Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 106: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (6)

   After making sure that the zombies couldn't get in, everyone let out a long sigh.

   "Finally safe!" Someone exclaimed.

  Someone echoed, but soon fell silent again.

   After all, just now, they were the ones who could not help themselves.

   Watching his companion who ran out with him, he was bitten to death.

   After a while, everyone turned to look inside the supermarket.

  Because the end of the world has only been here for three days, no one has come to the supermarket to search for anything.

   In addition, this supermarket is open outside the school, and it has never been patronized.

   So what everyone sees is all kinds of food and supplies that are neatly and attractively placed on the shelves.

   "Fuck! The labor and management have been hungry for three days, and they can finally eat a big meal!"

   A boy shouted with bright eyes, and then walked towards the shelf impatiently.

   His behavior also infected others.

  Others also walked over to get something to eat.

  Summer is very consistent with Li Xiaoxi's actions, first fill up the backpack!

   When others saw that Li Xiaoxi and Li Xiaoxi were pretending in summer, they also followed suit.

   Those people didn’t keep pretending until they couldn’t hold it anymore.

  Xiamen took a piece of bread and handed it to Li Xiaoxi, saying, "Xiaoxi, this is delicious."

  Li Xiaoxi glanced at Xia Xia, nodded and took it, and took a milk for Xia Xia.

   Xia Xia smiled at Li Xiaoxi, walked with her to the open space next to her, and sat down.

  The light in the supermarket is very dark because of the shutter door.

  Li Xiaoxi sat there eating silently, and in summer was talking to others.

   "Senpai, are you all okay these days?"

   The one who talked to Xia Xia was a junior in the same department who had a crush on Yuan Mengxian.

  Xiamen smiled and shook his head: "It's fine, fortunately, the night the end of the world came, I didn't know what the wind was blowing in my mind. I went to the supermarket to buy a lot of snacks, but I haven't been hungry these days."

   "That's good! I was worried about senpai from the beginning, so I'm going to go to senpai's dormitory to find senpai!"

   "Thank you for thinking of me!"


  Since it is Yuan Mengxian in the summer, of course he has a lot to say to other people.

   The dozen or so people who had just escaped were sitting in a pile, chatting with joy like the rest of their lives.

  Li Xiaoxi didn't speak, just sat there with a sullen face.

  Why is everyone around Yuan Mengxian? ! Why is everyone revolving around Yuan Mengxian? !

   Looking at the smiling summer, Li Xiaoxi could only tell herself to endure it any longer! be patient-

   After talking for about ten minutes, everyone had introduced themselves and got to know each other. Some girls said they wanted to go to the toilet.

   Thinking that there should be a toilet in the supermarket, I found another girl to go to the toilet as a companion.

  Other people don’t care, so it’s normal to relax after tension and three urgency.

   In less than two minutes, screams and calls for help could be heard inside.

   and... the roar of the zombies.

   In such a situation, everyone knows the reason.

   Probably because of fear, many people did not dare to go there.

   It was the boy named Wu Liyang who ran over with Li Xiaoxi and Xia Xia.

  Wu Liyang held a knife about twenty centimeters long in his hand, and went to the warehouse where he had to go to the toilet.

   There, three zombies were eating two girls.

   It seems that the three zombies were wearing work uniforms, probably closing the door of the warehouse before turning into zombies.

   As a result, the two girls opened the warehouse door in order to find the toilet.

   Hearing the movement, one of the zombies turned to look at Wu Liyang.

   Wu Liyang gritted his teeth and used his own knife to chop off the zombie's head.

   As a result, the knife got stuck on the skull...

   Wu Liyang was still dealing with the zombie, trying to pull out the one stuck on the zombie's skull.

   The other two zombies also started walking towards them, swaying.

   At this moment, Li Xiaoxi released the fire ability and directly hit the head of one of the zombies.

The   fire slowly burned the head of the zombie to ashes.

   The other zombie was knocked to the ground by the wooden planks on the summer land.

   Looking at the zombies on the ground, he continued to hit his head with wooden boards in summer.

   Until, the head was so rotten that it lost its shape, and the zombies stopped moving.

   Over there, Wu Liyang also took care of the zombie.

   And the two girls were silent.

  Wu Liyang turned to look at Li Xiaoxi, and his eyes were obviously different: "You also have supernatural powers!"

  Li Xiaoxi nodded, with some smugness in his eyes.

   "I also have the ability, but it's a water-type ability, which is very tasteless." Wu Liyang said to Li Xiaoxi.

   Wu Liyang is actually a little handsome, he belongs to the kind of masculine boy.

  Although she is not Li Xiaoxi's food, she has a sense of superiority in the face of a boy's attention.

   "Those two girls were bitten and would be infected," said Xia Xia next to her.

  Wu Liyang and Li Xiaoxi finally set their sights on the two girls lying in a pool of blood.

  The shoulders, abdomen, and thighs of the two girls were gnawed, and it was uncertain when they would turn into zombies.

  Li Xiaoxi glanced at the inventory in the warehouse and wanted to put all those things in his own space.

   So, Li Xiaoxi proposed: "You go out first, and I will burn their heads."

  Can you not know the little Jiujiu in Li Xiaoxi's heart in summer? Can she get her wish?

   "Xiaoxi, I'll accompany you!"

When    said this, Xia Xia was still holding Li Xiaoxi's arm tightly.

   The muscles on Li Xiaoxi's face twitched, and she couldn't wait to say: The labor and management don't need you to accompany me!

Wu Liyang next to    said, "With a man like me, how can we leave danger to girls? I'll deal with it here."

  Wu Liyang said so, if she had to force herself to come, wouldn't it look weird?

   At this time, the cries of the zombies were probably not heard, so the others came boldly.

   Seeing the tragic situation inside, some people were stimulated to cry, and some people were disgusted and vomited.

   Of course, some people were silent.

   Wu Liyang walked over to the two girls, holding a knife in his hand, hesitating for a moment and piercing one of the girls' head.

   pulled out the knife and inserted it into the head of another girl.

  After doing this, Wu Liyang went out with everyone and closed the door.

   Two companions died at once, and the mood of the others seemed to be relatively low.

   But after hearing that Li Xiaoxi has fire-type abilities, everyone started to revolve around her.

   After all, among the dozen or so people, only she and Wu Liyang have supernatural abilities.

   Summer was left out, but she didn't mind.

   She looked at Li Xiaoxi's slightly smug look and pretended to be envious.


  The supermarket is not a suitable place to stay for a long time, after all, there will be a day when the food will run out.

   So after staying in the supermarket for 5 days, Wu Liyang discussed with Li Xiaoxi to go out to find a car and drive to the security base mentioned in the ZF army broadcast that he heard at school.

The idea of ​​   has just been proposed, and only more than half of the people decided to leave.

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