Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 512: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (21)

   Sheng Yichen was still thinking, maybe after he told Xia Xia about these things, Xia Xia would not let him continue to pretend to be Duan Linran.

   But since Xia Xia wants him to continue to pretend to be Duan Linran, let's continue to pretend.

   He always felt that after a month, he and Xia Xia would no longer have an intersection.

   As for why he feels this way, Sheng Yichen himself doesn’t know—


   Duan Linran returned to the Yu family but was not acknowledged, he was very helpless.

   He didn't know how to go out, and a monster turned into him and pretended to be him.

   After going out for a few days, he didn't call back to Yu's house because he had been looking for Bai Xue'er.

   Sheng Yichen, who pretended to be Duan Linran, was present in the Yu family, so naturally no one called him.

  This led to the fact that no one knew that he had left.

   Then, no one now believes that he is the real Duan Linran.

   A few days ago, Duan Linran went out of town to find Bai Xueer in a hurry, and he was not fully prepared in all aspects of the economy.

   Up to now, he has no money on him.

   In fact, Duan Linran can go back to the company or Yu's house very calmly.

   After all, he is the real Duan Linran!

   But he was afraid, afraid of Sheng Yichen.

   What if he encounters Sheng Yichen when he returns to Yu's house or goes to the company?

  Sheng Yichen is a monster! How could he be a demon's opponent!

   Therefore, Duan Linran didn't dare to go back to Yu's house or go to the company.

   His performance is obviously a guilty conscience.

   is even more so, making people unable to believe that he is the real Duan Linran.

   After spending a few days outside, Duan Linran felt that he couldn't go on like this.

   Even if he is very afraid of Sheng Yichen, he can't just let a demon occupy his identity!

   So he must think of a way, think of a way—

   Duan Linran first went back to find Grandpa Yu and Grandma Yu when Sheng Yichen was not at Yu's house.

   He wanted to explain and wanted them to believe that he was the real Duan Linran.

   But in the end, it was Grandpa Yu who asked the housekeeper to call the police...

   In order not to be caught by the police, Duan Linran had no choice but to leave in despair.

   Hiding in the hotel and thinking about it, the last thing Duan Linran can think of is to start from the summer side.

   He always believed that Yu Qingru had the same experience as him, so Xia Xia would definitely sympathize and help him.

   But Duan Linran seems to have forgotten that he once wanted Yu Qingru's life for Bai Xue'er.

   So in summer, how could he possibly help him?

   This morning, Duan Linran was squatting outside the school, waiting for the summer to come to school.

   He watched Sheng Yichen drive Summer to the school gate, and then drove away.

   After confirming that Sheng Yichen had driven away, Duan Linran hurried out.

   "Little Ru!"

   Xia Xia, who was about to walk into the school gate, stopped and looked back at Duan Linran.

   Xia Xia was not surprised when she saw Duan Linran, even though she knew that the person in front of her was Duan Linran himself.

   Duan Linran went to Yu's house again, Xia Xia knew.

   She also guessed that Duan Linran would come to her, it was a matter of time.

   Xia Xia opened her mouth and was about to speak when Duan Linran walked over excitedly and grabbed her shoulder.

   "Xiaoru! I can only trust you now!"

   Can only trust her?

   Why is she worthy of Duan Linran's trust?

   Even if she lost her memory, she knew that Duan Linran wanted to kill her in order to keep Bai Xueer.

  So, why did she help Duan Linran?

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

   Duan Linran didn't notice Xia Xia's expression, and was a little excited: "I'm the real Duan Linran, Xiaoru, you should recognize it! Xueer pretended to be you before, you should know how I feel now, right?"

   Well, of course she knows.

   What she wanted was to let Duan Linran feel what it was like to be impersonated.

   Xia Xia's eyes flashed a smile, and with Duan Linran, he said, "Brother, let me go first, we have something to say slowly."

   Duan Linran nodded and let go of the hand gripping Xia Xia's shoulder.

  Summer took a step back without a trace and looked around.

   There are people coming and going at the gate of this school, so it is not suitable to speak here.

   So she said to Duan Linran, "Let's find a place to talk slowly."

  Best, find a place where no one is there.

   Duan Linran also knew that it was inappropriate for them to stand at the school gate to talk, so he nodded: "Okay, let's find a place to talk slowly."

  Xiamer took Duan Linran to the outside of the school, found a park with no people, and sat down in the pavilion.

   She raised her left hand and gently stroked the bell given by Sheng Yichen, ready to ring at any time.

   Duan Linran sat opposite Xia Xia and reached out to hold Xia Xia's right hand: "Don't be afraid, Xiaoru, I will protect you, grandparents and parents! I will not let monsters hurt you!"

  Protect her?

   hehe... the act of protecting her is to want her life for the sake of a rabbit demon?

  Xiaomi took back the hand held by Duan Linran without a trace, without saying a word.

   Duan Linran didn't have the time to pay attention to these at this time. Now that he knew that Xia Xia believed him to be the real Duan Linran, he desperately hoped that others would also believe him.

   So, he said to Xia Xia: "Xiaoru, you have to go back with me now, go back and tell your grandparents that I am the real Duan Linran! You can't be deceived by monsters anymore!"

   After he finished speaking, he saw that Xia Xia did not speak, and thought that Xia Xia might still not quite believe that he was Duan Linran.

  Duan Linran frowned, with eagerness and anxiety on his haggard face: "Xiaoru, don't you believe me?"

   "No, I believe you are the real Duan Linran."

  Xiamen said that he believed in him, and Duan Linran was relieved and very happy.

   He didn't hear the sarcasm in Xia Xia's tone, and thought Xia Xia believed him completely.

   Xia Xia smiled and asked Duan Linran, "Duan Linran, do you know why there are demons impersonating you?"

   Duan Linran was stunned for a moment. He didn't react immediately, shook his head and replied, "I don't know."

   "I asked him to impersonate you." Summer's tone was relaxed, as if to say that the weather is good today.

  'I made him impersonate you...'

  'I made him impersonate you...'

   This sentence was like a thunderbolt, which directly hit Duan Linran, and then reverberated in his mind.

   But he was a little bit, couldn't believe his ears: "You... what did you say!?"

   "I said, I want you to experience what it's like to be impersonated." Xia Xia still smiled and looked at Duan Linran like that.

   "So in fact, I'm the mastermind behind it all."

   Therefore, Duan Linran has found the wrong person.

   Hearing Xia Xia's words, Duan Linran was shocked and then went crazy.

   With red eyes, he growled "I'm going to kill you", and gestured to reach out to pinch Summer.

   But before Duan Linran started, the bell given by Sheng Yichen was already ringing in the summer.

  So Duan Linran hadn't met the summer yet, so he was stopped by Sheng Yichen who arrived in time——

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