Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 380: Cute zombie, follow me (25)

   I was surprised when I listened to it in summer.

   She knows these things because she has the details of Experimenter 1999.

   But the detailed information did not say that experimenter No. 1999 had a memory after turning into a zombie!

   If she knew that Gu Yanyu had memories, she would definitely change her way.

   In that way, Gu Yanyu won't hold back for so long because he "thinks he is not Gu Yanyu".

   Gu Yanyu said that he could actually speak as early as in Y City, but he didn't dare to speak for fear of being recognized.

  Gu Yanyu said that he was very jealous of 'Gu Yanyu', jealous that 'he' could get Xia's love and care.

   Gu Yanyu also said that he actually wanted to tell her for a long time, but he didn't have the courage.

After    said a lot, Gu Yanyu's painting style changed abruptly.

   He leaned over, pressed his forehead against Xia Xia's forehead, and said, "Even if I'm not Gu Yanyu, I won't allow you to leave me! Absolutely!"

   "You are mine, auspiciousness is mine, and you are all mine!"

  His tone was very flat, but Xia Xia saw the madness and paranoid possessiveness in his eyes.

After    was startled, Summer wanted to laugh again.

   She raised her hand and slapped Gu Yanyu on the head, making Gu Yanyu instantly bewildered.

  How long has it been, how long have you not photographed him like this in summer?

   Even after being beaten, he still looked nostalgic, and he was drunk in summer.

   took away Gu Yanyu's hand covering her mouth, Xia Xia originally wanted to give Gu Yanyu a lesson.

   But when she saw Gu Yanyu's eyes, she was defeated.

   " are not Gu Yanyu hahahaha..."

  Xia Xia covered her stomach and laughed, she couldn't stop laughing, and she burst into tears.

   In Gu Yanyu's opinion, her belly laugh was so sad that she was already crying and laughing.

   I feel even more uncomfortable, I can't wait to find out 'Gu Yanyu' and tear it to pieces!


   Gu Yanyu's voice was drowned out in the summer's laughter.

   After a while, Xia Xia reluctantly stopped laughing because she was worried that she would wake up Jixiang.

   Then she pushed Gu Yanyu away and sat up by herself.

  Xiamen looked at Gu Yanyu, wiped his tears before asking him: "You said, you are not Gu Yanyu?"

  Gu Yanyu nodded: "Well, I'm not."

   "So, are you jealous of Gu Yanyu?" Xia Xia tried her best to hold back her smile, her expression distorted because of the smirk.

   In Gu Yanyu's view, her twist is very sad.

  Despite being very upset, Gu Yanyu answered Xia's question truthfully: "Yes, I'm jealous of him!"

   Anyway, he has already thought about it, no matter what, he will keep summer by his side.

  Even if it is, in the form of captivity!

   "Cough cough cough... Oh, so you're jealous." Xia Xia took a deep breath, and was almost unable to hold back.

  Why does Gu Yanyu eat his own vinegar every time? So funny!

   But now that everyone has talked about it, she has to work hard to add the last 1% of her favorability.

   Now if you have a sincere confession, you should be able to add it, right?

   After Gu Yanyu recovered her memory, she had to ask him if her vinegar was particularly delicious!

   took a deep breath, Xia Xia raised his hand and patted his cheek, but didn't speak for a long time.

   When she finally spoke, what she said was: "I want to drink water."

   Gu Yanyu snorted, and quickly got out of bed to pour water for the summer.

   I drank water in summer, and said I was hungry and wanted a late-night snack.

   "Then what do you want to eat?" Gu Yanyu asked her.

   "I want to eat noodles."

   "Then I'll cook the noodles."

   Gu Yanyu responded, and went back to cooking noodles for summer.

   He went to the kitchen, followed by Xia Xia, and watched him cook noodles for her.

   "Gu... Experimenter No. 1999."

   Hearing the number that Xia Xia called him, Gu Yanyu's mood was a little complicated.

   Actually, he prefers to call him Gu Yanyu in the summer, rather than the number he has hated for more than 20 years!

  Yes, he is 'not' Gu Yanyu!

   "Hmm." Gu Yanyu replied without saying a word, waiting for Xia Xia to speak.

  Xiamen walked behind him, put his arms around him from behind, and pressed his face to his vest.

   This body is a zombie, even if it has a heartbeat, the heartbeat is a bit different from that of a human being.

   beats very slowly.

   "I love you, not because your name is Gu Yanyu or something else. I have never... never regarded you as someone's substitute, you are you! I have loved you from beginning to end..."

   This statement comes from the heart in summer.

  Affectionate and serious, Gu Yanyu can naturally feel it.

  The knife for slicing meat cut directly to his fingers because of the words in summer.

   There was no bleeding, and the wound healed in an instant.

   Gu Yanyu didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment, the feeling was beyond description.

   He even wondered if he was dreaming, dreaming that he had a showdown with Xia Xia, and Xia Xian confessed to him...

   But he is a zombie and doesn't sleep, so he can't dream!

   So these are all true? !

  Gu Yanyu turned around and faced Xia Xia: " you telling the truth?"

  Xia Tian stood on tiptoe and placed a kiss on Gu Yanyu's lips.

   This is her first kiss in five years!

   "Do you think what I said is true or false?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Experimenter No. 1999 has a 100% favorability rating for you, the task is completed, congratulations!"

   knew that Gu Yanyu was recovering his memory, so he needed to slow down.

  Xiamen didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smile on his face.

   About two or three minutes later, Gu Yanyu had already recovered.

   He stretched his arms around Xia Xia and called out with a smile, "Miss..."

  Xia Tian put a microphone to Gu Yanyu's mouth and asked him, "Excuse me, Mr. Gu, how does your vinegar taste? Is it much more delicious than other people's vinegar?"

   Seeing this in the summer, Gu Yanyu also cooperated: "Cough, cough... Speaking of this, I am really ashamed... Who made me have no memory? If I have memory, I can't eat my own vinegar!"

  Looks like, this is not the first time to eat your own vinegar, right?

  Well, it must be his own vinegar that tastes better, otherwise he can eat so happily?

   But think about his mentality of wanting to kill himself before he regained his memory, oh my god... it's quite scary.

   Seeing the summer, Gu Yanyu quickly changed the topic: "Miss, aren't you hungry? I'll cook noodles for you! Cook noodles for you!"

   "Okay~" Xia Xia readily agreed.

   Then she stepped aside and watched Gu Yanyu cook her noodles.

   "Mr. Gu, you made me wait five years this time, how do you want to compensate me?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu with her arms crossed.

  Gu Yanyu turned his head to look at Xia Xia, and suddenly pulled his clothes, revealing his fair shoulders and collarbone, and said with a small expression, "People are going to pay for meat~"

  Summer: "Pfft..."

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