Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 378: Cute zombie, follow me (23)

   After leaving Y city, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu were not in a hurry to go to Beijing.

   As for the person who wants to be rectified in the summer, she doesn't want to take care of it that much now.

  Because it is inconvenient to carry auspiciousness is one reason, and another reason is that she does not want to be involved in the development of this novel world.

  The villain 'Zombie King' has already been clicked by her first, and the human villain is left to the male and female protagonists.

   Of course, I still think about it in summer, waiting for Gu Yanyu to recover his memory.

   The 95% favorability rating should be added soon.

   Wait for it to be added slowly, it is not far from filling up.

   However, what Xia Xia didn’t expect was that after the favorability was increased to 99%, it was as if he was suddenly stuck, and he couldn’t get up!

   This card is a full five years!

   In five years, many things have changed, except that his favorability is stuck at 99% and he doesn't move at all.

  For example, Gu Yanyu is now a Tier 12 zombie.

   Not to mention that the zombies are not as high-level as him, and even the humans are not as high-level as him.

   The highest-level ability user is only tenth-level.

After    the twelfth level, Gu Yanyu's body changed a lot.

   Not only looks like a human, but also has body temperature, breathing and heartbeat.

  If he was asked to do a physical test, no one would find out that he was actually a zombie.

   For another example, Jixiang is now five years old, and is a clever fifth-order fire-type power user Xiao Zhengtai.

   is only five years old, and the ability is already fifth-order, which is inseparable from the credit of absorbing crystal cores every day.

   And, Gu Yanyu and the cultivation of summer.

   Now the auspicious thing is to throw him in the zombie pile, and I don't worry about his inability to protect himself.

   But a long time ago in summer, in order to protect Jixiang's safety, he was given anti-zombie medicine.

   Because the zombies didn't bite him, it made Jixiang more believe that he was a half-blood.

   An interracial hybrid of zombies and humans...

   Really don't say it, maybe it's because Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia have always been auspicious.

   So auspicious slowly, they really look like them.

   When three people stand together, they are like a real family of three.


   In the past five years, Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu have traveled to many places with auspiciousness.

They also visited   Jing, but they left soon.

   I was mainly worried that I would meet the heroine Huo Junlan. After all, I had already met and I didn't want to cause trouble.

   But they have never met Huo Junlan or the male protagonist.

  The world has changed a lot, not only irregular changes in climate and seasons, but also changes in geographical location.

  Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, mudslides…

  Man-made disasters are not over, and natural disasters are not far behind.

  Because of the outbreak of the zombie virus, only about 30% of the humans survived.

   Later suffered a natural disaster, and those who died became zombies again.

   In the end, there are only about fifteen percent of the human beings left in this world.

   This amount is terrifying——

   "Mom! Come out and see! Come out and see!"

The auspicious sound of    made Xia Xia wake up from her sleep, opened her eyes and looked around, she was in the RV.

  Because I have a child, I think it is more convenient to use a RV in summer, so I went to find a RV.

  This RV is a new car that was replaced last month. It is bigger and better than the previous one, and it has two independent bedrooms.

   This RV was refitted by Gu Yanyu himself in three months.

  Gu Yanyu said that the auspiciousness is great, and it is not good to sleep with them all the time, so he should have his own room.

   They are always on the road and live in the car almost every day, so they simply make two bedrooms in the RV.

  After the RV has been refitted, it is more convenient to go on the road.

   Since the world has been hit by natural disasters several times, many roads have been destroyed.

   After the modification of this RV, it is trivial to go over mountains and mountains! It can even go into the water!

   When I got up from the bed in summer, I got out of the RV and saw Gu Yanyu in a handsome denim suit running with the auspicious RV.

   Their RV is parked on a green lawn and is spacious.

  The sun is just right today, and it sprinkled on the high-value father and son wearing parent-child clothes, as if they were all plated with light.

  The auspicious hand holds a large bouquet of pollen roses and smiles brightly.

  Xiamen leaned over slightly and opened his arms to pick up Jixiang who ran towards her: "Where did you guys go so early?"

   "Today is your mother's birthday. I will go to pick flowers for you with my father. I wish my mother a happy birthday and always be young and beautiful!"

  Auspicious said, and threw himself into Summer's arms.

   As a result, the whole person was lifted up before he threw himself into Summer's arms.

   "Ehhh! Dad, what are you doing!?" Jixiang's collar was lifted, and the whole person was in the air, with both feet fluttering.

   Gu Yanyu shook him lightly, and then hugged him with one hand.

   Then he took the flower from Jixiang's hand and handed it to Xia Xia, smiled and said, "Happy birthday!"

   Twenty-five-year-old Gu Yanyu is still so tender, a proper little fresh meat.

   But his temperament is much calmer, and he can no longer see those cute little eyes in his eyes.

   Shortly after leaving Y City with Gu Yanyu in the summer five years ago, Gu Yanyu accidentally spoke.

   At first, I was worried that Xia Xia would 'doubt' him, but later I found out that Xia Xia was only happy and had no doubts about him being able to speak!

   Also, Xia Xia didn't ask him about his previous memories or anything like that, as if she didn't care if he had any memories at all.

   So, Gu Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and hoped that Xia Xia would never ask him.


  Summer just took the flowers with a smile, when he heard Jixiang protest: "Dad! Didn't you say I gave it to my mother!"

   Gu Yanyu raised his eyebrows: "Hmm~ we agreed, but I didn't let you hug my wife!"

   Having said that, Gu Yanyu stretched out his long hand and took Xia Xia into his arms to swear his sovereignty.

   Jixiang blushed and said angrily, "Why am I hugging my mother! You can't be so domineering!"

   "I'm so domineering, why, I don't accept it? You can win and I'll talk about it!"

   "Fight and fight!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Jixiang landed in Gu Yanyu's arms with a backflip, and without saying a word, he started attacking Gu Yanyu with fireballs.

   Gu Yanyu dodged away, and put summer aside again.

   Xia Xia, who was watching the play next to him, shook his head helplessly, his eyes full of pampering.

   Although Jixiang is only five years old, his ability is not weak, but compared with Gu Yanyu, he is still far behind.

  Gu Yanyu made excuses every day to force Jixiang to fight him in order to spar with him.

   Such a situation is not surprising in summer.

   Looking at it, Xia Xia did not forget to cheer on Jixiang: "Come on, son!"

Gu Yanyu on the side of    was unhappy and shouted, "Wife, why don't you cheer me on!"

   "Mom won't cheer you on! Dad, if you are distracted again, be careful I burn your hair!" After saying that, a rocket went towards Gu Yanyu's head.

   Gu Yanyu lowered his waist and avoided the rocket.

   "Stinky boy, I still want to burn your Lao Tzu's hair!"

   "Hahaha~ Come on son! Keep up the good work!"

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