Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 605: A woman blinded by love (1)

   After listening to Xia Lun's answer, Xia Xia finally understood why she felt that something was missing from Gu Yanyu before he regained his memory.

   also finally understood why Gu Yanyu said that he lost part of his memory.

   "What about now? When I left the novel world before, A Yu had recovered his memory, and his brain waves..."

   Sharon understood what Xia Xia meant, and replied, "The scattered brain waves need to be fused manually, and it must be when some of the brain waves restore memory."

   After a pause, Sharon continued: "But before I could fuse, A Yu left the novel world, so there was no way to fuse his brainwaves."

   "Leave?!" Summer frowned tightly.

   Could it be that Gu Yanyu also rejected the host?

   Sharon said: "After you left, A Yu took poison."

   Hearing that Sharon said that Gu Yanyu had taken poison, it was a little uncomfortable in summer.

   She can imagine Gu Yanyu's mood at that time, and she can also feel the same...

   "Then now, are A Yu's brainwaves in this novel world?" Xia Xia asked Sharon.

   She thought that since Gu Yanyu left the novel world behind her, the brain waves should also follow her, right?

   "A Yu is also there, it's part of the brain waves from the previous novel world."

   Summer wanted to say something again, but was interrupted by Sharon.

   Sharon said: "The system has not been repaired yet. You can't open your personal platform, and you can't use the previous skills. I'll pass the memory of your host to you first, so that you can deal with it."

   "As for the rest, I need some time."

  Since Sharon said so, it is useless to be impatient in summer.

   It’s better to receive the memory of the host first, but what if someone comes later?

After    communicated with Sharon, Xia Xia hung up with him.

   Soon, Sharon sent over the memory of Jiatong when she was in her body——

  Shi Jiatong, twenty-five years old, unmarried...and considered married.

   Legally, she was not married, but formally, she held a wedding.

   So, let’s be considered married for the time being.

  In this modern age of summer, various technologies are not so developed, and mobile phones are still blue-screen candy bars or flips that can only send messages and make calls.

  Shi Jiatong's situation is much worse than imagined in summer!

  Shi Jiatong was born in the countryside and has a childhood sweetheart named Wei Qiming who was the same age as her.

   This Wei Qiming is Shi Jiatong's husband.

  The story is very common and cliché——

   Both Shi Jiatong and Wei Qiming were born in rural areas, but Shi Jiatong's family background is slightly more prosperous than Wei Qiming's.

   At the age of eighteen, both Shi Jiatong and Wei Qiming were admitted to Beijing University.

   However, the high tuition fees for the university were beyond the reach of Wei Qiming’s family.

   So he found Shi Jiatong and confided to her how he longed to go to university and how he longed to go to university in Beijing.

   Shi Jiatong has liked Wei Qiming since he was sixteen, and Wei Qiming also likes the handsome Shi Jiatong.

   At that time, Shi Jiatong might have been carried away by love.

   She told Wei Qiming that she was willing to give up the opportunity to go to university in Beijing, and then gave Wei Qiming the tuition that her family had prepared for her to go to university.

   Hearing Shi Jiatong say this, Wei Qiming was called a 'moving'!

   Kneeled down on the spot and proposed to Shi Jiatong, saying that he would marry her after graduating from college and give her a happy life.

   Anyway, he said a lot of promises and wrote all the bad checks that could be written.

  It is said that a woman who is in love is a fool, and what a man says is true.

   At that time, Wei Qiming would talk to her about his desire, in fact, he wanted her to tell him what he wanted to go to college.

   Shi Jiatong took Wei Qiming to find her father. After 'deliberation', her father agreed that Wei Qiming could go to university, but he asked the two to hold a wedding first.

  In the countryside, getting married at the age of 18 is quite common.

   For the tuition fee, Wei Qiming agreed to hold the wedding!

   Shi's mother died of illness at an early age, and Shi's father had only one daughter, Shi Jiatong, and he had spent many years saving for college tuition.

   At that time, Shi Jiatong didn't know that Shi's father was actually sick.

   When my father was worried that his daughter would have no one to take care of him after he left.

   He thought that Wei Qiming was something he grew up with, and he still knew a lot about his character.

   He thinks that if Wei Qiming goes to college, his future will be better than that of a female college student. If he marries his daughter, then his daughter will be good too!

   But Dad never thought that the environment can change people.

   What's more, Wei Qiming's kindness to Shi Jiatong at this time is already with interests.

   Not to mention, what will Wei Qiming do to Shi Jiatong in the future.

   Shi Jiatong and Wei Qiming held their wedding, and they set up a few tables in the countryside.

  Wei Qiming took the tuition that his father had worked so hard to save, and embarked on a university career in Beijing——

   Shi Jiatong was working in a factory in the town, waiting for Wei Qiming to return from his studies.

   When he was twenty years old, his father died of a serious illness.

   Sending off Shi's father, Shi Jiatong simply went to Beijing.

   Her arrival did not make Wei Qiming happy, but she didn't see anything.

  The two-year college career has made Wei Qiming, a boy from the countryside, have undergone earth-shaking changes.

   He was already quite handsome, and once again he dressed up, he was not bad at all compared to those who are in the school of grass.

   At the beginning, Wei Qiming was thinking about coaxing Shi Jiatong to go back to the countryside, but when he heard Shi Jiatong say he wanted to find a job, Wei Qiming changed his mind.

  Wei Qiming told Shi Jiatong that the consumption in the university is very high, and he always has to buy various school supplies, so he needs money.

   But in fact it was Wei Qiming who lied that his family was wealthy in order not to be looked down upon by other classmates.

   In order to disguise himself, Wei Qiming squandered almost all the four-year tuition given by his father, and secretly worked part-time.

   Now sometimes Jiatong is better! Some people make money for him to continue to splurge, how wonderful!

  Shi Jiatong said that she will work hard and earn money for him to go to school.

   Wei Qiming was very happy, and he spoke sweetly to her again.

   Later, when Shi Jiatong found a job, he was frugal every month, just so that he could get more money to 'buy school supplies' for Wei Qiming.

   Although he lives in the same city, Wei Qiming doesn't often see Shi Jiatong.

   Throughout the year, he would only go to see Shi Jiatong two or three times.

   He would make excuses that he was too busy with his studies, and let Shi Jiatong put the money directly on his card.

  Shi Jiatong believed every word Wei Qiming said, and was convinced——

  Wei Qiming University successfully graduated, and he entered the world's top 500 companies just after graduation. The future is bright.

   At that time, Shi Jiatong, who was only twenty-two years old, wanted to give Wei Qiming good study conditions. At most, she worked part-time four jobs a day.

   cleaners, sanitation workers, restaurant dishwashers, hourly workers…


  [Recently, I have been suffering from old problems. Yesterday, because I was not feeling well, I couldn’t break my promise and couldn’t improve it by 12,000. I’m sorry! 】

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