"

And the exterminators began to get serious.

Inuyasha realizes that the target of these guys seems to be just himself, so he flees in one direction.

However, there are quite a few exterminators who have mastered the flying sickle foot among the exterminators.

In this case, Inuyasha, a guy who has not yet mastered the instantaneous step, is simply impossible to escape.

Counterattacks from time to time, but such counterattacks are also useless for the exterminator.

They relied on their speed to easily dodge Inuyasha's attacks.

And Inuyasha now thinks of one thing, maybe he can escape through the bone-eating well.

The only way to escape is through the Well of Bones.

Otherwise, he will be hunted down to death before he goes.

After some fighting, Inuyasha managed to come to the Well of Bone Eating and jumped directly into it.

Seeing Inuyasha jump into the well and head to the modern era, the pursuing exterminators looked at each other.

"Are you still chasing?"


One of the black hands laughed, "This guy is looking for death! On the other side, there is an even more terrible exterminator than us!

On the other side, there are also many exterminators guarding them, and they are equally powerful.

Inuyasha fled over there (bieg) to no avail.

"What about these two guys?"

As he spoke, he looked at Maitreya, who had been knocked unconscious, and the injured coral.

Although the two of them are not the Grim Reaper, they are with the Grim Reaper "Locked up and waiting for the other adults to come back and deal with them, if they are the lackeys of the Grim Reaper, then kill them!"

Qibao, who was hiding in the distance at the moment, took the mica, which had become smaller again after being injured, and looked at the coral and Maitreya who had been taken away.

"It's over, it's over!"

Inuyasha falls into the Well of Bone Eating and travels to the modern age.

And Coral and Maitreya have been caught again, and if they are not careful, they will be killed by these people.

And he himself simply doesn't have the strength to save people.

What can I do now?

Shippo scratched his head frantically, but quickly thought of a solution. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The mica on the side wanted to rush up and transform again, but was stopped by Shippo.

"Mica, don't be impulsive, you can't save Coral and Maitreya on your own!"

Mica looked back at him.

Although she couldn't speak, Mica's eyes were full of disdain.

"I also want to save them, but now we can't do it, if we want to rescue Maitreya and Sango, we need to find someone!"

"I know who to look for!"

"Let's go quickly, go to the demon world, and find Inuyasha's brother, if he makes a move, Maitreya and Coral won't have any problems!"

Saying that, Mica looked in the direction of the coral, and turned her head to believe in Shippo.

After all, it really can't save the coral if it goes out now.

One can only hope that what Shippo said is true.

The entrance to the demon realm is still known, but it is not so easy for it to enter the demon realm.

And at the moment!


Inuyasha, who crawled out of the well, was caught directly as soon as he came out.

"Even if someone can come out of here, they are not the exterminators!"

"What the hell are the guys doing over there, can't they even guard the entrances and exits?"

"No, this guy has the spirit pressure fluctuations of the Grim Reaper!"

"He's the Grim Reaper!"

I thought that when I got here, it would be safe, but I didn't expect that there would be these damn exterminators here.

Inuyasha had no choice but to continue fighting.

But this time the battle was even tougher.

These people are stronger, there are more people, and Inuyasha is even more powerless.

But suddenly, Inuyasha realizes that this is Kagome's home.

And Kagome was directly tied to the sacred tree behind him.

Looking at Kagome's appearance, she is already dying, and she may die at any time.


In an instant, Inuyasha's body erupted with great power.

At the same time, Trouble Pill also received a hint from the Great Sage.

【Senluo Simulation: Cutting the Moon】

[Individual Simulation Increase: 77%]

Directly increased from 59% simulation to 77%, this time Inuyasha's belief in contributing to Kamyomaru is quite explosive.

Directly made Kadotamu gain a lot of faith power.

It has accelerated the evolution of the Broken Jade, and at the same time, it can continue to incorporate more fragments of the Jade of the Four Souls.

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