Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 381: Cute zombie, follow me (26)

   After Gu Yanyu recovered his memory, the life of the family of three did not change much.

   is still so happy, so happy and warm.

   If I really want to say something has changed, it is that I don’t think about how I can’t increase my favorability in summer.

   Compared to before, she is also a bit lazy.

  The car is driven by Gu Yanyu, the cooking is done by Gu Yanyu, the clothes are washed by Gu Yanyu, the sanitation of the RV is also taken care of by Gu Yanyu, and the crystal nucleus is Gu Yanyu and Jixiang Tou.

   And what to do in summer? Well, try to be a qualified rice bug, and be spoiled by two men, one big and one small.

  cough...In fact, when Gu Yanyu didn't regain his memory, their division of labor was also like this.

   Because of Gu Yanyu's exaggeration, Jixiang also thinks that women are just for pampering, how to pamper -

   "We can't go here, we have to find another way."

   One month after Gu Yanyu regained his memory, they continued on the road and stopped and went.

   The weather was not very good that day, it was pouring rain, and only half of the road in front of them was left due to the earthquake.

  There is no way, they can only retreat and go another way.

  As a result, they arrived in Y city by accident!

  The current city is very different from five years ago, and Y city is no exception.

  It is full of ruins and devastated.

   If they hadn't seen the sign of Y City, they wouldn't have known it, and they came to Y City after going around.

   At this time, the rain had stopped, the sun came out, and the temperature rose instantly.

  Opened the window in summer and smiled to see Jixiang sitting in the co-pilot: "Jiangxiang, this is where you were born! Do you want to visit?"

   Jixiang's eyes lit up and nodded excitedly: "Okay, okay! Go and see where I was born!"

   "Okay, let's go!"

   Gu Yanyu replied with a smile, then turned skillfully, and went to the villa area they went to five years ago.

  The villa area is still there. After so many natural disasters, although the preservation is still intact, it has failed miserably.

  Those grass plants are left unattended and grow in a mess. The grass in the courtyards of some villas is half human height.

   Xia Xia drove with Gu Yanyu to the villa where they found auspicious five years ago, and found a car parked outside.

   Although the car is very old, it doesn't look like it was abandoned here.

  This means...there is someone in the villa!

  Gu Yanyu turned to look at Summer: "Should we get off the bus?"

   For five years, they haven't dealt much with humans.

  If not necessary, when encountering humans, they generally choose to take a detour.

  When they were on the road, they would also encounter humans who were fleeing and begging for help, but they did not stop to save them, but just helped them deal with the zombies that were chasing behind them.

  Sometimes, trouble, it is better to avoid it.

  Xiamen glanced at Jixiang with anticipation and said, "Get off the bus, just take Jixiang to visit the place where he was born. After all, it is rare to come here once."

   If you come again next time, this villa may not be there.

   "Okay!" Gu Yanyu nodded and stopped the car.

   Xia Xia took Jixiang out of the car, and Gu Yanyu locked the car.

  The three of them walked into the garden of the villa together.

   As soon as I went in, I heard someone arguing inside: "It's been five years! How could he still be here! Did you see it?! Did you see it?!"

   It was a man's voice that seemed impatient.

   Then, there was a woman with a crying voice: "He's gone, but have you seen the bones? He must have been taken away! Surely...he is still alive..."


   A loud slap, not knowing who hit whom.

   Then came the man's roar: "How could someone take a baby away at that time! He must have been eaten by zombies! Come on, let's go quickly, it's time to gather!"

   Hearing this, summer feels bad.

  Keywords: five years, baby.

  The man and woman in the villa, or the woman, is obviously the auspicious mother...

  Xiamen tightened his auspicious hand, and the smile on his face also restrained.

   Jixiang and Gu Yanyu tacitly went to see the summer season, but their expressions were completely different.

  Gu Yanyu knew what he was thinking about at this time of summer, but Jixiang was puzzled.

   Jixiang also heard the conversation between a man and a woman in the villa, it seems that they lost a baby in the villa five years ago, and now they are looking for it.

   Five years ago! Just came to find it now, can the baby live?

and many more!

five years ago? baby?

   Sometimes, being too smart seems like a disadvantage.

   Jixiang seemed to understand something, but he couldn't believe it.

   "Mom and Dad..."

The auspicious sound of    stopped the quarrel in the villa instantly.

   They quarreled too fiercely just now, and the sound of the RV modified by Gu Yanyu was very low, so they didn't even notice that someone was coming.

   Now the voice of Jixiang speaking, they heard.

   "Miss?" Gu Yanyu called Xia Xia.

  Xiamen raised a relaxed smile, looked down at Jixiang, and said with a smile: "Come on son, mother will show you where you were born!"

   She can't turn around and go, in that case, Jixiang will be suspicious, right?

   In fact, Jixiang has begun to doubt...

   After Xia Xia finished speaking, he led Jixiang into the living room of the villa, and Gu Yanyu followed closely behind.

   As soon as I entered, I saw two people, a man and a woman.

   Both of them had guns in their hands and looked at the three people who came in defensively.

   facing two guns, no response in summer.

   On the contrary, Gu Yanyu and Jixiang were not happy, because the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Summer.

   Before Gu Yanyu could take action, Jixiang had already hit two fireballs, knocking out the guns in their hands.

   He looked at the person who might be his biological parents with a cold face, and said, "Please don't point a gun at my mother, thank you for your cooperation!"

   He has fifth-order abilities at a young age, which shows how powerful the two adults next to him are.

  A man and a woman are obviously people who know current affairs, and quickly apologized: "Sorry, we thought they were bad people..."

   "Is there still a distinction between good people and bad people these days?" Xia Xia smiled and looked at the man and the woman in front of him as he spoke.

   In terms of appearance, both of them have good looks, and they are about thirty years old.

  Even though it has been five years since the new century, it should be pretty good looking at their clothes.

   In terms of ability, one is a sixth-order fire-type ability user, and the other is a seventh-order wind-type ability user, both of which are not weak.

  Xiamen's eyes fell on the woman, her eyes were still red, it was obvious that she had cried just now.

   I sneered in my heart. I left my son ruthlessly five years ago, and only came after five years. Isn't it too funny?

   Knowing that we may not be able to fight, we can only be polite: "Hello, my name is Lin Yongliang, this is my wife Liu Xin. We are from Beijing, District B of Beijing."

   Most of the surviving humans are in Beijing City, which is divided into several areas, A\\B\\C\\D.

   District A is the place for the upper-class people, and so on, District D is the lowest level, and the most dangerous area in the outermost part of Beijing City is also the area where ordinary humans without supernatural powers live.

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