Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 411: This prince, you are very familiar (1)

  But Xia Lun didn't expect that Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia would encounter an air crash and leave the novel world early!

   Then, the system malfunctioned.

   After Sharon's rescue, the situation was brought under control.

   But it turned out that summer did lose his memory.

   At the same time, Gu Yanyu has no memory! !

  It's not the worst, the worst thing is that summer doesn't have a suitable host in the new world of fiction!

   In other words, she can only have a virtual state at most.

   Not even a ghost.

How to do?

  Think of a way!

   Sharon didn't dare to delay for long, so he thought of the most suitable way.

   That is, to allow Gu Yanyu's host to see the virtual state of summer——

   After listening to Xia Lun's answer, Jun Shuya's brows furrowed even tighter: "Isn't this a big problem?! A Yu and Xiao Xia don't remember each other, who is attacking who?! How to restore memory?!"

   Jun Shuya doesn't know about this either. She was just worried after hearing that her son and future daughter-in-law both lost their memory.

Next to    Ling Wuyi understood what Xia Lun meant, and explained to Jun Shuya: "You don't have to worry too much, there is Xiao Lunlun watching here, and if anything happens, it can be dealt with in time."

   "In addition, Xiao Lunlun has allowed A Yu to see Xiao Xia's virtual state. The two of them already have feelings for each other, and it is normal for them to be attracted to each other."

   "When they both fall in love with each other, their memories will be restored!"

   After listening to Xia Xia's explanation, Jun Shuya was still not at ease.

   After seeing Sharon nodding her head repeatedly and clapping her chest to assure her, she could only tell herself not to worry too much.

   "Then, can I stay here and watch?" Jun Shuya asked Sharon.

   Xia Lun opened his mouth, just about to agree, when Ling Wuwei, who was next to him, had already opened his mouth: "Of course! I'm here to accompany you!"

  So, the three of them sat in the equipment room, staring at the display screen——


  The World of Fiction. The Capital of Beijing. The Palace of Prince Rong.

  The people of the Northern Kingdom all know that Rongwang Huangfu Rongnian was born stupid, not only that, but also killed the queen concubine as soon as he was born.

   If it wasn't for the emperor's thoughts about his relationship with the former queen, even a prince would not have given Huangfu Rongnian a title.

   At the age of sixteen, Huangfu Rongnian was named Prince Rong, and he lived in Prince Rong's mansion by himself.

   Today, Huangfu Rongnian has lived in Rong Wangfu for two years.

   After all, he is a king. Although the servants in the palace don't have much respect for Huangfu Rongnian, they still take good care of him.

   It's just that they won't get too close to Huangfu Rongnian, and he stays alone every day.

   Everyone thought that Huangfu Rongnian was born stupid, and called him a stupid prince behind his back, but they didn't know that his symptoms were actually autism.

   At this time, there are no psychiatrists, and naturally there is no understanding of mental illness——

   On this day, Huangfu Rongnian, as usual, squatted in a corner and counted ants after breakfast.

   "Excuse me~ where is this place?!"

   A voice remembered that Huangfu Rongnian didn't seem to hear it.

   And just behind him, a young woman floated in the void.

   The woman's appearance is delicate and beautiful, her skin is fair and translucent, and it seems to exist and not exist.

   If there is something special about the woman, it is her long brown curly hair that reaches her waist and dark blue eyes.

  She, she just didn't find a suitable host, and she has no memory of the summer!

   Summer doesn't know where she is, how can she calm down without her memory?

The    virtual form is not wearing sterile clothes in summer, but the white mid-sleeve pleated chiffon skirt and a pair of light golden pointed high heels that she wore when she went to work in the Plane Association.

   Such a modern dress looks out of place in ancient times.

   When I first came to this world, I was really taken aback in summer.

  Because this place is too unfamiliar, and looking at the clothes of those people on the street, it is obviously different from her.

   And... her body looks so strange!

   Strangely enough, she was able to fly and pass through the wall to come behind this... strange man.

   "Hey! I'm talking to you! Can you hear me?" Xia Xia floated in front of Huangfu Rongnian.

   Huangfu Rongnian kept his head down, and Xia Xia didn't know what he was looking at.

   She was suddenly a little mad, thinking that this person was like the people outside and couldn't see her.

   "What the **** is this place! Why am I here?! Why can't I remember anything!"

After the    roar, leave this place in summer and get ready to look around.

   However, at this moment, Huangfu Rongnian, who had been bowing his head, finally spoke up.

   He said: "Here, Rong Wangfu."

  Like other autistic patients, Huangfu Rongnian's tone was rigid but not ups and downs, not only the slightest emotion.

   Although the sound is nice, it has no tone and sounds weird.

  No wonder, summer has ignored this problem.

  Because she was overjoyed at this time, Huangfu Rongnian in front of her actually answered her question!

   "You, you... can you hear me? Can you see me?"

   Xia Xia reached out to touch Huangfu Rongnian, but her hand went directly through Huangfu Rongnian's shoulder.

   Well, it turns out that this person in front of her is still the same as everyone else, she can't touch it.

   Huangfu Rongnian still didn't look up, just hummed: "I heard, I saw."

   Still, summer is a joy.

   Because at present, it seems that only the person in front of him can hear her voice and see her existence!

  This alone makes her happy!

   "You said this is Prince Rong's mansion, so who are you?" Xia Xia asked Huangfu Rongnian curiously.

   Huangfu Rongnian didn't seem to want to pay attention to her, so he was silent for a long time without speaking.

  Xiamen was a little impatient: "Hey! Why are you so strange! I'm talking to you, you are neither dumb nor deaf, why don't you answer my question?"

   However, despite what Xia Xia said, Huangfu Rongnian still did not answer her question.

  Summer snorted, ready to leave here.

  I didn't expect that just after walking through the wall to the street, he was restrained by a mysterious force and returned to Huangfu Rongnian's side.

  Summer: "!!!"

what happened? What brought her back?

   "Huangfu Rongnian."

   "What did you say?" Summer was stunned.

   Huangfu Rongnian stopped talking after saying his name.

   Xia Xia took a while to realize that Huangfu Rongnian was answering her question of 'who are you' just now.

   "So, your name is Huangfu Rongnian?" Xia Xia asked Huangfu Rongnian again.

   Huangfu Rongnian ignored her again...

   "If you are Huangfu Rongnian, then who am I?" Yes! That's what summer really wants to ask!

   Finally, Huangfu Rongnian, who had been keeping his head down, raised his head.

   Maybe it was out of curiosity, curious that the person who was chatting endlessly in his ear asked him "who is she" very strangely.

   After Huangfu Rongnian raised his head, Xia Xia finally saw his face clearly...

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