Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 412: This prince, you are very familiar (2)

   If she had a memory of this summer, she would know that Gu Yanyu's body this time was the most similar to himself in his history!

  Except for the hairstyle and dress, they are almost exactly the same!

   Of course, because Huangfu Rongnian is only eighteen years old, he looks younger than Gu Yanyu himself.

  When I saw Huangfu Rongnian's face in summer, I felt a special... familiar feeling!

   She thought that she should have met or even knew Huangfu Rongnian before she lost her memory.

   Otherwise, why would she feel that this person in front of her is familiar for no reason?

   So Xia Xia asked Huangfu Rongnian happily: "You look familiar, do we know each other?"

  Xiamen looked at Huangfu Rongnian, and Huangfu Rongnian also looked at her.

   It is rare for him to look directly at a person, and usually he selectively ignores the existence of people.

   To be honest, Huangfu Rongnian also thought that she was a little familiar when he saw Xia Xia's appearance.

   It's like, I've really seen it somewhere before.

   It’s just that Huangfu Rongnian is sure, he doesn’t know Xia Xia.

  Although he never looked at anyone, he was very good at remembering people's voices.

   As long as he has heard it once, he can remember it.

  Summer's voice is very nice and special, he has never heard it before.

   So for the question of summer, Huangfu Rongnian just shook his head and didn't even bother to say anything.

   Then, he lowered his head and continued to look at the scattered ants on the ground.

  Summer: "…"

   Today’s weather is nice and sunny.

   Huangfu Rongnian squatted in the corner and watched the ants, while the birds on the surrounding trees were singing.

  Xiamen stood beside him and talked to him, but no matter what he said, Huangfu Rongnian didn't respond.

   Finally, like a deflated ball, she turned to leave.

   But just like before, she couldn't be too far away from Huangfu Rongnian.

   As long as she exceeds five meters, she will be automatically pulled back to Huangfu Rongnian.

  After trying a few times in the summer, I finally realized a very unusual problem.

   That is, Huangfu Rongnian is definitely special to her!

   "Hey! Huangfu Rongnian, do you really not know me? But why can you see me? Why can you hear me? Why can't I be too far away from you? You speak!"

   However, no matter how much he shouted in Huangfu Rongnian's ear in summer, Huangfu Rongnian didn't seem to hear it.

  Summer didn't give up, just whispered in his ear.

   She must know, she must know who she is, and why she has no memory!

   "Huangfu Rongnian... I beg you to speak, okay?"

  Xiamen has lowered his tone, but Huangfu Rongnian still didn't answer.

   After a while, Huangfu Rongnian, who was squatting on the ground, stood up.

   Xia Xia was delighted to think that he was going to speak to her.

   But the truth is—Huangfu Rongnian walked past her without even looking at her!

   "Hey! Don't go!"

   Seeing that Huangfu Rongnian was gone, Xia Xia quickly followed.

   "Where are you going, Huangfu Rongnian?!"

   replied to the summer, as always, silent.


  Xiamer followed Huangfu Rongnian through the back garden and came to the dining room of the main courtyard.

   Lunch has been placed on the dining room table, and the table is full of meals, which is very rich.

   When the servants in the dining room saw Huangfu Rongnian coming, they all leaned over and saluted: "I have seen the prince!"


   Summer is amnesia, not stupid.

   She still has a brain, and she naturally thinks.

  Since this is Prince Rong's mansion, those people also call Huangfu Rongnian the prince.

  In other words, Huangfu Rongnian, this strange person, is Prince Rong?

   is the boss here?

   But Xia Xia noticed that although those servants saluted Huangfu Rongnian, there was no awe in their eyes.

what about this?

   Summer couldn't figure it out, so he turned to look at Huangfu Rongnian.

   Huangfu Rongnian didn't seem to see those servants, so he walked to the table and sat down, and then started to eat.

  I also want to sit on a stool in summer, but she is in a virtual form, not only can't touch people, but even objects!

   So just as she wanted to sit on the stool, her body completely passed through the stool.

  Summer floats back into the air again, and my heart is broken.

  Why can't she touch anything? !

   What is she? is it a ghost? Or people?

   After thinking about it for a long time, she felt that she was more likely to be a ghost.

   Xia Tian didn't know, she can't be regarded as a person or a ghost now...

   It was probably because he 'falled' because he couldn't sit on the stool in the summer, Huangfu Rongnian on the side finally had a little reaction.

   He tilted his head slightly and glanced at Xia Xia.

   His eyes were always emotionless, completely indifferent, and somewhat dull.

   But anyway, Huangfu Rongnian finally reacted to her.

   So he struck while the iron was hot in the summer, and continued to talk to Huangfu Rongnian without giving up: "Hey, do you really not know me? Why do I think you might know me?! Think about it carefully, okay?!"

   Huangfu Rongnian doesn't understand, and it's not because he has no memory, why should he let him think about it in summer?

  He lowered his head again and continued to eat.

   Seeing Huangfu Rongnian like this, Xia Xia was dejected: "So why am I here?!"

   She would appear here, beside Huangfu Rongnian, that should be the reason!

  Otherwise, why only Huangfu Rongnian could see her, while the other servants in the dining room couldn't see her?

   But at this time, no one can answer questions for summer.


  Real World. Plane Association. Chief Designer Equipment Room.

   Jun Shuya was so angry when she saw her son treat his future daughter-in-law like this!

  Although she knew that her son was so indifferent to his future daughter-in-law because he had no memory, she still decided in her heart that she must criticize her son well after her son and future daughter-in-law came back!

   "Xia Lun, is there really no way to restore A Yu's memory? A little bit of memory is fine!" Jun Shuya asked Xia Lun.

   The difficulty this time is too high, the future daughter-in-law is a virtual form, and the son is an autistic patient.

   Two people have a big obstacle just in communication!

  Xiaron hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll try my best to see whose memory can be repaired..."

   After a pause, he quickly added: "Let's talk about it first, I can only say that I try my best. If it doesn't work, then there's nothing I can do."

   In order to allow Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu to stay together and cultivate their relationship, Xia Lun also deliberately restricted Xia Xia's freedom, so that she must stay within five meters of Gu Yanyu.

   But getting one of the two people to restore their memory is still somewhat difficult.

Ling Wuwei, who was on the side, suddenly thought of a good solution, and she said, "How about this, Xiao Lunlun, you can do two things to cure Ayu's autism, and then let Xiaoxia meet Ayu even more. and objects."

   In this way, the obstacles for the two of them are relieved!

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