Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 379: Cute zombie, follow me (24)

  The current climate is very changeable. In the morning, the sun is still shining brightly and the sky is clear, but in the afternoon, there are violent storms.

   It's even more outrageous at night, it's snowing!

   You must know that in the morning it is still summer temperature, but at night it is winter temperature.

   In recent years, the temperature has been like this, and the temperature difference between day and night is very large, so they are used to it.

  Those zombies are very tenacious, as long as they don't get headshots, these climates can't do anything to them.

   But human beings are different, especially those humans who do not have supernatural powers, they can't stand such a temperature difference.

   Many died of starvation or cold.

   The human beings in this world can be said to be few and far between...

   However, such a temperature difference does not matter to them in summer.

   They stay in the RV at night, read in summer, and Gu Yanyu teaches Lucky to read.

   Don't look at Jixiang, who is only five years old now, Gu Yanyu taught him to read when he was two years old.

   Up to now, he has been able to recognize many words.

  The heater was on in the car, but it didn't feel cold.

   The voice of Gu Yanyu teaching auspicious literacy is in my ear, it feels very warm in summer!

   "Okay, that's all for today. It's nine o'clock, let's go to bed."

   Gu Yanyu's words made the summer conditioned reflex look at the clock.

   It’s already nine o’clock, I didn’t realize it!

  With Gu Yanyu and Jixiang by my side, I always feel that time flies quickly...

   "I want to talk to my mother tonight..."

   Before the word 'sleep' was uttered, Gu Yanyu had already opened his mouth to refuse: "No! You are a big boy now, and you need to be independent."

Hearing Gu Yanyu say this, Jixiang pouted and muttered in disapproval: "Don't think I don't know, you're just afraid that I'll take away my mother~ Hmph~ It's all said in the book, five years old is still very young. !"


   Xia Tian, ​​who was sitting beside him, covered his face with a book and snickered, and couldn't help but shrug his shoulders.

   Her son is so smart hahaha!

   "The book says that five years old is still very young, so do you think you are still young?"

   Gu Yanyu's words left Jixiang speechless.

   In fact, he himself thinks that five years old is not too young. He thinks the five-year-old children mentioned in the book are outrageous. Why are children before the new century so weak?

   sighed, Jixiang replied, "Okay, I'll sleep by myself."

   He will not admit that he is not used to sleeping alone in a room.

   You must know that before, he slept in the same room with Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu.

  Suddenly sleeping alone, it still takes time to get used to it.

  Gu Yanyu actually knew it, so he followed Jixiang back to the room and accompany him to fall asleep before leaving.

   Waiting for Gu Yanyu to coax auspiciously to sleep, he also lay on the bed in summer and was ready to sleep.

   Gu Yanyu lay down beside Xia Xia and took her into his arms: "There are not many crystal cores, we should leave tomorrow."

   Xia Xia replied "Okay", then turned over to face Gu Yanyu.

   Looking at Gu Yanyu's handsome face, Xia Xia secretly sighed.

   It's been five years!

  Why can't the last 1% favorability be added?

   What went wrong?

   Still need an opportunity to add the last 1% favorability?

  Xiamen didn't speak, and Gu Yanyu didn't speak either.

   He just looked at her, as if she was passing him...thinking of 'others'.

  For five years, he thought that he could replace that 'Gu Yanyu' in Xia's mind long ago.

   But he didn't think about Xia Xia's heart, but he still thought about that 'Gu Yanyu'!

   The feeling of being used as a 'substitute' is really uncomfortable.

   He wanted to tell Xia Xia many times that he was 'not' Gu Yanyu.

   He is just a poor experimenter who has been kept in a laboratory as a guinea pig since birth.

   He doesn't have those memories of being with her because he's not him!

   But every time the words came to his lips, he held back.

  Because he was afraid, afraid that he would never be able to stay with Xia Xia again after he said it.

   He was so careful that he didn't even dare to touch it in summer, except he didn't dare to mention it.

The most    is to hold her to sleep.

   Occasionally while she was asleep, I kissed her forehead...

   Endured for five years, and this evening, he suddenly couldn't bear it any longer.

  Gu Yanyu turned over and pressed against Xia Xia, his eyes were deep.

  Xiamen blinked, thinking that Gu Yanyu had suddenly woken up and wanted to 'eat' her.

  I didn't expect Gu Yanyu to press her down and do nothing, just stared at her for a long time.

   After a long time, he was sleepy in the summer, so he said, "Xiamen, I... have something I want to tell you."

  yo~ Call her by her first name!

   How important is this to tell her?

The name   Chi Yang is useless in summer, and he didn't tell Gu Yanyu, anyway, Chi Yang has no relatives anymore.

It doesn't matter if the name    is used or not.

   "Well, you said."

  Gu Yanyu summoned up his courage and said, "Today is your birthday, I shouldn't upset you, but...but I have to tell you!"

   Having said that, Gu Yanyu stopped again.

  Xia Tian looked at him very nervous, so he guessed that he might want to confess or something.

   Also, it’s time to confess.

   In the past five years, they have been together with the flow, and Gu Yanyu never said that he liked her and loved her.

  Think about it, she doesn't seem to have said it!

Eh? The last 1% of the favorability can't be added, is it because she didn't confess? !

  Xiamen didn't speak, just looked at Gu Yanyu and waited for him to speak first.

   "I...I...I'm not actually Gu Yanyu..." Gu Yanyu said it very hard.

  Xiamen did not expect that what Gu Yanyu said was not 'I like you' or 'I love you', but 'I am not Gu Yanyu'!

   She looked at him in surprise and said incredulously: "What did you say?!"

   Seeing Xia Xia so surprised, this is what Gu Yanyu expected.

   And Xia Xia finally realized that it turned out that Gu Yanyu had the memory of a host, so she kept calling him Gu Yanyu, and he thought he was not.

   So, the last 1% favorability was not added because of this?

   opened his mouth and wanted to explain to Gu Yanyu: "You uh..."

  Xiamen widened her eyes and looked at Gu Yanyu who covered her mouth with his hands.

  Why is this? !

   "I know you will definitely be angry, but...are you listening to me first?" Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia pleadingly.

  Summer winks and nods: OK, OK! You have to say let you say! It's because you've been holding it for five years.

  Although Xia Xia promised not to speak, Gu Yanyu's hand still covered her mouth.

   Mainly, reluctant to take it away.

   The two maintained such an intimate male [up] female] [down] posture, talking about topics that Gu Yanyu thought was very serious.

  Gu Yanyu began to talk about his identity. He said, "I am an orphan. I have no name but a number. My number is Experimenter 1999."

   Then he began to explain that he had spent the previous twenty years in the laboratory, and how he had spent it.

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