Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 277: Rebellious brother, violent temper (8)

   She was a little sleepy now, so she fell asleep not long after she fell on the bed.


  Tonight, she had another nightmare.

  When I was awakened by a nightmare in summer, I found that it was only one o'clock in the morning.

  I haven't had a nightmare for so many years, she almost forgot what that dream was like.

   Dreaming again, Xia Xia really felt irritable, and she was almost out of breath because of the dullness and pressure.

   Raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead from the fright. Xia Xia wanted Gu Yanyu to give her a hug, or she went for a drink...

   I got off the bed and walked out of the room with my bare feet on the ground without even turning on the lights in summer.

   glanced at Yan Mingyu's room opposite, and walked towards the stairs in summer.

   The temperature at night was a little low, so in summer I wore a white chiffon suspender skirt, not even a coat.

   just stepped on the cold floor and went downstairs.

   He took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, and he leaned in front of the wine cabinet and raised his head to drink.

   Well, I feel more comfortable.

  Yan Mingyu overplayed the game, and when he checked the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

   Turn off the computer, Yan Mingyu is going downstairs to pour a glass of water to drink.

   As soon as I went downstairs, I was frightened by the white back in summer.

  The house is haunted? !

  Yan Mingyu slowed his pace, hesitant to go forward.

  kekeke... It's not that he is timid, but it takes time to get used to this kind of terrifying picture at first glance, right?

   Xia Xia heard Yan Mingyu's footsteps. After the footsteps stopped, she turned to look.

   It turned out that Yan Mingyu was still wearing the body of the day, and it seemed that he hadn't slept yet.

   frowned slightly and loosened, and said, "Have you played the game until now?"

   Hearing the voice of summer, Yan Mingyu's heart dropped instantly.

   He raised his hand and patted his chest, and heaved a long sigh: "I thought it was a ghost at night, so it's you!"

   What the hell? Does she look like a ghost?

  Xiamen raised his eyebrows, and approached Yan Mingyu with the wine glass that was half a bottle left: "Do I look like a ghost?"

  Yan Mingyu turned on the lights at the stairwell when he went downstairs, so it wouldn't be pitch black.

   Under the weak light, it is a beautiful face in summer.

   Yan Mingyu replied in his heart: Not like a ghost...

   Seeing Xia Xia approaching him, Yan Mingyu's eyes fell on her feet.

  ? ? ? In such a temperature, you are barefoot, so you are not afraid of catching a cold? !

   Then, Yan Mingyu's eyes fell on the red wine bottle in Xia's hand again.

   Drinking to relieve anxiety?

  Yan Mingyu's curiosity instantly rose, wondering why he would turn off the lights and drink in the middle of the night in summer.

  Is it, lovelorn?

impossible! Like this ice cube face, can anyone like it?

   Could it be that something happened to the company?

  Yan Mingyu thought about it carefully, it seemed that Fu Nianhua was quite busy during this time.

   But think about it again, Fu Nianhua has no time when he is not busy!

   "What's the matter with you?" Yan Mingyu asked Summer.

  Summer winks, what does she look like?

   "I'm fine." The three words, summer's tone was actually tired.

   is just three words, Yan Mingyu concluded that summer must be because of the company.

   He opened his mouth, but hesitated.

   Yan Mingyu couldn't say the words to comfort Xia Xia, but he really wanted to tell Xia Xia: Don't take work too seriously, your health is important.

   He also wanted to say that if the family is not short of money, even if the company fails, there is still him.

   Of course, these words, he can only go around in his stomach.

   If it's so awkward, he can't say anything.

   "Ding~ Friendly reminder, Yan Mingyu's favorability for you is 30%. In order not to affect energy collection, please fill up your favorability as soon as possible!"

  Xiamen's eyelashes trembled and looked up at Yan Mingyu: "You haven't answered my question just now."

   "Ah? What's the problem?" Yan Mingyu looked at Xia Xia with a confused expression.

  Xiamen raised his hand and tugged at his collar, and asked, "Have you been playing games until now? You haven't even taken a shower."

   "Uh..." Yan Mingyu looked down at the clothes he had been wearing since noon, feeling a little guilty for no apparent reason.

  's eyes flickered, and Yan Mingyu shook his head: "No! I... I'm not injured! I can't take a bath! Well, that's how it is!"

After   , Yan Mingyu nodded and agreed that his lie was reasonable.

  Xiamen held back his smile and raised his eyebrows: "So, you haven't played games until now?"

   "Dang... Of course I didn't play that late! I'm injured! I need to rest!!" Yan Mingyu habitually scratched his neck.

   That means, I'm injured, I can't go to school yet...

   "So you can't take a shower and don't even change your pajamas?" Xia Xia questioned Yan Mingyu again.

  Yan Mingyu almost didn't dare to look Xia Xia's eyes directly, he was so guilty that he was about to lose the battle: "Yes, yes! It's not convenient for me to have one hand!"

   "Then do you want me to help you? Take a bath for you by the way..."

   "Oh!!! Fu Nianhua, you are coveting my body, I can understand you!!"

   Having said that, Yan Mingyu took a step back and covered his chest with one hand, as if he was worried about being molested.

  Summer: "…"

   So, is she being molested by Yan Mingyu?

   Hehe, is she someone who easily admits defeat?

   Maybe it was because the wine was too strong. In summer, he raised his hand to drink the rest of the red wine, and then put the empty wine bottle aside.

   She took a step forward, put her hand on Yan Mingyu's chest, tiptoed slightly, and approached his lips...

   Then, he stopped five centimeters away.

   Looking at the enlarged face, Yan Mingyu's heartbeat became very fast.

   He pursed his lips tightly, staring at Xia Tian's lips that had become redder from drinking.

   Really want to insult him? !

   But in my heart, what the **** is a little expectation? !

  Yan Mingyu felt that the breath with the scent of wine in the warm summer was sprayed on his face. This feeling made him...

   "Just the way you look like this pig head, I really can't say anything." Xia Xia's voice was very soft, soft, with a little smile.

After    finished speaking, she backed away.

  No matter how stiff Yan Mingyu's body was, he lifted his foot and left——

   Yan Mingyu blinked, blinked again.

   So he just got played by Summer again, right? !

   raised his hand and touched his swollen face. Yan Mingyu was not angry at being called pig head, but he despised himself a little...

   turned his head and stared at the stairway where he could not see Xia Xia's figure for a long time, Yan Mingyu snorted softly: "Wait~ It won't be long before the handsome little face will be back!"

   After humming, Yan Mingyu went to pour some water and went back to his room to sleep.


  Yan Mingyu slept soundly, but in summer he didn't dare to sleep at all, so he sat on the bed with his laptop and watched a horror movie to refresh himself.

   Fortunately, the plot of the horror movie is interesting enough, and it was only in the summer that the time was successfully passed——

   At six o'clock in the morning, I put down my computer to wash up in summer.

   put on sports clothes and went to the gym downstairs to exercise for an hour.

   When she made breakfast, Yan Mingyu didn't even get up.

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