Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 513: Good morning, Mr. Fox Demon Sheng (22)

   Duan Linran hadn't reacted yet, he couldn't move anywhere except his eyeballs.

   He just wanted to open his mouth to call for help, but he couldn't.

  Sheng Yichen didn't even look at Duan Linran, and walked to Xia Xia's side: "Are you alright?"

   Xia Chao Sheng Yichen shook his head with a smile: "Mr. Sheng arrived in time, of course I'm fine!"

   "Hmm." It's fine.

   After confirming that Xia Xia was all right, Sheng Yichen turned to look at Duan Linran.

   He was holding Duan Linran's face, his face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

   But this expressionless face made Duan Linran's heart tremble.

   Obviously the same face, why is that sense of fear and oppression so strong? !

   seems to have penetrated deep into the soul...

   Duan Linran swallowed his saliva, stared at Sheng Yichen with wide eyes, and cold sweat began to form on his forehead.

   Sheng Yichen opened his lips and asked Xia Xia, "What should I do?"

   The handling he asked was how to deal with Duan Linran.

   Duan Linran listened, and his heart trembled.

  How to deal with it... Are you going to let him die, and then deal with his body?

   Duan Linran looked at Xia Xia with panic and prayer in his eyes.

   He wanted to pray for the summer, for the sake of their childhood sweethearts, not to let Sheng Yichen hurt him.

   Duan Linran's eyes wanted to convey the message, which Xia Xia successfully received.

   She had no intention of letting Duan Linran die, and naturally she would not let Sheng Yichen kill him.

   However, it is still necessary to scare Duan Linran.

  Xiaomi supported her cheek with one hand, watching Duan Linran, who was maintaining her movement with both hands reaching out to pinch her, and said with a smile, "Duan Linran, do you already feel deeply how I was being impersonated?"

   Duan Linran couldn't speak, he could only look at Xia Xia, he was so scared that he almost cried.

   Of course he felt it deeply, and felt the sense of despair that Yu Qingru had at that time...

   But at that time, he didn't even think about how desperate and disappointed Yu Qingru was.

   Because he just wanted to give Bai Xue'er an identity that could stay in the Yu family, and Yu Qingru's identity was perfect.

  Summer stretches out his hand to hold Sheng Yichen's hand.

   Sheng Yichen was stunned for a while, then looked down at Xia Xia.

   He didn't speak, didn't withdraw his hand, just looked at Summer.

   I felt a little... nervous for no reason.

  Xiamen didn't notice Sheng Yichen's mood swings at all. She said to Duan Linran, "You wanted to be with Bai Xue'er, so you wanted me to die. Now I tell you, I want to be with him..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 90%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   In summer, I was interrupted by this sudden voice.

   She raised her head and glanced at Sheng Yichen.

   Sheng Yichen was nervous in his heart, but he was still expressionless on the surface, pretending to be very calm.

  Xiamen blinked, looked away, and continued to say to Duan Linran: "You should still remember my engagement with you, then if I want to be with him, the best way is to use your identity..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 93%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Xiamen was stunned again, and after listening to the voice, opened his mouth: "So..."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 95%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Summer: "!!!"

  What are you doing today! called so often!

   Could it be that you can fill up this favorability level later?

   was interrupted several times in a row, and in the summer I forgot what I wanted to say.

   took a deep breath and continued to look at Duan Linran in the summer.

   Just after a few pauses in summer, Duan Linran's heart jumped to his throat, and he felt nervous that he could faint at any time.

  Xiamen also saw the effect of what he just said, smiled and said: "Duan Linran, don't worry, letting you die is a relief, I don't want to let you free."

   "I want you to watch and feel what it's like for others to live as you."

   These words made Duan Linran feel like the rest of his life.

   In other words, Summer will not kill him!

   But after heaving a sigh of relief, Duan Linran fell into a deeper despair.

  If his identity is used by others, what kind of identity should he use to live in this world?

   He is a human, and the person who pretends to be him is a demon.

   What is he going to use to deal with one, a demon?

   He lives in this world, what's the point?

   For a while, Duan Linran only felt that his life was a darkness where he could not see his fingers—

   Duan Linran's desperation, the summer has a panoramic view.

   In fact, after so many years of love, she even once regarded the man in front of her as her other half.

   So seeing Duan Linran like this, she should be unbearable towards Duan Linran!

   But it is very strange, she does not have the so-called unbearable.

   On the contrary, he felt that after making Duan Linran suffer like this, he felt very happy.

   I think Duan Linran deserves it now!

  The Yu family feeds him, clothes him, and lives such a life, but he treats the only daughter of the Yu family like this...

Um? How could she have a sense that she was looking at the Yu family and Duan Linran from the perspective of a bystander?

   This feeling is very strange, and it makes summer very puzzled.

   But she didn't think about it, she just let go of Sheng Yichen's hand, stood up and said, "Mr. Sheng, let's go."

   Sheng Yichen lowered his eyes and glanced at the hand that Xia Xia let go of, a strange look flashed across his eyes.

   He quickly came back to his senses and hummed at Xia Xia.

   waved his hand lightly, unlocking the barrier he had set up and the immobilization technique on Duan Linran.

   After being held for about ten minutes, he suddenly became able to move. Duan Linran's feet went weak and he fell to the ground.

   Xia Xia and Sheng Yichen didn't even look at him, they raised their feet and left.


   Xia Xia walked with Sheng Yichen on the way back to school. After being silent for a while, Xia Xia spoke first: "Sorry, Mr. Sheng, I just talked nonsense and used you to irritate Duan Linran."

   Sheng Yichen paused, he knew what summer was referring to.

   He turned his head sideways, looked at Xia Xia, and couldn't help asking, "What you just said was false?"

  Xiamen blinked, thinking about what Sheng Yichen was referring to.

   She shook her head, nodded again, and said with a smile: "It's true to scare Duan Linran, and it's false to say that I want to be with you, so you don't need to feel troubled."

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Sheng Yichen's favorability for you is 97%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   is 97%!

   That's three percent off... Can we really fill up today?

   In summer, I really want to ask Sheng Yichen if he knows what this favorability level really is.

   can think about it, or forget it.

  The two were silent and walked to the school gate.

  Xiamen stopped and waved at Sheng Yichen: "I'm here, Mr. Sheng, go back to the company."

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