Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 279: Rebellious brother, violent temper (10)

  Fortunately, Yan Mingyu closed his eyes, so he didn't see Summer's smile.

   He coughed lightly, and said nothing in the summer. He dipped the medicine on a medical cotton swab and smeared the swollen part of Yan Mingyu's face.

   She was quite concentrating on applying the medicine, but Yan Mingyu's mind didn't know where to go.

   Xia Xia's movements were very gentle, completely unlike the Fu Nianhua in his usual impression.

   And, for the first time, people other than doctors, nurses and mothers have given him medicine.

   In the past, no matter how badly he was injured, Fu Nianhua at most drove him to the hospital.

  Well...the current 'Fu Nianhua' is much more pleasing to the eye than the previous Fu Nianhua!

   He even thought that it would not be bad if 'Fu Nianhua' had always been like this.

  At least, not so annoying~

After   Xia Tian gave Yan Mingyu's face the medicine, he looked at his red ears and felt amused.

   This young man is quite young.

   Straightened up, put the used cotton swab aside in the summer, and said to Yan Mingyu, "Give me your arm."

  Yan Mingyu opened his eyes, without saying a word, he put his arm up obediently.

  Xia Tian felt very tired from bending over, so he simply sat down on the carpet and sat opposite Yan Mingyu.

   Both sat cross-legged, knees against knees.

   Yan Mingyu blinked, looking at Xia Tian who lowered his head to remove the gauze for him.

   Looking at it, he was a little stunned...

   She was the same as yesterday, wearing a white loose cotton suit, very simple.

   The hair is combed in a half-ball head, and some pieces of hair are scattered on the forehead and cheeks, which looks very casual.

   In summer, the skin is very fair and the forehead is plump.

  Her eyelashes are so long! Upturned, dark and dense.

  Yan Mingyu couldn't help but sigh, he thought his eyelashes were long enough, but he didn't expect them to be longer than him in summer.

  The nose is small and erect, the chin is slightly pointed, and the lips are pink and tender...

   This nasty woman, how... she looks so good-looking? !

   is much prettier than their school's school flower!

   If it weren't for this unpleasant character, it is estimated that there are many men pursuing it, right?

Eh? Does she have a man she likes?

  Which type do you like?

   Is that the mature and steady uncle type? Or the popular small fresh meat type?

   Fu Nianhua is not too old, he is only twenty-three years old, but he only studied a few years earlier~

   She was the same age as she had just graduated.

   And those who deal with her in the business field are also older than her.

   So if Fu Nianhua was looking for Xiao Xianrou, he probably couldn't find it in the commercial market, right?

  Yan Mingyu just stared at Xia Xia's cranky thoughts. He didn't even know when Xia Xia would give him good medicine and bandage.

  In the summer, seeing Yan Mingyu staring at him in a daze, he asked him, "What are you thinking?"

  Yan Mingyu couldn't hold back, so he blurted out: "I was wondering what type of man you would like..."

   Before he finished speaking, he came back to his senses.

   But the words have already been said, and it is difficult to take them back.

  Xiamen blinked, thought about it, and answered very seriously: "The man I like... He will stay by my side when I need him, and stay by my side when I don't."

   "He would cook and cook for me every day, and would take care of all my daily life, meticulous."

   "He will find ways to make me happy when I am unhappy, and he will be happy with me when I am happy."

   "He doesn't necessarily say I love you three words to me every day, but he will definitely say a lot of sweet words from the heart to me every day..."

   Summer said, and I couldn't take it back.

   seems to be about Gu Yanyu, let her say, she can say a lot.

   And it can be said instinctively without thinking through the brain.

Next to   , Yan Mingyu listened to the man who was saying 'no' in the summer, and said so much and so... indulgent.

   For some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

   sneered disdainfully and interrupted her: "You're not reading novels recently, are you? That's what little girls read, so do you?"

  Xiamen stopped and looked at Yan Mingyu.

   Yan Mingyu said: "There is definitely no such man! No, you definitely won't meet him!"

   "No, I met." Xia Xia replied, and then got up and prepared to leave.

   As soon as she turned around, she heard Yan Mingyu ask her, "Where is that man?!"

   "He lost his memory." Her voice was very soft, if it wasn't for Yan Mingyu's hearing, he couldn't hear it at all.

  Yan Mingyu stared blankly at Xia Xia's departure, unable to recover for a long time.

   So is 'Fu Nianhua' really in love? !

   So what's wrong with her these two days is related to that man?

   So she got up to drink last night, is it related to that man?

  What man is so powerful? !

  My God...I really want to know who that man is!

   I really want to know who else can stand that woman besides him!

   Curiosity got up and couldn't hold back.

  Yan Mingyu has absolutely no intention to continue painting, let alone play games.

   He just wanted to ask Xia Xia who the man who lost his memory was...

  This is all I can think of!

   Really couldn't calm down, so Yan Mingyu went downstairs to ask about Summer.

  Chopping vegetables in the kitchen in summer, in a trance, he almost thought she was the type of good wife and good mother.

  Yan Mingyu lay beside the kitchen door and asked Xia Xia, "When did that man lose his memory?"

   answered him, it was the silence of summer.

  Yan Mingyu continued to ask: "Is that man from this city?"

   Still silent...

   Yan Mingyu gritted his teeth and did not give up: "How did that man lose his memory?"

  Still silent...

   "Fu Nianhua, why don't you talk?!" Yan Mingyu walked to Xia Xia and tilted his head to look at her face.

  Summer has no expression on his face, so he concentrates on chopping vegetables.

   Yan Mingyu's face suddenly appeared, and the movement of her hands only paused slightly.

   "You want to know that much?" Xia Xia asked Yan Mingyu.

   Yan Mingyu nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice.

   He wants to know so much!

   "Mid-term exam, if you get the top ten in your grade, I'll tell you."

   The midterm exam is a month away.

   And since his mother died, Yan Mingyu has not focused on his studies.

  Although he is smart, he has to pay a price to improve his grades so much at once...

   "Forget it, I don't want to know!" After Yan Mingyu finished speaking, he was about to leave.

   As a result, there was no reaction at all in summer.

  Yan Mingyu's heart is scratching like a cat's claws, he just wants to know who that man is!

   "Do you really have to get in the top ten of the grade to tell me?" Yan Mingyu stared at the back of Xia's head.

  Xiamen hummed, then stopped talking.

   Yan Mingyu took a deep breath, yes! Isn't it the top ten in the grade? Grandpa is fine!

   put the words "you are waiting", and Yan Mingyu left the kitchen.

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