Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 104: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (4)

   Ten o'clock, Xia Xia yawned, put down the book and got up.

   Then she said to Li Xiaoxi: "I went to take a bath and sleep."

  Li Xiaoxi nodded: "Well, I'll go wash after you're done."

  Every word and every action in the summer is the same as what Li Xiaoxi remembers.

   She just wanted this effect, let Li Xiaoxi relax his vigilance first, as for what happens after the end of the world officially comes...

  Then there is no way to follow Li Xiaoxi's calculations.

   After taking a bath, go to bed in summer.

   She was really going to sleep, anyway, there was only a slight tremor when the earthquake happened at eleven o'clock.

   So, it is better to sleep.

   ignored Li Xiaoxi, facing the wall in summer, covered with a quilt and prepared to sleep.

  Summer thought that his insomnia was cured and fell asleep when he thought he could sleep.

   However, she lay down at half past ten and felt the tremor past eleven, and she still hadn't fallen asleep.

   Summer thought again, maybe it was because it was too early and she was not sleepy.

   So I lay on the bed and waited until the meteorite fell in the sky. There was a lot of movement.

  summer got up from the bed, pretended to be dazed and walked to the window to look.

   But because I live in a low-rise building, I can only see meteorites with firelight sliding down from the sky like a meteor shower.

  Xia Tian rubbed his eyes and woke up Li Xiaoxi who was also pretending to be asleep.

   "Xiaoxi Xiaoxi! Come and see, is that a meteor shower?"

  Li Xiaoxi just got up from the bed pretending to be woken up by Summer in a daze.

   " seems, it's not a meteor shower either..." Li Xiaoxi half-squinted his eyes to look out the window.

   "Is that still a meteorite?"

   As soon as Xia Xia's voice fell, a meteorite hit the ground not far from the dormitory building.

   Then, Xia Xia heard exclamations from the female students in the other dormitories.

   Then, there was a riot.

   There were people standing by the windows of every bedroom, taking pictures with their mobile phones.

   "Xiaoxi... What's the matter?" Xia Xia asked Li Xiaoxi with a look of fear.

  Li Xiaoxi also pretended to be dazed and puzzled, and said, " may accident."

  Xiamen didn't speak, as if he remembered something, he went to watch the news on his mobile phone.

  The news mentioned global earthquakes, and meteor showers.

Although   ZF came out to appease people, some people still believe that the end of the world is coming!


  After the meteorite rain ended, there was a huge haze.

  Because of the earthquake, many people were outdoors, and the smog came without warning, and many people inhaled the smog.

   Seven o'clock in the morning, still here.

   Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi stayed in the dormitory and did not go out, just like in the original plot.

  Because they were 'scared', they didn't go out like some girls in other dorms.

   It is very noisy outside, there are many kinds of sounds.

   roars, cries for help, bumps, the sound of things falling.

  Get out of bed in summer and go to the window to look.

   At this time, the smog has dissipated, and the sky outside is bright.

   It was just gray, as if it was about to rain.

   "My God! Xiaoxi, come here!" Summer pretended to be frightened and stood there.

  Li Xiaoxi didn't need to go to see what happened outside, but it was zombies eating people.

   But she still walked over cooperatively, pretending to be startled.

   "Those people... those people..."

   If a zombie bites a person's neck, the infection will be very fast.

  Xia Xia and Li Xiaoxi saw with their own eyes that a female college student was bitten on the neck by a zombie, they twisted their bones and got up in just a few seconds to find the target.

   "Not only did the power and water go out, but even the mobile phone network was gone! Xiaoxi..."

   Seeing Xia Xia's helpless and flustered eyes, a smile crossed Li Xiaoxi's eyes.

  ——Yuan Mengxian, when you are helpless, there are still more! This is just the beginning!

   "It's alright, ZF will definitely not care if things are so big, let's just stay in the dormitory and wait for rescue." Li Xiaoxi pretended to be calm and comforted Xia Xia.

  Xiamen nodded in agreement, as if he couldn't bear to look at it, turned around and sat down at the desk.

  Li Xiaoxi also sat on the chair, silent and did not speak.

After a long time, Xia Xia asked Li Xiaoxi, "Xiaoxi, are you worried about your parents?"

  Li Xiaoxi was stunned for a while, but did not speak.

Worry? She is not worried!

   Those two immortals should have died in the earthquake last night.

   Those two immortals are finally dead!

   "I'm worried, but the mobile phone has no signal, so I can't get in touch." Li Xiaoxi said.

  In terms of acting skills, the acting skills of the original female supporting roles in this world are not as good as those of the previous female supporting roles.

   Many times, she looked at Xia Xia with twisted hatred in her eyes.

   Even if she pretended to be worried about her parents, there was no worry in her eyes.

   However, Xia Xia appeared to believe in her and comforted her: "Don't worry, your parents will be fine!"

  Li Xiaoxi smiled at Xia Xia and said, "I hope so."


  Xia Xia stayed in the dormitory with Li Xiaoxi for three full days, and there were more and more zombies in the school.

The   ZF rescue team came, but did not enter the school because there were too many zombies.

  Summer, like in the original plot, proposed to Li Xiaoxi the idea of ​​leaving school to make a living.

   "Anyway, Xiaoxi, you have the fire ability now, let's run faster, it's better than starving to death here!" Xia Xia said.

   On the second day of the apocalypse, Li Xiaoxi had already activated the fire ability.

   And the snacks and drinks they bought that day, even if they were saved, they were all eaten up.

  If they don't leave today, they really have to wait to starve to death.

   "You're right, you'll die horizontally and vertically, and you might survive if you go out."

   "Okay! Then let's get ready to leave!" Xia Xia said to Li Xiaoxi with a firm face.

   After Li Xiaoxi nodded, Xia Xia turned around to pack up.

   took a backpack and packed two sets of clothes.

  I wanted to find a weapon or something, but there was only a fruit knife in the bedroom, and it was a very small one.

  Summer doesn't like this kind of thing very much, she prefers to use a long knife to deal with zombies.

The    long knife can go directly to the decapitation without getting too close to the zombies.

   Even if it is a zombie, there are men and women!

   It seems that after she goes out, she needs to find one...

   But now there is no long sword, so I can only use it.

  In summer, I put the fruit knife in my pocket, and two bottles of mineral water that I saved.

   "Okay, Xiaoxi, shall we go?"

  Li Xiaoxi also carried a backpack, which also contained two clothes.

   nodded, Li Xiaoxi walked to the window and said to Xia Xia, "Let's go down from here, it's more dangerous to take the stairs."

   "You're right, so let's tie up a few sheets and pull them down."

When    was talking, Xia Xia had already gone to pull the sheets off the bed——

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