Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 369: Cute zombie, follow me (14)

   After squeezing the toothpaste, Xia Xia tilted her head and saw Gu Yanyu opened his mouth consciously, and patted his head with satisfaction: "You are wise!"

   seems to be praised...

   Gu Yanyu was very happy and roared twice.

   However, Xia Xia's face changed in the next moment, turning green.

   She pursed her lips tightly, feeling her stomach churn badly.

   turned around on the washbasin and retched a few times, and then said to Gu Yanyu a little tired: "Ayu, let me tell you, even if you don't lose me, don't try to kiss me with your stinky mouth!"

   It stinks!

   One day in the future, Gu Yanyu, who has recovered his memory, will pay an 'extremely painful' price for what he has done.

   However, at this moment, Gu Yanyu couldn't understand Xia Xia's words.

   "Hoohoho." Don't you brush your teeth? Then can he continue to eat delicious food?

   Gu Yanyu was destined to think too much. In fact, he brushed his teeth for an hour in the summer, and then gave him a bath and head three times.

   The skin was almost rubbed off, and it was only in summer that he finally gave up.

   The clothes that Gu Yanyu wore before were no longer available, and they were thrown into the trash can in summer.

   After dressing Gu Yanyu in clean clothes, he poured all the crystal nuclei into the washbasin to wash them in summer.

  The second-order crystal nuclei are about the size of a small fingernail. In summer, there are twenty in total.

   She took about seven or eight pieces, which means that the remaining dozen or so were taken by Gu Yanyu.

   "Hoohoho!" You have to eat!

  Gu Yanyu was standing behind Xia Xia, staring intently at the nucleus.

   He wanted to reach for it, but he didn't have the guts.

   I don't know why, but he is afraid of summer, afraid that summer will kill him.

   Xia Xia tilted his head to look at him, Gu Yanyu's head was almost resting on her shoulder.

   "Want to eat?" she asked him.

   Gu Yanyu nodded instinctively, growling in his mouth.

   Seeing Gu Yanyu nodding, Xia Xia was stunned.

   Can you use your body movements?

  Xiamen put all twenty crystal nuclei into an empty mineral water bottle, and then pulled Gu Yanyu out of the bathroom.

   went to the dining table and sat face to face with Gu Yanyu.

   She shook the bottle of mineral water in front of Gu Yanyu's eyes and got a few roars from him.

   "A Yu, do you want to eat? Just nod if you want."

   Sure enough, Gu Yanyu nodded as soon as Xia Xia's voice fell.

   "You shake your head and try again!" Xia Xia gave Gu Yanyu an order with an excited face.

   However, Gu Yanyu looked at Xia Xia blankly, completely understanding what she meant.

   It seems that although Gu Yanyu can move his body, he is not very good at using it.

  Xiamen was also patient, and began to teach him to shake his head, and told him what it meant to shake his head.

   Although he taught him for a long time, Gu Yanyu didn't fully understand the meaning of shaking his head, but he also taught him to shake his head.

   "A Yu, shake your head."

   As soon as Xia Xia finished speaking, Gu Yanyu would obediently shake his head


  Gu Yanyu nodded.

   "Give me your hand." Summer spreads out his palms.

   Gu Yanyu glanced at her hand and handed it to her obediently.

   In general, she taught very smoothly.

   Just in the view of Sharon from the Plane Association, why is this style wrong?

   After thinking for a while, Sharon finally remembered what happened to this style of painting.

   slapped his hands and said with a smile, "Isn't that how dog trainers train dogs!"

   "Well, I'm going to record it and show Xiao 55 this interesting picture!"

   Having said that, Sharon has already operated the equipment proficiently and recorded a short video——

   Xia Xia was completely unaware of what Sharon did, and was still proud of being able to teach Gu Yanyu these actions.

   "Okay, seeing how good you are, I'll reward you with a crystal nucleus!" After saying that, Xia Xia took a crystal nucleus and handed it to Gu Yanyu.

  Gu Yanyu opened his mouth excitedly, waiting for the feeding in summer.

   A small crystal nucleus entered his mouth, and he immediately chewed.

  Xiamen raised his hand and patted Gu Yanyu's head, then tilted his head to look out the car window.

  Music has been turned off by her long ago. Before getting in the car, I took a look in the summer. There are no second-order zombies. It is estimated that there are no second-order zombies in other parts of the city.

   So there is no need to keep this place.

  Because there was no music, those zombies gradually dispersed, but they didn't get in the way.

  Summer, go to the driver's seat and sit down, then start the car and leave——

   Noticed that the car was driving, Gu Yanyu, who was still sitting in the chair, went to the co-pilot's seat and sat down obediently.

   He tilted his head to look at Xia Xia, only to find that Xia Xia didn't look at her at all.

   After thinking about it, he fastened his seat belt again, and then turned his head to look at the summer.

   That little expression begging for compliment, Xia Xia only saw it out of the corner of the eye.

   The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her eyes were full of smiles.

   But she just wanted to tease Gu Yanyu, so she pretended not to see it.

   Seeing that Xia Xia never looked at him, Gu Yanyu couldn't help roaring twice.

   However... I still haven't seen him in the summer!

How to do? How to do? Is she unhappy? Did he have nothing to eat?

  Gu Yanyu was restless in the co-pilot's seat, but he didn't dare to roar, so he kept twisting his body.

   "Okay A Yu, what are you doing?" Xia Xia glanced at him with a smile on his face.

   Gu Yanyu saw Xia Xia looking at him, so he sat down immediately, and then faced Xia Xia with an expression of "I'm very good and I'm very obedient".

   Xia Xia coughed twice before she could barely hold back her laughter, I really couldn't stand it!

   "A Yu, it's shameful for you to be so cute without pressure!"

   "Roar?" What? He couldn't understand.

   "You said, should I teach you to speak? Or wait until you can speak yourself?"



  In the car, Xia Xia chatted with Gu Yanyu like playing the piano to a cow, and chatted happily.

   Outside the car, there are zombies coming around from time to time, and they are directly hit and fly.

  Although he had already planned to leave here, Xia Xia was in no hurry to leave with Gu Yanyu.

   There are still many clothes suitable for Gu Yanyu in the clothing store that she went to yesterday. She wants to get some more, and she can also find some food or something.

   Anyway, the car is big and can hold a lot of things!

  Gu Yanyu is now convenient to move, just in charge of taking things——

   Walking around the city until it was getting dark at night, Xia finally left with Gu Yanyu.

   At this time, their car was full of everything, and she would have no problem cooking hot white rice now.

  Very good, she is very satisfied!

   "I checked, and the city with the most zombies is in Beijing, but there are a lot of people in Beijing, and ZF officials are all there! Ayu, do you want to make trouble?"

   Xia Xia's eyes glowed, if Gu Yanyu regained her memory at this time, she would know that she wanted to do 'bad things'.

   According to her understanding, the person who proposed to develop and research zombie viruses and suggested using humans as experimental subjects was well protected after the outbreak of the zombie virus.

   But the whole world fell into such predicament and despair because of his decision.

   So the summer is a bit unpleasant, how can such a person live so peacefully?

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