Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 604: leave suddenly


  Xiamen originally thought that now Gu Yanyu has recovered her memory, and her body is getting better and better day by day, she is slowly surviving, it should be the day when Sharon can contact them.

   But some things always happen suddenly when you are not expecting or mentally prepared!

   As guessed before the summer, her brain waves are repelled by her host, which makes her so weak.

   But she actually prefers to believe that the reason why her body is so weak is because of lack of oxygen at birth.

   The severe repulsion between brain waves and the host is too late.

   On a very sudden day, in the early morning, before she could open her eyes and say good morning to Gu Yanyu, she was forced to leave this novel world——

   The first one to find out that Xia Xia left was not Xia Xia herself, but Gu Yanyu.

   He hugged Summer as usual and fell asleep, but when he woke up, he found that Summer had no breath.

   At that time, Gu Yanyu's mood was very broken.

   Although there have been cases where he watched Xia leave the novel world first, and then left on his own.

   But this time, it was different from the previous one!

  Summer's departure hit him hard.

   As if the beloved woman died in his arms, and there was nothing he could do...

   Of course, Prince Yan and Princess Yan were also hit.

  Everyone, including them, thought that the summer's body had a tendency to recover.

   They all thought that soon they would see Summer getting up from the wheelchair, running, jumping, talking and laughing.

  No one would have thought that summer would leave so suddenly and without warning!

   Princess Yan was very hysterical, thinking that this must be the reason for Gu Yanyu.

  Why do you have a good time to celebrate, but your daughter died instead? !

  Is this Chongxi fake? !

  Is it just an illusion that the body in the previous summer was getting better day by day? !

   Princess Yan couldn't accept the fact that her daughter, whom she had loved for more than ten years, just left!

   But what if she can't accept it? Summer won't return to this world of fiction...

  Gu Yanyu can't accept it either!

  Especially they slept well the night before, and they said good night to each other.

  How come it's just one night...

  Since summer has left this world, there is no need for him to stay in this world.

   He took a chance, took the poison, and left the novel world at the end of the summer.

   His departure made Princess Yan feel more psychologically balanced.

   She morbidly thinks that it is not just her daughter who should die.

   In fact, if it wasn't for the sudden arrival of summer in this novel world, and then into Princess Yan's belly, the child in Princess Yan's belly would not be able to be born alive.

   Even Princess Yan will die in childbirth.

  The arrival of summer actually helped Princess Yan——


  Real World. Plane Association. System Chief Designer Equipment Room.

   Xia Lun just found Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu, and she is very happy to get in touch with Xia Xia.

   But he didn't expect him to contact Xia Xia, and Xia Xia suddenly left that novel world!

   At that time, Sharon was bewildered.

   In this way, Sharon doesn't know where the summer is going, and it takes time to find her again.

   But what can I do? The reason why Xia Xia left the novel world was because her brain waves and her host had repelled, and her brain waves were not suitable for staying in that body.

   Seeing that Gu Yanyu also left the novel world with Xia Xia, Xia Lun sighed, resigned and went to find Xia Xia——


  The World of Fiction.

  When you wake up in summer, the first thing you see is the white ceiling.

   There was so much noise around her that she couldn't help frowning.

   Summer is still thinking, she is clearly asleep in her room, why is her room so noisy?

   turned her head to look, she was stunned.

   This is not her room at all! But in a modern hospital!

   In a very ordinary four-person ward, patients are housed in four iron-framed beds, including summer.

   It was broad daylight, and many came to take care of the sick to see the sick.

  So there are other people in this ward besides the patient.

   With so many people talking, it naturally becomes noisy.

   Xia Xia frowned tightly, and the whole person was still a little confused.

  She... When did she leave that fictional world? !

  Why doesn't she know?

  She left that novel world, what about Gu Yanyu?

  Xiamen was still thinking about her sudden departure from the novel world, when a nurse came over with a cart.

  The nurse glanced at her sign and asked her, "Are you Shi Jiatong?"

   Shi Jiatong?

   Summer looked up at the sign, and it was indeed Shi Jiatong, who was twenty-five years old.

   "Well, I'm Shi Jiatong." She's lying on this hospital bed, right?

   The nurse saw that Xia Xia's mental state was not good, and that no one was watching her, she felt a little sympathetic to her.

   "You just had a miscarriage, so you need to rest well. You are still young, and you can have another child after the baby is gone."

  Nurse's words of comforting Xia almost made her jump out of bed.

  She had a miscarriage? !

  The age of twenty-five is very young in modern terms, and there are many unmarried people at twenty-five.

   But now it seems... this host is obviously not unmarried, right?

   Seeing that Xia Xia didn't speak, the nurse thought she was immersed in the pain of miscarriage, and didn't say anything. After giving her a needle, she went to the next bed to have the needle.

  Summer is dripping, and people finally come back to their senses.

   Then she felt a little pain in her lower abdomen.

   Of course, she can still endure such pain.

   At least she can feel the body mass of this host, which is much better than the previous one!

   Xia Tian thought that the reason why she suddenly left the novel world was because the brain waves she guessed were repelled by the host.

   Otherwise, she wouldn't have left that novel world for no apparent reason.

   And her current host is more in line with her brain waves.

   It can be a fit and a fit, this host is already twenty-five years old, and she has no memory of the host, so should she pretend to have amnesia?

   abortion can make people amnesia? No one will believe this!

   Just when Xia Xia was worried about what to do, she suddenly heard Sharon's voice!

   "My God! I finally got in touch with you!"

  Fortunately, he found out when he left in the summer, and he found the summer when he just arrived in another novel world.

   At this time, when Sharon's voice is heard in summer, it is simply the sound of nature!

   "Chief Designer Xia! Has the system been repaired? Where's A Yu?"

   As soon as he got in touch, he was asked two questions in a row. Sharon answered the first question in the summer: "The system has not been completely repaired. I need to successfully contact you before I can completely repair the system."

As for the second question: "A Yu's brainwaves were divided into two parts after the collapse of the novel world, one part was Leng Yunchi in the novel world you were in before, and the other part was in another novel world. "

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