Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 511: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (20)

   Such a change in Sheng Yichen's appearance directly scared summer.

  Since Sheng Yichen said he was not Duan Linran, it meant that the person who came to the house at dinner was Duan Linran.

   What is even more clear is that what Duan Linran said is true, and the one in front of me... is really a monster!

  My God~ There are really monsters in this world!

   In summer, when I was frightened, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: Do all monsters look so good-looking?

   For Sheng Yichen's appearance, Xia Xia felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

  Looks like I've seen it somewhere.

   Just when I was wondering if I had seen Sheng Yichen somewhere in the summer, I heard Sheng Yichen say, "I'm Sheng Yichen."

  Summer: "!!!"

   So, is the Sheng Yichen she is looking for the unbelievably beautiful monster in front of her? !

   "You... are you Sheng Yichen?" Summer is still a little uncertain.

   Sheng Yichen nodded: "Well, I'm Sheng Yichen."

After answering   , Sheng Yichen felt that the tone of Xia Xia's question was a little strange.

  Why do you seem to remember the name Sheng Yichen in summer?

   Could it be that she is already showing signs of regaining her memory?

   Thinking like this, Sheng Yichen asked Summer with some joy: "Do you remember..."

Before the words were spoken, Xia Xia had already grabbed Sheng Yichen's hand: "You are Sheng Yichen! Is that Sheng Yichen?!"

   That Sheng Yichen?

   Besides him, how many Sheng Yichen are there?

   Sheng Yichen frowned slightly and let Xia Xia hold him: "How many Sheng Yichen do you know?"

   "Just one!" The one who always reminded her how much she liked her, isn't it because there is only one Sheng Yichen!

   Hearing Xia Xia's answer, Sheng Yichen felt relieved.

  Xiamen asked him: "Who is the person who always talks in my ear? Is that part of my lost memory what you did to me?"

   As for the previous question, Sheng Yichen really didn't know.

   So he could only answer Summer's second question: "Yes, I erased your memory."

   But what he wants to do is not to erase the memory of summer!

  Sheng Yichen still doesn't know if he missed, or if he hit too hard.

  Sheng Yichen didn't answer her previous question, and Xia didn't care.

  Because of her attention, she was pulled over by Sheng Yichen's answer to the next question.

   "Why are you erasing my memory?!"

   In that memory, is there anything she can't know? !

  Sheng Yichen opened his mouth to explain, but found that if he wanted to explain, he probably had to say a lot.

then what should we do?

   Sheng Yichen suddenly lit up and thought of a very good solution!

   He raised his hand and covered the top of Summer's head.

   In summer, the conditioned reflex wanted to shrink back, but it was still too slow.

   When Sheng Yichen's hand was placed on top of her head, Xia Xia suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

   Then...she seems to be dreaming...

   After half an hour, summer opens his eyes.

   She was still a little confused, and looked at Sheng Yichen blankly.

   "Mr. Sheng..."

   "Have you all remembered?" Sheng Yichen asked Summer.

  Dream was made by Sheng Yichen.

   He thought that since he couldn't restore Xia Xia's memory, he would make Xia Xia's memories that he knew into a dream for her to see.

   In this way, it means that she has regained her memory, right?

   How could he have thought of doing this!


  Xiamen's answer made Sheng Yichen stunned.

No? !

   Xia Xia really didn't remember it all, because the dream that Sheng Yichen gave her was from Duan Linran injecting her with drugs to make her die, to what happened when she lived in Sheng Yichen's house for half a month.

   But Sheng Yichen didn't give her the previous memory!

   She only knew that the little white rabbit she once adopted was a rabbit demon, and then she became her.

   Duan Linran fell in love with Bai Xueer and wanted Bai Xuer to stay in the Yu family as Yu Qingru, so he wanted to kill her.

   Then, in order to retaliate against Duan Linran, Xia Xia proposed to make Sheng Yichen look like Duan Linran, and let him taste what it would be like to be impersonated...

  Although the memory given by Sheng Yichen is incomplete, it is enough to make the summer no longer as confused as before.

   "I have a question." Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen nodded lightly: "You ask."

   "Why did Mr. Sheng erase my memory?"

  Er...this is he going to answer it?

  Sheng Yichen didn't immediately answer Xia Xia's question, Xia Xia asked him again.

   "Because...I told Qiao I like you?"

   Sheng Yichen paused, nodded, and answered.

  Inexplicably, he felt a little embarrassed.

   Summer hooked her lips and chuckled softly.

  Sheng Yichen looked at Xia Xia with some doubts, not understanding why she was smiling.

   "Mr. Sheng, you misunderstood, I don't like you." Xia Xia said to Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen erased her feelings for him, so this summer doesn't like Sheng Yichen.

  Although Sheng Yichen gave her a dream, she had told Qiao Zirui that she liked Sheng Yichen.

  But at the moment, there is no such emotion towards him in the summer!

   So Xia Xia thought that maybe she never liked Sheng Yichen all the time.

   So, she smiled and said to Sheng Yichen, "I just hope Qiao Zirui will stop pestering me, that's why I said I like you."

   This is what I guessed in the summer, I guess the purpose of saying this at the time is this.

  Sheng Yichen was stunned, but he never thought that it was 'false' when Xia Xia said he liked him!

   "Sorry, Mr. Sheng, did I trouble you?" Xia Xia looked at Sheng Yichen apologetically.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 89%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Hearing the sound of the system prompt again, Xia Xia paused.

   She wanted to ask Sheng Yichen if he knew what the so-called favorability was, but she guessed that Sheng Yichen didn't know either.

  If he knew, he should have mentioned it in the memory dream for her.

In the    memorable dream, there is no mention of the favorability or energy collection.

   Forget it, I don't know if I don't know, she is waiting for the day when the voice tells her, "Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 100%", what will happen——

  Sheng Yichen was relieved after knowing that Xia Xia didn't like him, but at the same time he was a little disappointed.

   He really forgot, forgot that he had erased Summer's feelings for him.

   So at this moment in summer, naturally he doesn't like him anymore.

   "Well, it's fine." Sheng Yichen tried to pretend to be calm, but his eyes were embarrassed to look at the summer.

   He stood up and turned his back to Xia Xia: "Duan Linran is back, what are your plans?"

  Xiamen didn't notice Sheng Yichen's awkwardness. She got up, walked in front of him and looked up at him: "Didn't Mr. Sheng promise to pretend to be for a month? It's still more than half a month. Mr. Sheng won't change his mind, right?"

  Sheng Yichen lowered her eyes and looked at the smiling summer.

   He nodded: "Well, I promise you."

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