Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 440 Tide of Corpses

On the street, with the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming was moving forward aimlessly, followed by two figures.

One of them was his golden partner: Kasamoto Eri.

The other was the person summoned through the King of Fighters manual this time, that is, the white-haired beautiful girl with amazing weight: Angel!

She was wearing bold clothes, exposing her belly, hips and thighs. Now she was looking around with her hands on her waist, with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Boss, why do others come here to work, either to enjoy delicious food or to be in a high position, but I come here to work in such a broken place? Could they be secretly bribing you with benefits?"

Hearing Angel's words, Qin Ming on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You are just simply unlucky."

"Tsk, why am I always so unlucky? I was playing the game console with Yuri Sakazaki just now, and I was about to win, but I suddenly came to such a dirty place to work, really."

Listening to Angel's complaints, Qin Ming did not give an answer, he just glanced at Angel expressionlessly.

After looking her up and down, he suddenly spoke.

"You should exercise if you are okay. You have gained weight."

As soon as these words came out, Angel, who was fanning herself with a gloomy expression, suddenly froze.

After reacting, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and her fur exploded on the spot.

"I am fat? Where am I fat? I have always been this weight, okay! I have never gained weight since the operation!"

"But I have never lost weight either."


The issue of weight has always been Angel's eternal pain, because since the genetic surgery was performed by the Nest Organization, her weight has skyrocketed to 300 kilograms.

Even if she doesn't look like it, she is actually a heavy tank in essence.

And this so-called 300 kilograms is just the number Angel reported herself. Qin Ming, who once hugged and threw her, seriously suspected that she had falsely reported the number of words.

Based on the feel and weight of the hug and throw at that time, 300 kilograms? 300 kilograms is about the same!

This guy is simply a solid weight!

Facing Angel's anger, Qin Ming ignored her and was too lazy to pay attention.

On the contrary, Kasamoto Eri, who was standing by, saw an opportunity and came over to comfort her.

Looking at Kasamoto Eri, who was constantly cold and stuffy and had bad intentions, Qin Ming couldn't help but pout.

Kasamoto Eri was becoming more and more unscrupulous and less satisfied. He wanted to kiss any beautiful woman he saw.

Kiss her, kiss her, I just hope she won't be crushed to death by Angel this time.

Kasamoto Eri had probably forgotten how she was mixed doubles with Mai Zhuo and Weiss because she took advantage of him before. She was really a guy with a short memory.

Qin Ming, who retracted his gaze, was now looking at his camp title task.

The camps in this world were a bit special. It was impossible to join the villains at all. It was a fixed decent identity.

Therefore, all the title tasks that were opened were decent titles.

【Title Mission 1: Eliminate Demons and Defend the Way】

【Mission Requirements: Kill more than 10,000 evil monsters, current number 13/10,000】

【Mission Completion Reward, Silver Title: Dark Night Killer (After entering the world, you will directly enter as a decent person and obtain a high status)】

【Title Introduction: Even on the side of justice! Killers are indispensable! 】

【Title Mission 2: Raise the Banner of Justice】

【Mission Requirements: Participate in killing at least 5 BOSS-level plot characters】

【Mission Completion Reward, Silver Title: Justice Partner (After entering the world, enter directly as a friend of the protagonist and gain 500 points of favorability from the protagonist)】

【Title Introduction: I! But I am a partner of justice! 】

【Title Mission 3: Evil cannot defeat good】

【Mission Requirements: Seal the Dark Gate with your own hands and end the chaos】

【Mission Completion Reward, Gold Title: Protagonist (After entering the world, directly appear as the protagonist and become friends with other protagonists, gaining 400 points of favorability)】

【Title Introduction: All evil! They will be brought to justice! 】

Two silver and one gold, the level of this title is very high, and the effect is also very powerful.

All of them are titles related to the initial identity, especially the last one, which can directly become a member of the protagonist group and follow the protagonist group to participate in all subsequent actions.

Although the title effect is powerful, the difficulty of completing it is also very high.

Especially the last one, it actually requires closing the Dark Gate. You must know that this so-called Dark Gate is the reason why countless monsters suddenly appear in this world. They have been spitting out various monsters.

If you want to close them alone, you must close two in a row. How difficult it is can be imagined.

Just when Qin Ming was thinking about this title task, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because of comforting, Kasamoto Eri, who suddenly started to be clumsy, was directly clamped by Angel's lock technique, and Angel, who was constantly exerting force, also raised his head suddenly.

The three of them looked up and looked forward in unison, motionless.

And on the broken and silent street in front, a chaotic sound suddenly sounded.

The next second, countless black shadows suddenly appeared around the corner, rushing towards Qin Ming and his team like a tide.

They were zombies! A huge number of zombies!

After the living died! The walking dead revived by the dark power!

The howling sound became one, and the dense group of corpses swarmed towards this side.

Looking at the huge number of monsters in front of them, Angel and Kasamoto Eri were frightened and trembled all over, and Angel couldn't help but scream.

After all, her ability is all in her fists and feet, and she doesn't have any group attack methods.

You let her fight the BOSS, but you expect her to deal with the zombies? I'm afraid she will be drowned on the spot!

Among the three people, only Qin Ming was calm, because his ability can be said to be the least afraid of the number of people.

He raised his hand to hold down Kasamoto Eri who was trying to shoot, and signaled her to step back slightly.

Qin Ming, who was wearing the sound nest combat suit that made a lot of money from selling items and upgraded to the next level, and whose attributes almost all reached the limit of 60 points with the blessing of the equipment, suddenly raised his right hand.

As the palm turned into a claw, a ball of blood spun and condensed, and in the next second, a large number of blood drops were ejected, whistling forward.

In the violent wind, countless zombies rushing from the front were almost pierced by blood drops on the spot.

Without waiting for the bodies to fall, a large amount of blood shot out from behind them, turning into more blood drops and rushing towards the new enemies.

The blood spun around Qin Ming and the other two at high speed, forming a small red storm.

The zombies rushing from all directions were shot with holes as soon as they approached the storm, and they could not touch Qin Ming even once.

Zombies with low attributes but huge numbers! They could not pose any threat to Qin Ming at all!

Only a few of the elite monsters could barely break through the storm and rush to Qin Ming.

Some of these elite monsters were werewolves, some were blood servants, that is, low-level descendants of vampires, and some were humans who were eroded by dark forces, causing them to become crazy and their bodies to mutate.

They have different abilities, some have thick skin and flesh, some can control blood, and some have strong recovery abilities like those perverted killers in horror movies.

However, although their abilities are diverse, their combat power is limited after all.

If it was when Qin Ming had not grown up, Qin Ming might have to call them big brother when he met them.

But now? They have to call Qin Ming big daddy instead!

Raise your hand and grab! Pull out the Muramasa Demon Sword! Holding this evil blade that can control blood! Qin Ming slashed quickly!

The werewolf on the opposite side, who originally wanted to rely on his thick skin and flesh to force Qin Ming to get close, had his arm cut off on the spot.

Even the blood that kept spurting out of the wound was also absorbed and swallowed by the Muramasa Demon Sword.

With a slash and a swing, the werewolf in front of him, who was definitely not weak and could be a small BOSS in other worlds, was solved in an instant.

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