Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 368: Cute zombie, follow me (thirteen)

  Thousands of zombies are running behind a car, the picture is really shocking.

  Smart people will use this opportunity to find something to eat, or escape the city.

   Many people are curious about who is driving the car, and also guess if she is kind enough to lead the zombies away.

   It’s true to lead away zombies, but it’s a beautiful misunderstanding to lead away with good intentions.

   In a supermarket opposite the auto show center where the RV was driven in the summer, several people looked at the direction she left in surprise.

   "Brother Shaoning, you said the person driving the car was the same woman as us last night?"

   A young boy who looked only eighteen or nineteen asked the oldest man among them.

   The man called Brother Shao Ning looks like he is only in his twenties. He looks handsome and has a calm temperament.

   Bai Shaoning pondered for a moment and then said, "It's very possible."

   They watched a young girl drag a boy into the auto show center with their own eyes.

   At that time, they could only see the backs of Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia, and naturally they didn't realize that Gu Yanyu was a zombie.

   What surprised Bai Shaoning was that the man and the woman could move freely among the zombies.

  Those zombies, it's as if you didn't see them!

  Why is it so strange? Could it be that they have any way to prevent the zombies from getting close?

Several people next to    are also discussing why Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu can walk freely in the zombie group. Some people speculate that it may be an ability.

   "Brother Shaoning, while there are no zombies in the auto show center, let's go drive a car! It's not an option to stay here!"

   "Or, let's go find those two people and see if they have any way to keep the zombies from biting them!"

   "Yes yes yes! Let's go find them! They are so good!"

  Bai Shaoning was hesitating, hesitating whether to go or not.

   "Brother Shaoning, let's go to the Survivor Base. Maybe your parents and my parents are there, don't go looking for that woman." It was a pretty girl who spoke.

   She and Bai Shaoning's demeanor are intimate, and it is not an ordinary relationship at first glance.

   What she said also had a lot of weight in Bai Shaoning's heart.

  Bai Shaoning tilted his head to look at the girl, his eyes softened a lot: "Okay, let's go to the survivor base!"

   In the end, a few people followed Bai Shaoning's decision, entered the auto show center together to find an off-road vehicle, and drove in the opposite direction of summer——


   In summer, I drove the car slowly, drove the car to a particularly spacious square, and then stopped.

   "A Yu, do you want to eat the crystal nucleus?" Xia Xia smiled and told Gu Yanyu.

   "Hohohoho!" I want to eat delicious food!

   "Let's go, get out of the car." Said, Xia Xia took the long knife and got off.

   In order to prevent Gu Yanyu from using brute force to dismantle the car door for her, Xia Xia hurried to the front passenger's car door and opened it for him.

  Gu Yanyu got out of the car excitedly and wanted to run, but he was afraid that he would be unhappy in the summer, so he still stood there obediently.

   His performance made Summer very satisfied and fulfilled.

   He wanted to run so much, but he still tried his best to hold back.

   "Dear~ I'll teach you how to get a crystal nucleus later, you follow along, you know?"


  The RV is surrounded by zombies, most of which are low-level zombies.

   As the saying goes, stand tall and see far away. In the summer, he took Gu Yanyu to the roof of the RV, and it was easy to find the second-order zombies among the zombies.

   The hand holding the long knife was put away, and he said to Gu Yanyu, "Look!" and flew towards the second-order zombie.

   is just a trick, the second-order zombies were cut into watermelons by summer.

   Half of his head rolled to the ground, revealing the second-order crystal nucleus embedded in it.

   Gu Yanyu looked at the crystal nucleus in his head sharply, roared excitedly twice, jumped off the roof of the car and ran to Xia's side.

  In summer, take out the prepared mineral water, pour the water to wash the crystal core, and then feed it into Gu Yanyu's mouth.

   Gu Yanyu chewed and swallowed the core after a few times, much faster than before.

   Ignore him in the summer and continue to kill Tier 2 zombies to get the crystal nucleus.

   is probably getting more and more proficient, she stepped on the shoulders of those zombies and flew around, one knife at a time, very fast.

   They are lucky. Among so many zombies, a dozen or 20 are second-order zombies.

   It’s only ten minutes, and seven or eight second-order crystal nuclei have already been taken in summer.

  The crystal nucleus was put into a mineral water bottle with half a bottle of water, and the crystal-like crystal nucleus looked particularly beautiful.

   shook the mineral water bottle, Xia Xia smiled and turned back to call Gu Yanyu: "Ayu!"

   There were too many zombies, so she distanced herself from Gu Yanyu without realizing it.

   When Gu Yanyu heard Xia Xia calling him, he immediately roared twice in response.

   Xia Xia followed the sound, and saw Gu Yanyu holding a handful of crystal cores in his hand, chewing in his mouth.

  Because the crystal nucleus is inlaid in the zombie's brain, if you want to take the crystal nucleus, you have to break the zombie's head. When you take the crystal nucleus, you will inevitably get some brains.

   Xia Xia didn't know that Gu Yanyu would learn to take the crystal nucleus by himself so quickly, so he didn't teach him how to take it so that he wouldn't soil himself.

   Now, Gu Yanyu is estimated to have more crystal cores than she took, which shows how fast he is!

   Isn't it fast, and he didn't care about whether it was dirty or not, he directly broke open the zombie's head and took a meal inside.

   After taking it out, just put it in your mouth...

   If children eat ice cream that is not delicious, will their mouths and faces be smeared?

   That's right, Gu Yanyu is like this at this moment.

   It's just that it's not ice cream that sticks on his mouth and face, but the brains of zombies! ! !

  It’s okay to have brains all over your hands, but how can you even have your mouth and face…

   "Gu Yanyu! You—"

   Thanks to the strong ability to bear in summer, or else you will really be sick and vomit!

   "Go! Go back to the car and brush your teeth!" Don't want to leave without brushing it ten times!

   Gu Yanyu was a little confused when he looked at Xia Xia's angry look.

   But when he saw the summer getting into the car, he quickly followed.

   After getting in the car, Gu Yanyu handed the crystal nucleus in his hand to Xia Xia like a treasure.

   How delicious these are! Although he didn't have enough for himself, he decided to share some for the summer.

   She is obviously a fool, but she always gets discouraged by her instinctive actions.

  Xiamen sighed, found a cup to hold the crystal nucleus that Gu Yanyu handed over, and then pulled him into the bathroom.

  The bathroom in the RV is relatively small, so it seems a little cramped for two people.

   Xia Xia first gave Gu Yanyu a tissue to wipe off the brains on his face, and then washed his hands for him.

   These brains are disgusting, really!

   Much, many times more nauseating than those vomits!

  Summer was so disgusted that his face was expressionless, and his movements unwittingly sped up.

   After making sure that Gu Yanyu's hands were washed clean, he took out his toothbrush in summer to prepare to brush his teeth.

   Let him sit on the toilet so she doesn't have to brush her teeth so hard.

   Originally thought Gu Yanyu would make trouble, but when he saw Xia Xia taking out his toothbrush, he just roared reluctantly twice, and then opened his mouth obediently.

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