Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 410: You pervert, stop (End)

  The President specifically told the victims who were afraid to call the police because of fear, to stand up bravely.

   When he saw the news, Xia Xia knew that his magic drug had a great influence on the President.

  Someone asked the president why he chose to enact new laws and regulations so suddenly at this time.

  The president paused and replied, "Because of a dream."

  Yes, in the eyes of the President, he had a dream that night, a very real dream.

   In the dream, the despair and helplessness of the victims of domestic violence made him particularly uncomfortable.

   He did not expect that there are so many people in the country suffering from domestic violence!

   Later, he realized that it was the laws of the country that were too tolerant of those who abused!

  Since this is the case, then the punishment will be increased, so that those people are too afraid to commit the crime again——

  Because of the President's attention, all parts of the country did not dare to neglect, and targeted such people.

   In just one month, many perpetrators were arrested.

   Most of them are men, but there are also women.

  The objects of their domestic violence include their elderly parents, spouses, and children.

   This new law against domestic violence has been approved by the majority of people. Coupled with various propaganda against domestic violence, more people are aware of the seriousness of domestic violence.

  In the case of domestic violence, there may be no way to bring all the perpetrators to justice for legal reasons, but at least many people are saved.

   So, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu are already very satisfied.

   As for the perpetrators who died in the hands of Mu Qianxiu, of course, the police did not find out who the murderers were.

  Because the murderer had already stopped, they were not given a chance to continue their investigation.


   After Gu Yanyu recovered his memory, he went to apply for a marriage certificate with Xia Xia.

   He has no relatives with the body of the summer, so the wedding or something is exempted.

   After getting the marriage certificate, Gu Yanyu went to work every day as usual.

   In summer, I stay at home every day to do housework, buy vegetables and cook, and be a competent and qualified housewife.

   Since the house they live in is rented, and Mu Qianxiu's house is not warm enough, Gu Yanyu discussed it with Xia Xia and bought a new house in the neighborhood next door.

  Jian Peiling likes the new house very much because she designed her own room.

  Even every small ornament was personally selected by Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia with her.

  After moving, they also raised a Samoyed dog. After dinner every day, the three of them took the dog out for a walk.

   On the weekend, Gu Yanyu and Gu Yanyu drove Jian Peiling and the dog out to play together in summer.

  The life of three people and a dog is plain and happy.

   Living in such an atmosphere, Jian Peiling is very healthy both mentally and physically!

  The happy passage of time, Jian Peiling gradually grew up, from elementary school to middle school, and then to university...

   For many years, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu have never had children.

   In summer, he wants to give all his mother's love to Jian Peiling, and Gu Yanyu wants to prevent the suffering and burden of having children in summer.

  When Jian Peiling grows up, becomes independent, works, and Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia are also old.

  Because the work is too busy, Jian Peiling can't go home often.

  In summer, when Gu Yanyu and Gu Yanyu are fine, we will travel around the world together, and the scenery in each world is different.

   Anyway, there is so much time, so let's take a look around...

   Originally thought that they could see Jian Peiling getting married and having children in this novel world.

   thought that they could wait until their children and grandchildren were full like in the usual novel world.

   However, when Gu Yanyu was fifty-two years old, and when Xia Xia was forty-five years old, they were forced to leave this world.

   is not a disease, nor is it the end of life.

   Rather, an air crash.

  I have been to so many novel worlds, but I have never been forced to leave once.

   Before leaving the novel world, what Xia Xia thought was that Jian Peiling should not be sad.

  Because for many years, Jian Peiling believed she was a 'fairy'.

   So even if I heard the news of her and Gu Yanyu's death, it shouldn't be very sad——

   Sure enough, when she knew that the plane that Gu Yanyu and Xia were taking had crashed, Jian Peiling was still very calm.

   She was still a little sad when she saw the names of Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia on the list of victims.

   She thought that 'Sister Fairy' would always be by her side.

   But I didn't expect that parting would come so suddenly...

   She thought, Sister Fairy, they must be watching her somewhere at this moment!

   Over the years, Summer has taught her to be brave and strong.

  She, can't let the fairy sister down!


  ——Real World. Plane Association. Chief Designer Equipment Room.

   When he and Gu Yanyu left the novel world in the summer, the equipment system suddenly sounded an alarm.

   Jun Shuya, the mother of Ling Wuwei and Gu Yanyu, was also beside him, and his son was trapped in the world of novels. Jun Shuya said that he was not worried was false.

   So today, she took Ling Wuzhi with her to see how her son was in the novel world.

   Originally, when Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu suffered an air crash in the novel world, Jun Shuya's heart twitched.

   After hearing the alarm sound from the system, Jun Shuya quickly asked Xia Lun: "What's the matter? Are A Yu and Xiao Xia in danger?"

The sound of the    system's alarm also startled Sharon, and her fingers quickly tapped on the operating keyboard.

   "Don't worry, Xiao Lunlun won't let A Yu and Xiao Xia have something to do." Ling Wuyi comforted Jun Shuya by the side.

   Seeing Jun Shuya still very worried, Ling Wuyi smiled and said, "Back then, Ziqiu and I also experienced system failures. Although Xiao Lunlun is unreliable, our ability to save is still possible."

   Jun Shuya breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Ling Wuzhi's words.

   and Sharon next to him was not convinced: "Oh, I'll go~ Xiao 55, I don't like listening to what you said! What do you mean by being unreliable? I'm not reliable and I can..."

   "It's alright, alright! How's it going? What's wrong with the system?" Ling Wuzhi interrupted Xia Lun's words.

   She knew that if she didn't interrupt, Sharon could talk for at least half an hour...

   Sharon shrugged helplessly and cut to the chase: "It's not a big problem, I just managed to deal with it."

   "What does it mean to deal with it reluctantly?" Jun Shuya asked Sharon with a frown.

   Jun Shuya was a female officer of the arrest bureau, and if she showed her aura, it would be much more frightening than those noble ladies.

   Sharon blinked and explained with a little guilty conscience: "It's..."

The    system has been repaired halfway through his efforts, and then he is trying to change the mode.

  Because I suggested to Gu Yanyu in the summer, let the two exchange.

   In other words, if you want to make Xia amnesia, let Gu Yanyu come to attack her.

  So, he tried to change the system mode like this...

  Originally, the system mode has been set, and it will be automatically activated when Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia go to the next novel world in a few decades.

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