Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 278: Rebellious brother, violent temper (9)

  Xiamen thought that Yan Mingyu went to bed so late, so he didn't go to wake him up.

   Anyway, breakfast is on the table, and he can eat it when he gets up.

   Although he said that he should go to school, in fact, Yan Mingyu doesn't care whether he goes to school or not in summer.

   Changed clothes and went to the company in summer——

   The first thing I do when I arrive at the company is to convene a meeting with the company's top management.

   For some planning that has not been done yet, it is required to temporarily put aside in summer or let someone else take charge.

   The things that should be left to others to do, she is to directly leave them to others.

  Those high-level executives are a bit overwhelmed by the appearance of being a shopkeeper in summer, but they can't react.

   After all, everyone knows Fu Nianhua, and knows that Fu Nianhua is not the kind of person who can be a shopkeeper.

   But it turns out that summer really wants to be a shopkeeper.

   "Let's do this for now. I won't come to the company from tomorrow. If there is anything, just ask Secretary Zhou to contact me. Alright, let's end the meeting."

   After saying that, Summer got up and went back to the office.


  Although I have explained everything to others, I still have a lot of things to deal with in the summer.

The rest    said is nothing more than taking the business home to deal with it.

   But fortunately, the things she has to deal with are much easier now than Fu Nianhua.

  I didn’t go home at noon, and I didn’t call Yan Mingyu in summer to ask him if he had anything to eat or anything.

   It is impossible for Fu Nianhua to ask—

   At five o'clock in the afternoon, I left the company on time in summer.

   As soon as I got home, I saw a takeaway box on the table.

   And, leftovers.

  Summer: "…"

  The previous world, the previous world.

  Gu Yanyu took good care of her even if she didn't recover her memory.

   These things don't need her to do at all.

   So I suddenly saw that Yan Mingyu didn't clean up like this, it's quite... uncomfortable in summer.

   She reminded herself that Yan Mingyu was still young, not even eighteen years old.

   His character is different from Gu Yanyu's other hosts, she can't look at Yan Mingyu with the eyes of other people.

  I don't know how many novel worlds I have to go to, and I will definitely encounter different Gu Yanyu hosts in the future.

   She has to learn to adapt!

   sighed, Xia Xian cleaned up the things on the table before going upstairs.

When    walked to the door of the room, Xia Xia stopped in his footsteps. The hand that was going to open his own door changed to open the door of Yan Mingyu's room...

  Yan Mingyu never expected that the door would suddenly open in summer, and he didn't even knock on the door!

   He was working at this time, so he didn't have time to hide!

   "What are you doing?" Xia Xia walked into the room and looked at the hand-painted board Yan Mingyu put in front of the computer.

   On the computer, the semi-finished product has been displayed.

   It seems that Yan Mingyu is helping others draw game characters.

  Yan Mingyu panicked for a moment, then immediately found an excuse and said, "I... I'm playing with pictures! Can't you see it?!"

  Xiamen supported the edge of the computer desk with one hand, leaned slightly and approached Yan Mingyu to look at the computer.

   No wonder Yan Mingyu secretly gave Fu Nianhua 10,000 yuan in addition to supporting himself in a month. This painting ability is indeed very good!

   This is taking private orders by myself. If I work formally, the salary is estimated to be higher.

   "I know the boss of a game company..."

  Xiamen was interrupted by Yan Mingyu before he finished speaking: "It doesn't matter to me that you know the boss of the game company! How can you enter other people's rooms without knocking on the door!?"

   Hearing Yan Mingyu's words, Xia Xia looked back at him.

  Yan Mingyu was sitting on the computer chair, the distance between the two was less than one meter.

   "I'm not knocking on the door, I'm just coming in to see if you're playing games," Xia Xia said.

   Yan Mingyu asked stupidly, "What if I'm playing games?"

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "I'll unplug the power."

   Yan Mingyu: "..."

   This nasty woman! ! !

   Seeing Yan Mingyu's white eyes that he tried so hard to roll out, Xia Xia held back a smile and asked him, "Is the medicine on the face? Has the medicine changed on the arm?"

   "I want you to take care of it!" Yan Mingyu poked his neck and didn't answer.

   However, knowing that Summer is caring about him, I am still a little proud.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Yan Mingyu's favorability for you is 40%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

   Forty percent?

   So is she going to take back the sentence that the favorability is not easy to increase?

   didn't think too much about favorability, but continued to ask Yan Mingyu: "Is it changed?"

   Yan Mingyu coughed lightly, his eyes drifted to the side instead of looking at Summer: "No change."

The tone of    is a little weak no matter how you listen to it.

  Xiamen didn't speak, just straightened up and left without hesitation.

   Yan Mingyu: "..."

that's it? Is this the end?

  Yan Mingyu originally thought that he might have gone out to bring him medicine in the summer to replace it.

   But after waiting for half an hour before summer came in, he was a little unhappy.

   So just now, did Summer really just ask him? !


  Yan Mingyu angrily picked up the pen and doodled on the hand-painted board, almost destroying the half-finished product he had worked so hard to draw for a long time.


  Summer is of course not just asking Yan Mingyu, she just came back and hasn't changed her clothes yet.

   And now it’s time to cook dinner. When you’re ready to make soup in summer, you naturally have to cook the soup first.

   After finishing this, she went to get the medicine chest.

   Thinking of Yan Mingyu's swollen face, his right hand was hurt again...

   pursed his lips, bought a repairing potion in the platform mall in summer, and dropped some on the external medicine prescribed by the doctor.

   Repairing potion is too powerful, I dare not use it more in summer, I am worried that Yan Mingyu's injury will recover immediately after using it.

If    is a little bit, no matter how fast the recovery is, it will not be obvious.

   At most tomorrow morning, my face is not swollen, and the bruising should almost disappear.

   And the injury on the arm will not be so painful——

   When he arrived at Yan Mingyu's room, Xia Xia knocked on the door.

   Soon Yan Mingyu was very happy but pretended to be impatient: "What are you doing!"

   "Can I come in?" Xia Xia's tone was indifferent. Although it was an inquiry, she did not use the tone of inquiry at all.

   As soon as he finished speaking, the door was opened, and it was Yan Mingyu who came to open the door himself.

   Seeing Xia Xia holding the medicine box in his hand, Yan Mingyu tried his best to press the corner of his mouth that he wanted to upturn, and squinted at her: "Why did you bring the medicine box up?"

  Looking at Yan Mingyu's awkward appearance, summer is really about to fail.

   did not speak, but walked in and sat down directly beside his bed.

   Put the medicine box on the bed, and motioned Yan Mingyu to come over with his eyes; "Change the medicine."

  Yan Mingyu still pretended to be impatient: "Tsk~ It's really troublesome!"

   Although he was complaining, he obediently went to Xia's side and sat down with his legs crossed on the carpet.

   "If you want to change, hurry up! I'm still busy playing games!" He closed his eyes and looked like he was being ravaged by others, which made Xia Xia laugh silently.

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