Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 367: Cute zombie, follow me (12)

Eh? Why was he murdered again?

   Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia blankly, completely unaware that it was because he was too strong that he beat people in pain.

   In fact, Gu Yanyu really just wanted to pat Summer's head.

  Because he seems to like being patted on the head in summer.

   He thought that what he liked would also like it in summer...

  I didn't expect to slap down and take out all summer tears.

   After hesitating for a while, Gu Yanyu walked up to Xia Xia.

   raised his hand——

  Xiamen originally wanted to hide back, but he held back: "Take it easy!"

   She knew that Gu Yanyu was actually imitating her.

   At this time, Gu Yanyu was almost like a blank piece of paper, and summer was the object of his study.

   I don't know if Gu Yanyu realized that he was too strong. This time, he obviously didn't dare to use force, and just put his hand on Xia Xia's head.

  Xiamen looked up at him, the innocent look on her face made her not angry at all.

   She also raised her hand, originally wanting to pat Gu Yanyu on the head, but she was afraid that he would follow suit.

   So in the end, Xia Xia just put his hand on Gu Yanyu's head lightly and rubbed it.

  Gu Yanyu was stunned, he really followed suit, and rubbed Xia Xia's head stiffly.

   As a result, the summer combed hair was messed up.

   Xia Xia burst out laughing, thinking that Gu Yanyu is very cute!

   "Alright, alright, you sit on the bed, I'll wash and change clothes, and then I'll take you to the crystal core."

The word   nucleus made Gu Yanyu scream twice with excitement: "Hoohoho!" Eat delicious food!


   At 8:30 in the morning, Xia Xia left the hotel with Gu Yanyu.

   Xia Xia wore a black sportswear that was easy to move, holding a long knife in one hand and Gu Yanyu's hand in the other.

  Gu Yanyu was still wearing that sissy outfit, with a mountaineering bag on his back.

  The mountaineering bag was taken last night in summer when he was looking for clothes. Anyway, Gu Yanyu was very strong, so he simply carried it on his back.

  Although there are many zombies outside, the two people holding hands are walking on the street unimpeded.

   When passing by a supermarket, I still stroll in leisurely and get some daily necessities and food by the way.

   stuffed everything into the hiking bag, and continued to hang out——

   "We're going to find a car to drive now." Summer said to Gu Yanyu while eating potato chips.

   Gu Yanyu roared twice as a response.

   Now, no matter what Summer says, even if he doesn't understand, he will respond with a roar twice.

   Because he found that as long as he responded to summer, summer was very happy.

   Sure enough, after he roared twice in response to Xia Xia, Xia Xia smiled and looked back at him: "A Yu, you are so good, give me more favorability!"

  Gu Yanyu: "Hohohoho."

  Summer: "Look at you pretending to be quite alike, you obviously don't understand what I'm talking about."

  Gu Yanyu: "Hohohoho."

  Summer: "…"

  Although she felt like talking to Gu Yanyu like a mental retardation, Xia Xia was still in a good mood.

   At least, Gu Yanyu is more mentally retarded than her hahaha...

   There were many kinds of cars parked on the streets, but those cars were either crashed or stained with a lot of filth.

   are basically cars that are forced to park in the car, and few are good.

   They were lucky and finally found an auto show center.

  The cars in the auto show center are all of the same brand. The cars of this brand have good safety performance and good prices.

  It looks like this place has not been visited yet.

   But it’s not that those people don’t want to patronize, it’s that they don’t dare to patronize.

   On the day when the zombie virus broke out, there must be a lot of people in this auto show center.

   And now, naturally, there are many zombies.

  There are many zombies wandering inside and outside the auto show center, some in work uniforms, some in formal clothes, and some **** car models.

   They swayed aimlessly, as if waiting for the food to arrive automatically.

  There are so many zombies here, all of them are low-level.

   Summer didn't intend to waste his energy dealing with these low-level zombies, nor did he want to send kindness to help others solve zombies.

   took Gu Yanyu around in the auto show center, and chose vehicles leisurely.

   While choosing, he asked Gu Yanyu, "Which car do you like, Ayu?"

   Of course, she didn't expect Gu Yanyu to really choose a car.

   Finally, a cool off-road RV is in sight for summer!

  This off-road RV is the only one in the entire auto show, with a black body, super cool!

   The car door was open, and in the summer, he pulled Gu Yanyu into the car and took a look around inside.

   Since it is an RV, it is naturally complete with all equipment.

   "I need this car, what do you think?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.


   "Well, I like it too."

  The reason why I chose an RV is because I thought that when I took Gu Yanyu to other cities in the summer, it would be more comfortable to rest in the middle.

   It is impossible for her to take Gu Yanyu to only stay in this city. After all, the zombie core in this city is definitely not enough for Gu Yanyu to rise to the eighth order——

   "It's settled then! We want this car!" Xia Xia patted Gu Yanyu on the head with a smile, and then took him to find the car keys.

  There is oil in the car, just plug in the car key to start and drive away.

  Xiamen tilted his head and glanced at Gu Yanyu, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and smiled at him and said, "Ayu, let's go! Find the crystal core!"

   "Hoohohoho!" Gu Yanyu was so excited that he wanted to jump up as soon as he heard the word "crystal nucleus".

  I knew it in summer, so I deliberately raised the nucleus.

  The car started, the summer turned the steering wheel, and drove this super cool RV away——

   Hearing the movement of the car, the zombies who were loitering aimlessly immediately became excited and ran behind the buttocks of the summer car.

  Xiamen glanced in the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an arc.

   went out the door, and Xia stepped on the accelerator to speed up.

   Those zombies were left far behind.

   Despite this, the zombies did not give up and ran after the car.

   Along the way, the zombies who heard the sound of the car all ran behind the car, and there were more and more!

   In the summer, when I wanted to speed up the speed, I saw that there were still several second-order zombies in the zombie group, and suddenly thought of a good way.

  Zombies use their ears to hear, their eyes to see, and their nose to smell.

  The most acute thing they have is hearing.

  If there is a big movement in the summer to attract those zombies, you don't have to go to the second-order zombies.

   Now Gu Yanyu is also a Tier 4 zombie. Although he doesn't know what his abilities are, he can teach him to take crystal cores by himself.

   In this way, she can also relax.

   In summer, the speed of the car was slowed down, and the speakers installed on the car were used to play DJ music to attract those zombies from a distance.

  ——On the street, a black off-road RV played the most powerful DJ music with its loudspeaker, attracting at least half of the zombies in the city center.

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