Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 105: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (5)

   They lived on the third floor, and it was just right to tie a few sheets together and throw them down.

   After tying one end of the sheet tightly to the bed frame in the bedroom, Xia Xia looked at Li Xiaoxi and asked her, "Do you get off first or I get off first?"

  Li Xiaoxi glanced at the slow and targetless zombies downstairs and said, "I'll go down first, I can't put you in danger!"

   The end of the world has just begun, how could Yuan Mengxian be killed so quickly!

  Summer of course knows the subtext of Li Xiaoxi's words, but he still pretends to be moved to tears: "Xiaoxi..."

  Li Xiaoxi smiled at Xia Xia and climbed up the windowsill with a backpack.

   Grasp the sheet tightly with both hands, and step on the wall with both feet and slowly climb down.

   Worried that the zombies would be disturbed, Li Xiaoxi also held his breath carefully.

   Soon, Li Xiaoxi reached the first floor, jumped down gently and quickly squatted down to avoid the sight of the zombies.

   It happened that there was a bush downstairs, so I squatted down just so that the zombies could not see it.

   Now the zombies are the lowest level, and they can't run as fast as humans.

  Li Xiaoxi raised her head and waved to Xia Xia, signaling her to come down.

  Summer nodded, grabbed the sheets and climbed up the windowsill.

   was easy, but she still looked scared and difficult.

   The female student in the next dormitory saw that both Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi had crawled out, so they also crawled out to survive.

   However, some female students are still afraid of zombies outside, so they hide in the dormitory and dare not come out.

   So the students who came out of the dormitory were Li Xiaoxi and five other female students in the summer.

   Everyone squatted under the bushes at this time, and a female student named Lin Xia said in a low voice: "Let's run together! More people and more companions!"

   The other female students nodded in agreement, thinking it made sense.

  Xiamen glanced at Li Xiaoxi and nodded: "Okay! Let's go together!"

   "Then where should we go?" a sweet-looking female student asked blankly.

   Another short-haired female student said: "Go to the parking lot, my car is parked there, an off-road vehicle, it's okay to take a few of us."

   "It just so happens that this place is relatively close to the parking lot, so let's go to the parking lot."

   Everyone has no opinion on this proposal. After all, if you want to leave, two legs are not as fast as four wheels.

   Taking advantage of the fact that there were fewer zombies on their side, the seven girls rushed out—

   As soon as a zombie sees a human, it immediately starts to roar, and then chases after it.

   Once a zombie is chasing, ten zombies will follow immediately.

   Everyone was mentally prepared to be chased by zombies, so they gritted their teeth and ran to the parking lot.

  In their hearts, they must run to the parking lot to get out alive!

   Fortunately, the school's parking lot is really close to their third dormitory building, so everyone ran to the parking lot smoothly.

   "Momo, which car is your car?!" Lin Xia asked Ye Mo.

   "Just in front...Fuck! Where's my car!?" Ye Mo looked at the empty parking space, and was desperate at the same time.

   "What's wrong?! Has your car been driven away?"

   Ye Mo's car was driven away by someone using a very tricky technique.

   When those girls realized this, they almost cried.

  The zombies in the parking lot also came out after hearing the movement.

   There are zombies chasing at the back and zombies blocking the front. Several girls who have never experienced it think that they may die here today.

   But at this moment, a very ordinary silver van rushed out of the parking lot.

   The car door was open, and there were several boys inside, shouting to the desperate girls: "Come up!"

   This sentence is simply heavenly for a few girls who have already been desperate!

   The girl who reacted hurriedly ran to the car, regardless of whether it was crowded or not, she squeezed in first.

   As soon as the car door was closed, the zombies rushed up, roaring and trying to smash the window glass.

   That rotten face and body looked disgusting.

   A zombie's eyeballs even fell out, hanging there, shaking with the movements of the zombies.

   The timid girl couldn't help crying out when she saw the disgusting and terrifying zombies at such a close distance.

   A screaming girl happened to be next to Li Xiaoxi, and the scream made Li Xiaoxi temporarily deaf.

   Seeing Li Xiaoxi frowning, a smile flashed across Xia Xia's eyes.

   But it was only funny for a moment, she actually wanted to frown more.

  A dozen people were crowded in a van.

Men and women inside    couldn't keep a safe distance.

  There is no way, in summer, you can only avoid boys by staying next to girls.

   It is not advisable to stay here for a long time, and the people in the car are not in the mood to communicate too much.

  The van drove outside the school and hit a lot of zombies along the way.

   As soon as he left the school gate, the van was scrapped, but there were zombies chasing after him.

   "Fuck!" the boy in the driver's seat growled irritably.

   "Can't start? What should I do?" The person in the back seat asked quickly.

   Seeing that the zombies behind him were about to chase after him, the boy named Wu Liyang in the co-pilot was pretty decent.

   Wu Liyang looked around, and his eyes fell on the supermarket across the road.

   The roller shutters of the supermarket were just pulled down and did not appear to be locked.

  If you run into the supermarket, those zombies should not be able to get in.

  So, the boy in the co-pilot said his thoughts.

  Most people think it is feasible, after all, there is only such a way now.

   However, a timid girl said: "It's so far... No way, I can't run because my legs are too weak!"

   That girl ran over with Summer and the others.

   "Then wait in the car to die!" Ye Mo said coldly.

   Hearing this, the girl didn't dare to say anything.

   Wu Liyang said again: "Okay, don't be long-winded, take advantage of now! Run!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the door and ran outside.

The door behind    also opened, and everyone rushed out.

   At this time, the zombies are still too weak, as long as they run faster, they can still save their lives.

   Of course, if you run slower, you will be caught by zombies.

   For example, the girl who said she couldn't run when she was in the car was caught by the zombies.

   "Ah! Help! Help me!"

  Someone looked back, but was too frightened by the hundreds of zombies behind the girl to save her.

   If that girl hasn't been bitten, summer might save her.

   But she has been bitten, and the zombie virus cannot escape.

   Therefore, it is necessary to do this.

  Everyone avoided the zombies in front and crossed the road to the supermarket.

  Wu Liyang was the fastest runner and was the first to arrive at the entrance of the supermarket.

   He pulled up the rolling shutter door, about a meter or so, and he got in first.

The people behind    also entered together, and then closed the rolling shutter door and the glass door inside.

   Outside, the zombies had already chased up, slamming the rolling shutter door.

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