Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 606: A woman blinded by love (2)

  The long-term part-time job of upside down day and night makes Shi Jiatong, who is only 22 years old, look very haggard.

   In order to save money, she doesn't use cosmetics or anything.

   The quality of the skin is very bad and looks much older than his peers.

   Such a shameless woman made Wei Qiming feel even more that Shi Jiatong, a village girl, was not worthy of him, a top student who graduated from a famous university in Beijing.

  But he completely forgot who made him a top student!

   In order not to cause trouble, Wei Qiming still coaxed Shi Jiatong.

  Although he had already worked, he lied to Shi Jiatong that he was a newcomer now, with very little salary, and then let Shi Jiatong continue to work and splurge on him.

   But just a while ago, Wei Qiming finally broke up with Shi Jiatong.

   That's right, it's a breakup, not a divorce.

   Although they were married at the age of 18, they did not get a license by the age of 25.

   When he just graduated, Wei Qiming was old enough to get a certificate.

   However, Wei Qiming said that he had just graduated and his job was not stable. He didn't want to get a marriage certificate until he could give Shi Jiatong a stable home.

   Later, Shi Jiatong also mentioned to apply for a certificate several times, but of course, Wei Qiming put it off.

   So legally speaking, Wei Qiming and Shi Jiatong are not married.

   She is still looking forward to the day when Shi Jiatong, who will be able to apply for a marriage certificate with Wei Qiming, is suddenly proposed to break up, which is unacceptable to her.

   What's more, she's pregnant!

   Just before Wei Qiming broke up with her, Shi Jiatong wanted to give him a surprise.

  Who knows, Wei Qiming gave her a fright first.

   For so many years, Shi Jiatong has been devoted to Wei Qiming, she never thought that one day Wei Qiming would abandon her!

no! She can't live without Wei Qiming!

   At this time, Shi Jiatong felt that the child in her womb was a bargaining chip for her.

   Shi Jiatong thought that if Wei Qiming knew she was pregnant, he would definitely not want to break up with her.

   But after Wei Qiming found out that she was pregnant, his first reaction was to let her get rid of it.

   For Shi Jiatong, breaking up was a shock to her from Wei Qiming.

   But the fact of being pregnant is not a shock to Wei Qiming!

   After such a drunken disorder, the result is...

  Wei Qiming asked her to abort the child, but Shi Jiatong of course disagreed, this is the child she has been looking forward to for a long time!

   The two had different opinions, and the conversation broke up.

   A few days later, Shi Jiatong accidentally knew that Wei Qiming was breaking up with her because he found a Bai Fumei!

  Shi Jiatong felt that she was betrayed, so she was very sad and ran to question Wei Qiming.

   In the end, Wei Qiming was worried that Shi Jiatong would make trouble, so he wanted to stabilize her first.

   Shi Jiatong didn't want to break up with Wei Qiming at first, but after being coaxed by Wei Qiming, she softened again.

   Wei Qiming said that the air quality in Beijing was too bad, so she asked her to go back to the countryside to raise a baby.

   In order to show his sincerity, Wei Qiming also specially asked for leave to send her back, and stayed with her in the countryside for two days.

  Shi Jiatong is a woman blinded by the so-called love. It's really Wei Qiming who believes whatever she says, she's so stupid!

  For now, the existence of Shi Jiatong is a hindrance to the Wei family!

   One is Bai Fumei, who can save Wei Qiming ten years of struggle, and the other is a yellow-faced woman who will only drag Wei Qiming down. Of course, the Wei family chose Bai Fumei!

  Wei Qiming sent Shi Jiatong back to let the Wei family solve her.

   Even if we don't solve her, it's fine to solve the child in her belly!

  The Wei family really helped Wei Qiming to get rid of the child in Shi Jiatong's womb.

   The Wei family blamed Shi Jiatong for the accidental miscarriage, saying that she killed the Wei family's child.

  Without the child, Shi Jiatong is of course sad as a mother.

   In addition to the accusations from the Wei family, she suffered a mental breakdown and suffered from depression.

   Later, the Wei family calculated that she put medicine in her food, and then let her sleep with an elderly bachelor in the same village, and was 'caught rape' in bed' by the whole village.

   In the end, because Wei Qiming broke up with her on the grounds that "you can't even protect our children and don't obey women's morals", his attitude was very firm.

   was accused, wronged, poked in the spine, and ridiculed.

   A series of blows made Shi Jiatong go crazy——

  The memory received in summer was only when Jiatong was just insane, and then disappeared.

   But these are enough for her to know Shi Jiatong, Wei Qiming and the Wei family.

   Xia Xia contacted Sharon again and asked him where Gu Yanyu was.

  Xia Lun said: "In Beijing, his body is called Ying Ting. I only have basic information about him, but no detailed information."

   "Well, the basic information is enough." As long as you know the identity and location of Gu Yanyu's body, that's enough.

   After receiving the basic information of Gu Yanyu's body, Xia Xia picked up the bag under the pillow and checked the contents.

   This morning, after eating the breakfast prepared by Wei's mother, Shi Jiatong started to have a stomachache and bleed a lot.

   Coincidentally, there was no one in the Wei family, and they all went out!

  Shi Jiatong knew that her body had to go to the hospital immediately, so she hurried to the town hospital with her ID card and household registration book.

   Fortunately, Shi Jiatong brought all these documents with her, otherwise she would have to go back.

   If the memory is correct, the Wei family will not come to the hospital to see Shi Jiatong, or she will return to the Wei family after the drip.

  This time, I didn’t plan to go back to Wei’s house in the summer.

  She is going to Beijing!


  After finishing the drip, I went through the hospital discharge procedures in the summer, and then got on the bus to the city.

   When she got to the city, she bought another train ticket and went to Beijing.

   In summer, I actually prefer to fly, because it takes more than 40 hours to take the train.

   She just had a miscarriage and was very uncomfortable.

   But the money on her body is not enough to buy a plane ticket...

  Shi Jiatong didn't bring much money with her when she went out. It can be said that she didn't have much money.

  Although she has worked hard for many years, she has no savings, and all the money is used by Wei Qiming.

   After buying a train ticket, there is still a few hundred dollars left, which is really desolate.

   Xia Xia sympathized with Shi Jiatong, but looked down on her more.

   Even if she is blinded by love, is she really blind?

  Clearly what she heard was not only that Wei Qiming had a rich and beautiful friend, he also had constant girlfriends during college.

   And he also told others that he was not a child from the countryside and his family was relatively well-off.

  The tuition that her father saved, the money she earned from her hard part-time job was not to buy school supplies for Wei Qiming, but to buy clothes, shoes and watches.

   Oh, and buying gifts for girls, inviting friends to dinner, etc.

   In the quarrel with Wei Qiming, Shi Jiatong also got his personal admission.

   Such a dishonest person, can't she still see his character?

   So Xia Xia's sympathy for Shi Jiatong is only three points.

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